BASH CUT associates with CD - bash

i need some help here as i couldn't figure it out the errors.
read input
echo -e "$input" | cut -c4-
cd "$input" | cut -c4-
So I enter cd test, echo output is correct which is test.
I would like to change directory but it gives cd cd test.
Any help is appreciated.

What you want should be:
cd $(echo -e "$input" | cut -c4-)
Which can be done as well like this (see bash "here strings")
cd $(cut -c4- <<<$input)


bash move is failing

I am running below commands in a script
move_jobs() {
for i in `cat $JOBS_FILE`
if [ `ls | grep -i ^${i}- | wc -l` -gt 0 ]; then
cd $i
if [ ! -d jobs ]; then
mkdir jobs && cd .. && mv "${i}"-* "${i}"/jobs/
cd .. && mv "${i}"-* "${i}"/jobs/
error_handler $?
but it failing as
mv: cannot stat `folder-*': No such file or directory
Not sure why move command is failing with regular expression
Your script is overly complicated and has several issues, one of which will be the problem, I guess it's the ls | grep ... part, but to find that out, you should include some debug logging.
for i in $(cat ...) loops through words, not lines.
Do not parse ls
And if you still do, do not ever grep for filenames but include it in your ls call: ls "${i}"-* | wc -l.
You do not need to check if a folder exists when the only thing that is different then is that you create it. You can use mkdir -p instead.
Jumping around folders in your script makes it almost unreadable, as you need to keep track of all cd commands when reading your script.
You could simply write the following, which I think will do what you want:
xargs -a "$JOBS_FILE" -I{} \
sh -c "
mkdir -p '$JOB_DIR/{}/jobs';
mv '$JOB_DIR/{}-'* '$JOB_DIR/{}/jobs';
or if you need more control:
while IFS= read -r jid; do
if ls "$JOB_DIR/$jid-"* &>/dev/null; then
mkdir -p "$TARGET_DIR"
mv "$JOB_DIR/$jid-"* "$TARGET_DIR"
echo "OK"
echo "No files to move."
done < "$JOBS_FILE"

Ampersand in bash script not working

Using the Ampersand (&) to place it in the background. But in this script for some reason it doesnt work. My programming skills are not great, so please remember im a noob trying to get stuff working.
# Date in format used by filenaming
date=$(date '+%Y%m%d')
# Location where the patch files should be downloaded
# Location of the full list
while :
# Fetching last download date from downloaded patches
ldd=$(cd $patches && printf '%s\n' * | sed "s/[^0-9]*//g"); echo $ldd
if [ "$ldd" = "" ]
if [ "$ldd" = "$date" ]
ndd=$(date +%Y%m%d -d "${ldd}+1 days")
# Cant have multiple patches in $patches directory, otherwise script wont work
rm -rf $patches/*
sleep 1
curl -s -o "$file" "$ndd.diff.gz" &
sleep 1
done=$(jobs -l | grep curl | wc -l)
until [ "$done" == 1 ]
echo "still here"
gunzip "$file"
# Apply patch directory to list's file directories
cat $(echo "$file" | sed "s/.gz//g") | sed 's/.\/yesterday//' | sed 's/.\/today//' > $patches/$ndd.diff
rm $(echo $file | sed "s/.gz//g")
cd $blacklist
patch -p1 --batch -r /root/fail.patch < $patches/$ndd.diff
rm /root/fail.patch
What i want to do is let the script wait for each command until the one before is finished. As you can see i used 'sleep' sometimes but i know that isnt a solution. I also read about the wait command, but then you have to place a command in the background using the Ampersand. And thats the problem. For some reason this script doesnt recognize the ampersand at the end of my curl command. I also tried wget, same results. Who can point me in the right direction?
It would never change done after first check. So you need to check every iteration, that's why you should test for command, not for variable
And while will be better, because you need to check before entering
while [ "$(jobs -l | grep curl | wc -l)" -ne 0 ]; do
echo "Still there"
sleep 1
I've added sleep because otherwise it wold just flood your console.

