Strange ruby syntax - ruby

what the syntax is in Action Mailer Basics rails guide ?
class UserMailer < ActionMailer::Base
def welcome_email(user)
from "My Awesome Site Notifications <>"
subject "Welcome to My Awesome Site"
body {:user => user, :url => ""}
How should i understand the construction, like
from "Some text for this field"
Is it an assignment the value to a variable, called "from" ?

No, it's a method call. The name of the method is from, and the argument is a string. In Ruby, parentheses around method calls are optional, so
from "Some text for this field"
is the same as
from("Some text for this field")
Rails (and many Ruby libraries) like to express code in a natural language style, though, so the parentheses-less version reads better, hence why it is used in examples.

It is a call to a method from with the argument "Some text for this field"
The method comes from the ActionMailer::Base class that your UserMailer extends from.
In Ruby the parentheses around a method call are optional unless something would be ambiguous so the statement is equivalent to from("Some text for this field")
Rails has a coding style that prefers to be close to natural language where possible, hence not using parentheses unless necessary.
Calling this method sets an instance variable #from to the value you provide so that it can be used later when sending the message.
Normally when you have accessor methods for getting and setting a variable you would have from= to set the value and from to return the value, however ActionMailer uses something called adv_attr_accessor to define the from method so that if you call it with a parameter then it acts as a setter but if you call it with no parameters then it acts as a getter.
This can be seen in actionmailer-2.x.x/lib/action_mailer/base.rb and actionmailer-2.x.x/lib/action_mailer/adv_attr_accessor.rb

It's not an assignment. In Ruby, assignments are done using the assignment operator = like this:
var = val
You are probably thinking of some Lisp dialects where assignment looks like this:
(def var val)
It's just a simple receiverless message send.
In Ruby, the general syntax for a message send is
receiver.selector(argument1, argument2)
However, if the receiver is self, you can leave off the receiver, so
selector(argument1, argument2)
is the same as
self.selector(argument1, argument2)
[Note: this is not quite true. In Ruby, private methods can only be invoked via a receiverless message send, so if in this example self responds to the selector message by invoking a private method, only the first variant will work, the second will raise a NoMethodError exception.]
Also, in cases where there are no ambiguities, you can leave off the parentheses around the arguments like this:
receiver.selector argument1, argument2
If you put the two things together, you can now see that
selector argument1, argument2
is equivalent to
self.selector(argument1, argument2)
and thus
from "Some text for this field"
is equivalent to
self.from("Some text for this field")
There is a third shortcut in Ruby's message sending syntax: if the very last argument to a message send is a Hash literal, then you can leave out the curly braces. So, the last line in the above example could also be written as
body :user => user, :url => ""
Also, in Ruby 1.9, a Hash literal where all keys are Symbols can be written using an alternative Hash literal syntax:
{ key1: val1, key2: val2 }
is the same as the old syntax
{ :key1 => val1, :key2 => val2 }
which means that, at least in Ruby 1.9, that last line could also be written as
body user: user, url: ""

You could also call from an attribute. It's a property of the email, but how it's implemented is hidden from you (encapsulation). This is a Good Thing. It means that if Rails core decided it's better to change #from into several variables, you wouldn't need to change any of your code.


Load function from variable name (Ruby)

Here's a short example of my problem.
prefix = "!"
commands = ["right"]
response = nil
message = "Some text !right here"
for i in 0..commands.length
if message.include?(prefix + commands[i]) # If message contains "!right"
response = commands[i](parameter) # Load matching function
if response
def right(parameter)
"This is an example response"
Why can't I load the function right by doing it like this?
First of all, numeric for loops are usually not used in ruby. You can just write
commands.each do |command|
As for calling "functions", you need to know that functions as such don't exist in ruby, only methods (which are, in theory, just a special case of function).
To call a method on an object, you use the send method, which "sends" (read: calls) a "message" (read: the method name) to the object.
The send method takes a symbol as its argument, which is in practice just an interned string, but you're supposed to use them differently from normal strings.
Last but not least, how can you write def outside of any class to define a function, but it's still somehow a method? That's because Ruby pretty much wraps your entire code in an implicit object.
In practice, you'll be better off using a lambda, which is really just an object with a call method that simulates first class functions as you may know them from javascript, lua, etc.
The syntactic sugar for defining one is whatever = lambda { |argument| puts "I'm a lambda" } or whatever = ->(argument){ puts "I'm a lambda too" }.
do |argumetn| ... some lines of code ... end syntax can also be used with both lambda and -> notations.
You can then call the lambda with<argument>)
There's also Procs, which are like lambdas, but with a few differences and I suggest you just google it if you want to know what exactly they are.
Assuming each command is a lambda (or a proc), to assign each one to a string, I recommend just using a hash (read: map or dict).
They are defined like this:
my_map_variable = {
20 => "I'm an integer",
"string" => "I'm a string",
:symbol => "I'm a symbol, an interned string",
symbol2: "I'm the same as above, but with fancy notation",
right: -> (parameter) { puts "This is an example response" }
You can then access the values like this
puts my_map_variable[20] # prints: I'm an integer
puts my_map_variable[:symbol2]
puts my_map_variable[:right].call(nil) # prints: "This is an example response"
Lastly, if you have a string "right", but your hash uses symbol indices, you can just call "right".to_sym to turn the string into a symbol. Or you can just use strings in the first place.

