how to install chef server on windows - windows

I installed chef client on windows like msi installer but i don't know how to install chef server on windows please suggest me
how to install chef server on windows operating system

Open source Chef Server is not supported on Windows. You can confirm this as follows:
Go to the official download site here:
Scroll down to see the supported operating systems.
This is not to say that it is theoretically impossible to run a Chef Server on a Windows box. But I haven't seen credible instructions for doing it, or anyone claiming to have done it.
See also:
Installing Chef Server on Windows - which says it is not supported.
My advice would be to either bite the bullet and set up Chef Server on a Linux machine, OR fork out some money and use Opscode's Hosted Enterprise Chef ... where the server runs on Opscode's infrastructure.

Chef server cannot be installed on a windows machine. Your chef server should always be a 64-bit Linux machine only and your chef client can be on any platform .


Copy files from Jenkins server (Linux) to Windows 2003 Share location

I am trying to connect to a Windows 2003 server from Jenkins box (Linux).
Adding a Jenkins slave is kind of difficult as I am struggling to install Java version to work with the agent. I am also not able to get the exact steps to install ssh server for windows which might solve my problem.
Thanks in advance.

Docker for Windows Server 2016 requires update KB3176936

I want to install Docker on a physical Windows Server 2016 Datacenter Evaluation (Version 14393). I tried following the instructions from Quick Start Windows Server but installation fails:
Error message
The docker installer requires update KB3176936, which I installed then. Even after rebooting, the error message persists and I can't install docker.
I've enabled the Container feature and Hyper-V in Windows Feature Selection.
Any ideas what I'm doing wrong? I've could sucessfully setup docker on Windows 10.
You need to do a full Windows Update. I actually have a PR to add this step to the docs.
Run sconfig, then choose option 6 and then A and A to install all updates. This works for Server 2016 in no-desktop installs as well as with the UI.

How to configure my sql in phabricator

How to run this cmd in windows OS
phabricator/ $ ./bin/storage upgrade
I am configuring the phabricator in windows machine using following post.
other than configuring mysql everything is done.
To install the Phabricator server software, you will need an operating system on your normal computer which is not Windows. Note that the command line interface does work on Windows, and you can use Phabricator from any operating system with a web browser. However, the server software does not run on Windows. It does run on most other operating systems, so choose one of these instead:

Run mongo 3.2.4 with --ssl parameter under Windows

I've downloaded MongoDB Community Edition for Windows from (Windows 64-bit 2008 R2+), and website says that this version has SSL support (there are alerts on other versions that say they haven't). I'm running Windows 10. From what I've understood, SSL is build in by default from version 3.0, and I'm running with an Ubuntu server a mongod Community Edition instance (64bit, 3.0.10) installed from repository that use SSL.
When I try to run mongo.exe on local Windows machine with --ssl parameter it says:
Error parsing command line: unrecognised option '--ssl'
and others tools say that it doesn't support ssl.
I'm sure that on a previous setup I was running a 3.0.x mongo instance with SSL support on windows, I've tried also to install older versions, but nothing works.
My questions: are 3.0 and 3.2 community edition branches (still) compiled with SSL support on Windows, and if yes, why they doesn't work on my current setup? I'm sure they worked on previous one, may be a configuration problem?
Not sure why the Downloads page links to the Non SSL bundle. The Official Help page indicates the installer file name is mongodb-win32-x86_64-2008plus-ssl-3.2.4-signed.msi which is not the same as the one downloaded via Downloads page (mongodb-win32-x86_64-3.2.4-signed.msi). Get the SSL enabled installer from

How can I download Ruby gems without installing them or Ruby?

I'm working from a Windows machine I can't install anything on, and am trying to get the Ruby gems for a Linux machine not connected to the internet. The Windows machine does not have Ruby on it, only the Linux machine.
How can I get the needed gems for the Linux machine?
You can download them from on the Windows machine.
You can transfer them to the Linux machine via USB or similar.
