Custom unix command combination assigning to variable - bash

I want to make UNIX script, which will automatically move my working directory files to newly created directories.
Example: In you dir you got files:
And 2 files will be moved to ./NewDir/001-file and another 2 to ./NewDir/002-file
My problem is that after I get correct string from Unix commands I cannot assign it to variable.
Here is my code:
echo "Starting script"
echo "Dir = "$(pwd)
read -p "Please enter count(max '999') of different file groups:" max_i
read -p "Enter new dir name:" outer_dir_name
for ((i=0; i<=$max_i;i++)) do
inner_dir_name=$((ls *[$a1][$a2][$a3]* 2>/dev/null | head -n 1 | cut -f1 -d"."))
echo $inner_dir_name
echo "--------------"

One pair of round parentheses is enough for command substitution.
inner_dir_name=$(ls *[$a1][$a2][$a3]* 2>/dev/null | head -n 1 | cut -f1 -d".")

It looks like you're going about the operation the hard way. I would probably do something like this, assuming that there are no spaces in the file names:
ls | sed 's/\..*$//' | sort -u |
while read prefix
mkdir -p $outer_dir_name/$prefix
mv $prefix.* $outer_dir_name/$prefix
The ls could be made more precise with:
ls [0-9][0-9][0-9]-file.*
If I was worried about blanks and other odd-ball characters in the file names, I'd have to use something more careful:
for file in [0-9][0-9][0-9]-file.*
[ -d "$outer_dir_name/$prefix" ] || mkdir -p "$outer_dir_name/$prefix"
mv "$file" "$outer_dir_name/$prefix"
This executes more mv commands, in general.


How to oneline two variables via echo?

I try to search for files and seperate path and version as variable because each will be needed later for creating a directory and to unzip a .jar in desired path.
file=$(find /home/user/Documents/test/ -path *.jar)
version=$(echo "$file" | grep -P -o '[0-9].[0-9].[0-9].[0-9]')
path=$(echo "$file" | sed 's/\(.*\)[/].*/\1/')
newpath=$(echo "${path}/${version}")
echo "$newpath"
> /home/user/Documents/test/gb0500
> /home/user/Documents/test/gb0500 /home/user/Documents/test/gb0500
> /home/user/Documents/test /home/user/Documents/test/
It's hilarious that it's only working at one line.
what else I tried:
file=$(find /home/v990549/Dokumente/test/ -path *.jar)
version=$(grep -P -o '[0-9].[0-9].[0-9].[0-9]')
path=$(sed 's/\(.*\)[/].*/\1/')
while read $file
echo "$path$version"
I have no experience in scripting. Thats what I figured out some days ago. I am just practicing and trying to make life easier.
find output:
As the both variables version and path are newline-separated, how about:
file=$(find /home/user/Documents/test/ -path *.jar)
version=$(echo "$file" | grep -P -o '[0-9].[0-9].[0-9].[0-9]')
path=$(echo "$file" | sed 's/\(.*\)[/].*/\1/')
paste -d "/" <(echo "$path") <(echo "$version")
BTW I do not recommend to store multiple filenames in a single variable
as a newline-separated variable due to several reasons:
Filenames may contain a newline character.
It is not easy to manipulate the values of each line.
For instance you could simply say
the third line as path=${file%/*} if file contains just one.
Hope this helps.

Checking file existence in Bash using commandline argument

How do you use a command line argument as a file path and check for file existence in Bash?
I have the simple Bash script
set -e
echo "arg1=$1"
if [ ! -f "$1" ]
echo "File $1 does not exist."
exit 1
echo "File exists!"
and in the same directory, I have a data folder containing stuff.txt.
If I run ./ data/stuff.txt I see the expected output:
"File exists!"
However, if I call this script from a second script, in the same directory, like:
./ $fn
I get the mangled output:
does not exist
Why does the call work when I run it manually from a terminal, but not when I run it through another Bash script, even though both are receiving the same file path? What am I doing wrong?
Edit: The filename does not have spaces. Both scripts are executable. I'm running this on Ubuntu 18.04.
The filename was getting an extra whitespace character added to it as a result of how I was retrieving it in my second script. I didn't note this in my question, but I was retrieving the filename from folder list over SSH, like:
fn=$(ssh -t "cd /project/; ls -t data | head -n1" | head -n1)
Essentially, I wanted to get the filename of the most recent file in a directory on a remote server. Apparently, head includes the trailing newline character. I fixed it by changing it to:
fn=$(ssh -t "cd /project/; ls -t data | head -n1" | head -n1 | tr -d '\n' | tr -d '\r')
Thanks to #bigdataolddriver for hinting at the problem likely being an extra character.