What's the cleanest way to define a constant string that involves a variable in Ruby?

For some context, a lot of my code has the same lines of text throughout it (we are using Calabash to do iOS automation, if that gives you an idea).
For example: "all label marked:'#{name}'" is used 8 times in a particular class.
I would prefer to be able to have a constant that uses that text, but if I throw it at the top of the class, of course the variable "name" has not been set yet. Without defining a method that takes a parameter and returns a string, is there a way to do something essentially like this that can exist at the top of the class, but not be evaluated until it's used?:
class ClassName
extend Calabash::Cucumber::Operations
#NAME_CONSTANT = "all label marked:'#{name}'"
def self.method_name(name)
query("#{#NAME_CONSTANT} sibling label marked:'anotherLabel' isHidden:0")
If you use the syntax I mentioned, you get this error: undefined local variable or method `name' for ClassName
You could use String#% to insert the string later.
class ClassName
#NAME_CONSTANT = "all label marked:'%{name}'"
def self.method_name(insert_name)
query("#{#NAME_CONSTANT} sibling label marked:'anotherLabel' isHidden:0" % {name: insert_name})
def self.query(string)
puts string
#=> "all label marked:'test' sibling label marked:'anotherLabel' isHidden:0"
I agree with #Sergio. Don't define a constant string that includes a variable. Just use a method. Including a variable in a constant seems like a bad idea. Constants shouldn't be dynamic, by definition.
If you really want to include a variable in a constant string, you can assign a lambda to a contstant, like so:
class ClassName
extend Calabash::Cucumber::Operations
NAME_CONSTANT = ->(name) { "all label marked:'#{name}'" }
def self.method_name(name)
query("#{} sibling label marked:'anotherLabel' isHidden:0")
I removed the # before the constant, since including it creates a class-level instance variable, not a constant.
I really wouldn't use the code sample I posted, though. Just use a method. Avdi Grimm has a good post called "Do we need constants?" where he describes some of the benefits of using methods instead of constants.
The fundamental issue you're facing is that string interpolation occurs at the time the literal is interpreted and the scope of any referenced variables is determined by the location of the string in the code.
If you put the interpolated string in a method, then it won't have access to the local definition of any variables used in the string. You'd have to pass in the value of any variables used, as in:
def name_constant(name)
"all label marked:'#{name}'"
Alternatively, you'd need to declare the "constant" as an uninterpreted string as follows:
#name_constant = '"all label marked:''#{name}''"'
and then interpret it when you reference it, as follows:
BTW, I've ignored the issue of this not really being a "constant" and using instance variables vs. class variables.

Understanding Ruby symbol as method call [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to understand symbols in Ruby
(11 answers)
Closed 10 years ago.
class A
def test
"Test from instance"
class << self
def test
"Test from class"
p A.send(:test) # "Test from class"
p # "Test from instance"
Here symbol works as expected, but here:
p s1 # :s
why :s is printed here?? I dont understand the reason behind it.
Can anyone please explain for me ?
Symbols are sort of lightweight strings (though they are not strings). The send() and method() methods can take strings or symbols; one is converted to the other in the inner workings (not sure which) and then ruby executes the method with the matching name. Hence A.send(:text) is equivalent to A.text(). If you had a variable named methodName = :text, you could do A.send(methodName) but not A.methodName().
Symbols are not variables, so you can't assign a value to a symbol. In your example, the symbol :s is unrelated to the variable s (despite the fact that they have the same "name", preceding it with a colon makes it a symbol instead of a variable). You're assigning a string value to the variable s but telling it to print the symbol :s, which it does.
Symbols are just a special kind of stringlike value that's more efficient for the runtime to deal with than a regular string. That's it. They aren't methods or variables or anything like that.
When you do A.send(:test), all you are doing is saying "hey, A, call the method named 'test'". You aren't sending the method itself, just the name; it's the logic inside send that is responsible for looking up the actual method to call.
The same thing goes when you ask for method with All you are passing to method is the name "test", not the method defined with that name. It's up to method to use the name and find the actual method so it can return it, and it's that return value - a Method object - that you are doing call on. You can't do call on a Symbol like :test, because it's just a name.
p foo does puts foo.inspect, i.e. it prints the value of inspect instead of to_s, which is more suitable for debugging (because you can e.g. tell the difference between 1, "1" and "2\b1", which you can't when printing without inspect).
p :s.object_id #137448
p s.object_id #77489950
p s1.object_id #137448
I have understand it now. I was assigning a symbol but expecting a string.
You set the value of s1 to be :s, so why would you expect it to return anything different?
If you look at the ruby API for the Object class, you will see both Object#send and Object#method take a symbol as a parameter, so the top example is also totally expected.

