What does :[] do when passed to .send in this Ruby statement? - ruby

I'm debugging some Ruby code and come across something which I'm not familiar with.
user_array = user_array.send(:[], hash_key)
What does this line do? I'm confused by the :[] which is passed to send as the first argument.
For reference, user_array is an instance of a Class (Chef::Node), and hash_key is a string.

send dynamically calls a method:
obj.send(:method, arg1, arg2)
will effectively be like:
obj.method(arg1, arg2)
So in your case the code is equivalent to:
The method [] is a special method name, which is normally written in ruby using its syntactic sugar form:

It simply calls the [] method. It returns an element of the array/hash. It's equivalent to call:

send calls the first argument with the rest of the parameters.
In this case, it should translate to user_array[hash_key]


ruby, two ways how to pass params to proc

I looked through this code and found author passes params to block using []. I tryed it myself
my_proc = proc { |x| x + 1 }
a = 0
my_proc[a] # => 1
my_proc.call(a) # => 1
What is the difference between this two calls? Is this a syntax sugar?
Both ways are exactly the same and are aliases to each other. Thus, both variants call the same method which is not determined by any special syntax. It is basically defined as:
class Proc
def call(*args)
alias [] call
You might be interested to note that there is even a third way:
This is actually syntactic sugar (i.e. is an extension of the syntax of the Ruby language language). All objects accepting #call can be "called" that way and Ruby ensures to invoke the call method.
They are functionally identical. You can use whichever style you prefer.

How `[]` works with lambdas

I have this lambda (or is closure the correct usage?) and I understand the usage of .call
def multi(m)
lambda { |n| n * m }
two = multi(2)
two.call(10) #=> 20 #call the proc
But I am trying to understand why/how this works?
two.(20) #=> 40
two[20] #=> 40
I don't know whether it should or shouldn't work. Most of the time I have used square brackets with arrays.
The documentation
prc[params,...] → obj
Invokes the block, setting the block’s parameters to the values in params using something close to method calling semantics. Generates a warning if multiple values are passed to a proc that expects just one (previously this silently converted the parameters to an array). Note that prc.() invokes prc.call() with the parameters given. It’s a syntax sugar to hide “call”.
For procs created using lambda or ->() an error is generated if the wrong number of parameters are passed to a Proc with multiple parameters. For procs created using Proc.new or Kernel.proc, extra parameters are silently discarded.
For your first question, proc.() is a hack because Ruby doesn't let you define () on an object. It's just syntaxic sugar for proc.call().
For your second question, using square brackets on a Proc calls it.

Omitting an argument for a method in a block

I wonder, is it possible to do something similar in Ruby to what I can do in Scala or other languages:
someCollection.foreach(x => println(x)) // a full version
someCollection.foreach(println) // a short version
In Ruby I can do:
some_array.each { |x| puts x }
So how can I do this?
some_array.each { puts }
I'm not talking about puts in particular, it just picked it for example. There might be some_other_method which takes one parameter.
some_array.map { some_other_method }
some_array.map(some_other_method) # ???
def some_other_method a
# ... doing something with a
If you look up the rules for implicit η-expansion in the SLS (§6.26.5), it should be immediately obvious that it relies crucially on static type information and thus cannot possibly work in Ruby.
You can, however, explicitly obtain a Method object via reflection. Method objects respond to to_proc and like any object that responds to to_proc can thus be passed as if they were blocks using the unary prefix & operator:
Not quite like that, unfortunately. You can send a method name to be called on each object, e.g.:
some_array.each &:print_myself
Which is equivalent to:
some_array.each {|x| x.print_myself}
But I don't know of a clean (read: built-in) way to do what you're asking for. (Edit: #Jörg's answer does this, though it doesn't really save you any typing. There is no automatic partial function application in Ruby)

