Docker for Windows Server 2016 requires update KB3176936 - windows

I want to install Docker on a physical Windows Server 2016 Datacenter Evaluation (Version 14393). I tried following the instructions from Quick Start Windows Server but installation fails:
Error message
The docker installer requires update KB3176936, which I installed then. Even after rebooting, the error message persists and I can't install docker.
I've enabled the Container feature and Hyper-V in Windows Feature Selection.
Any ideas what I'm doing wrong? I've could sucessfully setup docker on Windows 10.

You need to do a full Windows Update. I actually have a PR to add this step to the docs.
Run sconfig, then choose option 6 and then A and A to install all updates. This works for Server 2016 in no-desktop installs as well as with the UI.


Docker-Compose does not work on Windows Server 2022

I installed a new Windows Server 2022 and then followed the instructions to install Docker and Docker Compose on the Server. I also installed WSL and a Ubuntu20-04.
Then, I tried to run a docker-compose up command and it failed with the following error message.
Is there anyway for me to use Windows Server 2022 to run docker-compose?
A few steps here:
Set up your environment on that build, following the instructions here:
Given it's an Insider build, you may need this step as well:
Then you can run a command like this to get your Windows Server 2022 Preview container images:
docker pull
As a reference, these are Docker Hub Windows Server Base OS container image Insider release pages:

Where can I see log files for failed Docker Desktop Windows installation?

I am trying to install Docker Desktop for Windows on Windows 10.
The installer triggers the UAC prompt but then nothing else, silently dies.
Q: Where can I find the log files from Docker Desktop Installation (attempt)?
(Is there a command line argument I need to pass to Docker Desktop Installer.exe?)
Windows 10 Pro 64bit: 20H2, virtualization and hyper-v enabled
Docker Desktop:
Context: I used to successfully run Docker Desktop, but an update failed and I could not install or uninstall it. I needed to see the installation log files.
Install logs are automatically generated by Docker Desktop Installer.exe, and can be found in:

Docker Desktop Installation failed: one prerequisite is not fulfilled on Windows 10

I have a problem when installing a Docker Desktop
"Installation failed: one prerequisite is not fullfilled"
Docker Desktop requires Windows 10 Pro/Enterprise (15063+) or Windows 10 Home (19018+).
My Computer System Specification:
OS Name: Microsoft Windows 10 Pro
Version: 10.0.10240 Build 10240
RAM: 8Gb
I have tried manually Install Hyper-V and Containers in my Computer, but still failed to install the desktop docker.. Anyone can help me? Im need your help.
You need to install Windows 10 Home 2004 build which was released on May 2020, you can use Microsoft's update assistant to manually get the update if it's not showing up for you on Windows.
Get it here:
You may want to try Docker Toolbox
Docker Toolbox is an installer for quick setup and launch of a Docker
environment on older Mac and Windows systems that do not meet the
requirements of the new Docker Desktop for Mac and Docker Desktop for
Windows apps.
The actual required Windows version is greater than what it says in the installer GUI.
It might be a typo! and according to Docker this has happened before:
Docker actually requires Windows build xxxxx or greater - we're
working on the typo in the installer gui, but you'll need to update
your Windows to proceed. (Jan 8, 2018)
Just Update Windows and the problem goes away.
If you cannot update the system use choco
Install following the official Сhocolatey documentation:
After installation, run the command choco install docker-desktop or follow the official installation documentation

VMWare Workstation cannot run on Windows 10 after recent update to Windows 10

I've Windows 10 Pro system, and use Hyper-V on that system. Due to the needs of device redirection doesn't works well with Hyper-V, I've installed VMWare Workstation 14.
I have to disable Hyper-V to make VMWare Workstation work, at beginning. It worked until last weekend , seems because of the QFE update. I just verified, it was not QFE but Feature update to Windows 10, version 1803 that triggered the problem with VMWare Workstation again.
After Windows update completed (after reboot), I tried to start a VM in VMWare. I get the error dialog complaining about Device/Credential Guard.
Following the instruction in this link:, and after the reboot, I get another complaint about incompatibility with Hyper-V.
After reset the Hyper-V selection in Windows Feature or confirm that HyperV is not already removed, and reboot, the first error came back.
It gets in a loop of error complaining about Device Guard and complaining about Hyper-V for VMWare.
Ok, thanks to the answer from communities of VMWare:
The issue is now gone, by applying the following change:
Disable credential guard by using readiness tool from Microsoft:, with this command: DG_Readiness_Tool_v3.2.ps1 -disable
Disable Hyper-V by using PowerShell command: Disable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName Microsoft-Hyper-V
Reboot and accept to boot without CG/DG.
Although I don't like that VMWare cannot work together with device guard from system, I get my VM working for the moment.
1- run cmd as admin
2- run : bcdedit /set hypervisorlaunchtype off
3- reboot
let me knew if it works please
good luck
here are the few steps for you to solve this issue:
Disable the HvHost service (and any other services with prefix Hyper-V if needed) from windows TaskManager(Ctrl+Alt+Del)
use the tool from the official website
Uncompress the downloaded zip file to your own directory, take C:\DG_Readiness_Tool_v3.5 here for instance.
Run Windows PowerShell as admin, type the following two commands:
cd C:\DG_Readiness_Tool_v3.5
.\DG_Readiness_Tool_v3.5.ps1 -Disable
Adrian at
says "I think it's a bug that this cannot be disabled via UI but fortunately it's possible through the registry by setting the following key to 0:"
This worked for me as well [Windows 10 Pro Version 1803(OS Build 17134.112, VMWare Workstation 14 Pro Version 14.1.2]

Can't install MS Bot Emulator 3.5.29. Error - this app can't run on your PC?

I am trying to run the Microsoft Bot Emulator setup program:
My system is a Windows 8.1 64-bit install with 16 GB of memory. When I run the setup program I get the following error from Win81:
This app can't run on your PC.
To find a version for your PC, check with the software publisher
I tried downloading the AppImage file too and running that version on my Ubuntu 14.04 LTS box. But then I get an error message saying can not be found, despite the fuse package definitely being installed on that PC.
UPDATE: Tried it on another Win8.1-64-bit station and a Win10 station. Same error message.
How can I get this thing installed?
I downloaded the appropriate version of BotFramework-Emulator and run it. It worked. I am running Ubuntu 16.04 64 bit.
I also run BotFramework-Emulator in node js server locally. It ran successfully.
Try restarting your PC and run the bot emulator setup, it would work fine.
