Joomla Template Selection - joomla

I am planning to build Auto responsive website in Joomla. I am looking for below features.
Must have :
Auto responsive (mobile friendly)
Static & Dynamic content management
Forms submission
Auto email on form submit
CRM entry on form submit using an API call to our CRM
Good to have :
Ticket Raising system
FAQ managment
Backup Of Site
Blog handing
Kindly advise, which template can be used to achieve above functions?

You could use Joomla 3's standard template as it's responsive, however there are so many sites using this so you go down another road.
If you're up for some design of your own, then you can get a pre-built master template such as Yootheme's Master Theme which is free or maybe ever Afterburner 2 by Rockettheme.
For forms, you can use an extension such as Chronoforms which allows you to build your own forms for multiple purposes and has a lot of features.
As for the "Good to have" points, simply have a search on the Joomla Extensions Directory and you will find everything you need.
Hope this helps

Only one of your requirements has anything to do with the template you choose, whether it is responsive or not.
Joomla templates do nothing more than provide styling for the output of Joomla core and any extensions you may add. Everything you list is functionality that would need to be added with 3rd-party extensions, with the exception of content management; Joomla is a Content Management System.


Easy, simple, attractive way/path/option to signup/register a new user in Joomla 3.9

I'm a volunteer for a not-for-profit project committed to conceiving a "way" to easy (considering the user audience not used to browse websites) and make attractive the registration of a new user on the home page Joomla website 3.9.
After a web search and a look in the Joomla section of the extensions on the related, I've just found that one of the possible options that meet my requirements is a free extension that enables the user to signup with a social account (Twitter, Facebook, etc.): SLogin.
I've found that the category under which I may look for a suitable extension is: Tutorial or website tour. But all of the ones I find on the web are not free.
If I was in the shoes of a user not familiar with registering a new account on a website, maybe I'd expect to find a guided procedure with popup windows or more than one webpage with plenty of information on any single step involved in the user creation.
I wonder if there is a template or extension (free) or any other option (not custom developed) that may do that job; I'm open to any suggestions based on the requirements above.
Try BreezingForms -
I think it allows you (even in the free version) to create custom forms, as complex as you need (multi-page, etc.) and then port them into Joomla! user creation.
You're gonna need to hunt around on their forums/support to find out how to do this exactly because it's been a long time since I've used BreezingForms.
This post on their forum has a user asking the same question and I think they answer it conclusively:
Good luck and have fun!
In addition to the options already mentioned, I've evaluated and finally selected a Joomla template with a slideshow extension on top that repeatedly displays the required number of slides to show how to register and/or login.
One of those slides will feature two buttons that will open a modal window to register or log in.

How to achieve dynamism with Joomla?

i'm new to Joomla and i'm considered in the phase of discovering it yet , my problem here is that i'm using Joomla to make a cafe online ordering website , i want the customer to access the website and make his order from it, so i have to provide him with an active menu containing the cafe menu items, so i have to provide a radio buttons(or something like that) in order to give the customer the ability to choose his order items and to confirm his choices at last. i searched a lot about how to make that using Joomla and didn't reach to any thing , so it will be great if anyone can help me in such stuff.
You can not build complex custom forms with Joomla out-of-the-box.
The best solution depends on your needs - especially your further processing of the order.
If you just want to send it by mail to someone or to have it saved in the database, then it would be a enough to use a form extension for joomla. You will find many form extension on JED - they vary a lot in features, usability,flexibility and price. I often use breezingforms because it is very flexible and you can extend it with your own code (mostly).
If you want a full "shop" then you should have a look at the virtueMart extension for joomla. Or even at a shop system instead of joomla.
If you want full control you can write your own HTML and PHP Code and inject it into Joomla by a module such as Sourcerer from Or you write your own extension...

How to Display Dynamic Content below every article?

I am a new developer to Joomla. I am developing a website in which users will be able to write review for the articles. So, here I need to display a review form below every article. How can I achieve this? I have seen some extensions like custom properties which will place content below every article.
I think the best approach is to use an extension that was specifically built for reviews.
There are multiple options available in the Joomla Extensions Directory.
I found out the solution. What I needed was a plugin to display content after every article.

How to develop regarding lookup on custom aspx page?

How to develop regrading lookup on custom page where we are updating the existing task. This page looks same as MS CRM task page. Now here how to get the regarding and owner lookups on custom aspx page? How to develop the Notes tab on custom page?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
There is no SDK that is available for free with CRM, and you cannot reuse the CRM stuff, because it's not supported. But if you want to replicate the exact same behavior, there is a couple of solutions out there. Take a look at

How can i integrate joomla media selector into a custom component

I'm writing a custom component for joomla 1.5 and i been searching for a way to integrate
com_media image selector into it.
All i want, is to have a functionality like, the image selection in the create article page.
Anyone knows how to do this?
Is there an API in joomla to do this, or do i have to see how is done in com_content an start
form there?
You can use a select box with image preview like the one used for the Sections and Categories thumbnails. This is much easier to integrate though images must come from single directory.
See the com_sections and com_content files in you Joomla Administrators components directory.
Also try posting this in the Joomla Forums.