Ruby instance_exec / instance_eval with arguments

I'm trying to dynamically call a method given in a string using parameters given in the same string, I'm getting stuck on supplying the parameters though...
I currently have:
query = Query.new
while true
input = gets.split(%r{[/[[:blank:]]/,]})
puts (query.instance_exec(*input.drop(1)) { |x|
instance_eval input.at(0)
So the method name is input(0) and the arguments to this method are in the rest of input.
Is there any way to call this method with those parameters?
The method you are looking for is send. Its first argument will be the method, and the rest will be passed to that method.
query = Query.new
puts query.send(*gets.split(/\s+/)) while true
You can use while modifier.
Your regex looks complicated. I made it look simple.
Don't forget to use the splat operator *, which decomposes an array.

Strange ruby syntax

what the syntax is in Action Mailer Basics rails guide ?
class UserMailer < ActionMailer::Base
def welcome_email(user)
recipients user.email
from "My Awesome Site Notifications <notifications#example.com>"
subject "Welcome to My Awesome Site"
sent_on Time.now
body {:user => user, :url => "http://example.com/login"}
How should i understand the construction, like
from "Some text for this field"
Is it an assignment the value to a variable, called "from" ?
No, it's a method call. The name of the method is from, and the argument is a string. In Ruby, parentheses around method calls are optional, so
from "Some text for this field"
is the same as
from("Some text for this field")
Rails (and many Ruby libraries) like to express code in a natural language style, though, so the parentheses-less version reads better, hence why it is used in examples.
It is a call to a method from with the argument "Some text for this field"
The method comes from the ActionMailer::Base class that your UserMailer extends from.
In Ruby the parentheses around a method call are optional unless something would be ambiguous so the statement is equivalent to from("Some text for this field")
Rails has a coding style that prefers to be close to natural language where possible, hence not using parentheses unless necessary.
Calling this method sets an instance variable #from to the value you provide so that it can be used later when sending the message.
Normally when you have accessor methods for getting and setting a variable you would have from= to set the value and from to return the value, however ActionMailer uses something called adv_attr_accessor to define the from method so that if you call it with a parameter then it acts as a setter but if you call it with no parameters then it acts as a getter.
This can be seen in actionmailer-2.x.x/lib/action_mailer/base.rb and actionmailer-2.x.x/lib/action_mailer/adv_attr_accessor.rb
It's not an assignment. In Ruby, assignments are done using the assignment operator = like this:
var = val
You are probably thinking of some Lisp dialects where assignment looks like this:
(def var val)
It's just a simple receiverless message send.
In Ruby, the general syntax for a message send is
receiver.selector(argument1, argument2)
However, if the receiver is self, you can leave off the receiver, so
selector(argument1, argument2)
is the same as
self.selector(argument1, argument2)
[Note: this is not quite true. In Ruby, private methods can only be invoked via a receiverless message send, so if in this example self responds to the selector message by invoking a private method, only the first variant will work, the second will raise a NoMethodError exception.]
Also, in cases where there are no ambiguities, you can leave off the parentheses around the arguments like this:
receiver.selector argument1, argument2
If you put the two things together, you can now see that
selector argument1, argument2
is equivalent to
self.selector(argument1, argument2)
and thus
from "Some text for this field"
is equivalent to
self.from("Some text for this field")
There is a third shortcut in Ruby's message sending syntax: if the very last argument to a message send is a Hash literal, then you can leave out the curly braces. So, the last line in the above example could also be written as
body :user => user, :url => "http://example.com/login"
Also, in Ruby 1.9, a Hash literal where all keys are Symbols can be written using an alternative Hash literal syntax:
{ key1: val1, key2: val2 }
is the same as the old syntax
{ :key1 => val1, :key2 => val2 }
which means that, at least in Ruby 1.9, that last line could also be written as
body user: user, url: "http://example.com/login"
You could also call from an attribute. It's a property of the email, but how it's implemented is hidden from you (encapsulation). This is a Good Thing. It means that if Rails core decided it's better to change #from into several variables, you wouldn't need to change any of your code.