How to Copy and Rename multiple files using shell

I want to copy only 20180721 files from Outgoing to Incoming folder. I also want to remove the first numbers from the file name and want to rename from -1 to -3. I want to keep my commands to minimum so I am using pax command below.
Output expected:
I have tried this command and it's doing most of the work apart from removing the number coming in front of the file name. Can anyone help?
Command used:
pax -rw -pe -s/-1/-3/ ./*20180721*.jar ../Incoming/
Try this simple script using just parameter expansion:
for file in *20180721*.jar; do
cp -- "$file" "/path/to/destination/${new%-*}-3.jar"
You can try this
In general
for i in `ls files-to-copy-*`; do
cp $i `echo $i | sed "s/rename-from/rename-to/g"`;
In your case
for i in `ls *_MOM*`; do
cp $i `echo $i | sed "s/_MOM/MOM/g" | sed "s/-1/-3/g"`;
pax only applies the first successful substitution even if the -s option is specified more than once. You can pipe the output to a second pax instance, though.
pax -w -s ':^[^_]*_::p' *20180721*.jar | (builtin cd ../Incoming; pax -r -s ':1[.]jar$:3.jar:p')

grep spacing error

Hi guys i've a problem with grep . I don't know if there is another search code in shell script.
I'm trying to backup a folder AhmetsFiles which is stored in my Flash Disk , but at the same time I've to group them by their extensions and save them into [extensionName] Folder.
An example : /media/FlashDisk/AhmetsFiles/lecture.pdf must be stored in /home/$(whoami)/Desktop/backups/pdf
Problem is i cant copy a file which name contains spaces.(lecture 2.pptx)
After this introduction here my code.
exec 3<&0
exec 0< $filename
mkdir "/home/$(whoami)/Desktop/backups"
while read extension
cd "/home/$(whoami)/Desktop/backups"
rm -rf "$extension"
mkdir "$extension"
cd "/media/FlashDisk/AhmetsFiles"
files=( `ls | grep -i "$extension"` )
fCount=( `ls | grep -c -i "$extension"` )
for (( i=0 ; $i<$fCount ; i++ ))
cp -f "/media/FlashDisk/AhmetsFiles/${files[$i]}" "/home/$(whoami)/Desktop/backups/$extension"
let count++
exec 0<&3
exit 0
Your looping is way more complicated than it needs to be, no need for either ls or grep or the files and fCount variables:
for file in *.$extension
cp -f "/media/FlashDisk/AhmetsFiles/$file" "$HOME/Desktop/backups/$extension"
This works correctly with spaces.
I'm assuming that you actually wanted to interpret $extension as a file extension, not some random string in the middle of the filename like your original code does.
Why don't you
grep -i "$extension" | while IFS=: read x ; do
cp ..
Also, I believe you may prefer something like grep -i ".$extension$" instead (anchor it to the end of line).
On the other hand, the most optimal way is probably
cp -f /media/FlashDisk/AhmetsFiles/*.$extension "$HOME/Desktop/backups/$extension/"

BASH CUT associates with CD

i need some help here as i couldn't figure it out the errors.
read input
echo -e "$input" | cut -c4-
cd "$input" | cut -c4-
So I enter cd test, echo output is correct which is test.
I would like to change directory but it gives cd cd test.
Any help is appreciated.
What you want should be:
cd $(echo -e "$input" | cut -c4-)
Which can be done as well like this (see bash "here strings")
cd $(cut -c4- <<<$input)