Custom unix command combination assigning to variable

I want to make UNIX script, which will automatically move my working directory files to newly created directories.
Example: In you dir you got files:
And 2 files will be moved to ./NewDir/001-file and another 2 to ./NewDir/002-file
My problem is that after I get correct string from Unix commands I cannot assign it to variable.
Here is my code:
echo "Starting script"
echo "Dir = "$(pwd)
read -p "Please enter count(max '999') of different file groups:" max_i
read -p "Enter new dir name:" outer_dir_name
for ((i=0; i<=$max_i;i++)) do
inner_dir_name=$((ls *[$a1][$a2][$a3]* 2>/dev/null | head -n 1 | cut -f1 -d"."))
echo $inner_dir_name
echo "--------------"
One pair of round parentheses is enough for command substitution.
inner_dir_name=$(ls *[$a1][$a2][$a3]* 2>/dev/null | head -n 1 | cut -f1 -d".")
It looks like you're going about the operation the hard way. I would probably do something like this, assuming that there are no spaces in the file names:
ls | sed 's/\..*$//' | sort -u |
while read prefix
mkdir -p $outer_dir_name/$prefix
mv $prefix.* $outer_dir_name/$prefix
The ls could be made more precise with:
ls [0-9][0-9][0-9]-file.*
If I was worried about blanks and other odd-ball characters in the file names, I'd have to use something more careful:
for file in [0-9][0-9][0-9]-file.*
[ -d "$outer_dir_name/$prefix" ] || mkdir -p "$outer_dir_name/$prefix"
mv "$file" "$outer_dir_name/$prefix"
This executes more mv commands, in general.

Using parameters in a shell script

I have a little shell script which goes to a specified Folder and extracts the .tar files in that Folder.
Now,I have to use a parameter to change the path to the Folder.
My first line in my script is cd /bla/bla/bla .
I want to read the /bla/bla/bla part from a separate file. In that file the first line is PATH= /bla/bla/bla.
Anyone got a suggestion for me?
I implemented the solution from Merlin but the script goes into a loop.
My code is:
cd head -n 1 PARAM.TXT | awk -F'=' '{print $2}' | xargs ./;
for file in *.tar.gz;
do tmp=${file:34} && b=${tmp%.tar.gz*} && tar tfz "${file}" > "${b}.fl" && tar xzvf "${file}" && rm "${file}";
Big thanks,
Here is how you would use a parameter to your script, which I will call
pushd "$1"
... Do rest of stuff
When you invoke the script, you would say :
./ my/path/goes/here
If you wanted to pull the parameter out of a file, let's say called Bar.txt, you could use head with xargs.
head -n 1 Bar.txt | xargs ./
Note that the line above assumes that the first line of Bar.txt is exactly equal to the path.
If you had the form of varname=the/path, you could grab the right part of the assignment using awk.
head -n 1 Bar.txt | awk -F'=' '{print $2}' | xargs ./
Update: It appears that the OP is calling his own script in an infinite loop, if I am reading his code correctly. Since you seem to want to hardcode PARAM.txt into your script, here is probably what you want.
cd `head -n 1 PARAM.TXT | awk -F'=' '{print $2}'`
for file in *.tar.gz;
do tmp=${file:34} && b=${tmp%.tar.gz*} && tar tfz "${file}" > "${b}.fl" && tar xzvf "${file}" && rm "${file}";

Creating a file using parameters of other file using UNIX Shell Script

I have a series of files
… so on
I want to make files
484_mexico_201401.mft which will have below containt
484 | datfile name | line count for the .dat file
can anyone help with a shell script for this ?
You can try bash,
for file in 484_*
echo "$(sed 's/^\([^_]\+\)_.*/\1/'<<<$file)|$file|$(wc -l $file|cut -d' ' -f1)" > "$new_file.mft";
you can also try this.
location="./";for file in $(ls $location);do echo "$(echo $file|cut -d '_' -f 1)|$file|$(wc -l $file | cut -d ' ' -f 1)" >> output.txt;done
Then you will be able to read the new file buy typing cat output.txt
If you want to full script for it, then you may need to add the #!/bin/bash to the first line in the script.
location="./";for file in $(ls $location);do echo "$(echo $file|cut -d '_' -f 1)|$file|$(wc -l $file | cut -d ' ' -f 1)" >> output.txt;done
save that into a file where you want the script to be then run chmod 555 and you should be able to run.
