How can I download Ruby gems without installing them or Ruby? - ruby

I'm working from a Windows machine I can't install anything on, and am trying to get the Ruby gems for a Linux machine not connected to the internet. The Windows machine does not have Ruby on it, only the Linux machine.
How can I get the needed gems for the Linux machine?

You can download them from on the Windows machine.
You can transfer them to the Linux machine via USB or similar.


How to access anaconda prompt in ubuntu terminal installed in windows 10?

I have recently added the ubuntu terminal in my windows pc since certain packages were only supported in linux. Now for example if I were to access my packages that are present in my conda environments in my windows os through the linux terminal would it be possible? Will it still function the same way or do I have to manually install everything via the ubuntu terminal as well.
If I do have to install everything manually again, where will all the stored data be present? Which directories should I access?
How does this ubuntu terminal work exactly? Does it work in a similar manner if I were to dual boot it?
Yes, you can access all the packages from Ubuntu terminal. You don't have to install everything all-together again. WSL or Ubuntu on Windows can seamlessly integrate with windows. Even though Linux systems have different directory structure, Ubuntu terminal (or bash or WSL or Ubuntu for Windows) happen to maintain the directory structure for windows. So anything you install on Ubuntu terminal will be installed as to windows terms. But I wouldn't recommend mixing these two as it's very tricky. And also, WSL and dual-booting Ubuntu with windows are far from close. You can know more about it if you search online.
I would personally recommend installing Ubuntu as it makes programming a billion times easier. You don't have to install Ubuntu replacing windows. You can just install Ubuntu on a separate hard drive and just specify which drive to boot from on system start-up. If you use a laptop and don't have two drives, then create a new volume and use it as if it were an original drive.

How to access ruby from Ubuntu bash for windows

I started ROR development on windows using Ubuntu bash. For now it was going well but when i tried to debug ruby on window using Rubymine it said no ruby SDK specified. How can i access the ruby sdk from ubuntu bash?
In resume: maybe Rubymine is a windows-program which is not aware of the ruby (ROR) environment installed inside the windows10-WSL.
In more detail: before windows10 (with winxp, win7, etc) ubuntu and linux programs could not be installed inside windows. So in those cases, if you needed to use a linux program, you could download virtualbox, create a separate VirtualMAchine, install there your Ubuntu and then inside install the ubuntu programs (Ruby, ROR, etc)
With windows10, there is a new feature called WSL - Windows Subsystem for Linux, which allows a ubuntu system to be installed inside window. It uses some hidden virtualization/conversion to make it transparent for the user, and so any ubunut command can be run from the windows-console, without VirtualBox nor VirtualMachine - its looks as if windows could execute linux programs natively (but its just an ilusion though)
It looks like you installed ROR in the WSL-Ubuntu. And then installed RubyMine on windows. And then Rubymine tried to find the ROR-things in the windows directories but it did not found any. I guess its because Rubymine is not prepared to search within the WSL-Ubuntu for the ROR-things and so fails.
My second guess, is that the easiest solution could be to avoid using WSL-Ubuntu (as other programs wont be ready for it - currently it looks more of an experiment, not a real stable standard). And instead, try to do it all inside a Virtual-Box VirtualMachine, where you install ubuntu, all the programs you want (and they will run fine there), and avoid the WSL-mix. Even if this way requires a bit more work in the start - to prepare the VirtualBox and VM with ubuntu (youtube has many tutorials for this) - it will definitely save you time/headaches in the long-run when you need to install additional library/program/gem for your ROR environment

I want to debug ruby files which are on Linux on my Windows laptop using RubyMine 2016.2

My web application is built on Linux hence my automation Ruby code is also running on Linux machine. Currently for debugging I am using Putty.
All I want is to debug these Ruby files which are on Linux on my Windows laptop. How can I do that? I have installed RubyMine on my Windows laptop already.

how to install chef server on windows

I installed chef client on windows like msi installer but i don't know how to install chef server on windows please suggest me
how to install chef server on windows operating system
Open source Chef Server is not supported on Windows. You can confirm this as follows:
Go to the official download site here:
Scroll down to see the supported operating systems.
This is not to say that it is theoretically impossible to run a Chef Server on a Windows box. But I haven't seen credible instructions for doing it, or anyone claiming to have done it.
See also:
Installing Chef Server on Windows - which says it is not supported.
My advice would be to either bite the bullet and set up Chef Server on a Linux machine, OR fork out some money and use Opscode's Hosted Enterprise Chef ... where the server runs on Opscode's infrastructure.
Chef server cannot be installed on a windows machine. Your chef server should always be a 64-bit Linux machine only and your chef client can be on any platform .

Ruby and JRuby on the same Windows 7 machine

Can I have Ruby and JRuby on the same Windows 7 machine without running into problems?
As I know both of them are tending to be registered in PATH.
I think pik might allow this:
If that doesn't work you might want to look at running a linux instance inside a virtual machine and using rvm or rbenv.