ruby send method passing multiple parameters

Trying to create objects and call methods dynamically by
which is working fine when
but throwing wrong number of arguments 1 for 2 for
The Random Class defined is
class RandomClass
def i_am_method_one
puts "I am method 1"
def i_take_arguments(a)
puts "the argument passed is #{a}"
def i_take_multiple_arguments(b,c)
puts "the arguments passed are #{b} and #{c}"
Can someone help me on how to send mutiple parameters to a ruby method dynamically
send("i_take_multiple_arguments", *[25.0,26.0]) #Where star is the "splat" operator
send(:i_take_multiple_arguments, 25.0, 26.0)
You can alternately call send with it's synonym __send__:
r =
r.__send__(:i_take_multiple_arguments, 'a_param', 'b_param')
By the way* you can pass hashes as params comma separated like so:
imaginary_object.__send__(:find, :city => "city100")
or new hash syntax:
imaginary_object.__send__(:find, city: "city100", loc: [-76, 39])
According to Black, __send__ is safer to namespace.
“Sending is a broad concept: email is sent, data gets sent to I/O sockets, and so forth. It’s not uncommon for programs to define a method called send that conflicts with Ruby’s built-in send method. Therefore, Ruby gives you an alternative way to call send: __send__. By convention, no one ever writes a method with that name, so the built-in Ruby version is always available and never comes into conflict with newly written methods. It looks strange, but it’s safer than the plain send version from the point of view of method-name clashes”
Black also suggests wrapping calls to __send__ in if respond_to?(method_name).
if r.respond_to?(method_name)
puts r.__send__(method_name)
puts "#{r.to_s} doesn't respond to #{method_name}"
Ref: Black, David A. The well-grounded Rubyist. Manning, 2009. P.171.
*I came here looking for hash syntax for __send__, so may be useful for other googlers. ;)

How can I make a custom Ruby type behave like a string?

If I have a custom Ruby class representing some string type, as in
class MyString
Which functions should I implement in order to make the following use cases possible:
Passing a Ruby string whenever a MyString is expected
Passing a MyString whenever a Ruby string is expected
Comparing a Ruby string with a MyString value (it shouldn't matter whether I use s == t or t == s).
I saw various interesting functions like to_s, cmp, == and eq already, but it's not clear to me when each of them is called.
My concrete use case is that I'm writing a Ruby extension using the C API which exposes functions taking (and returning) values of a custom string type (QString, to be precise) which my extension also registers. However, I'd like to make those custom strings behave as intuitive as possible. Unfortunately I can't just return Ruby strings from my C code since it should be possible to call Qt methods on the strings.
There are at least three approaches:
class MyString < String; ...; end
Define #to_s
Define #to_str
Doing both #2 and #3 will make the object act very much like a real String even if it isn't a subclass.
#to_s is an explicit converter, meaning it must appear in Ruby code to work.
#to_str is an implicit converter, meaning the Ruby interpreter will attempt to call it when it wants a String but is given something else.
Here is an example of some fun you can have with to_str:
open 1, 'r'
rescue TypeError => e
p e
class Fixnum
def to_str; to_s; end
open 1, 'r'
When run, the first open fails with TypeError but the second proceeds to looking for 1.
#<TypeError: can't convert Fixnum into String>
fun.rb:9:in `initialize': No such file or directory - 1 (Errno::ENOENT)
from fun.rb:9:in `open'
Although it's tempting to sub-class String to give it a new initialize method that will import these QString-type strings, you may just want to tack on an extension to String that helps with the conversion so you don't have to re-implement a version of String itself.
For instance, with two methods you could pretty much have this done:
class String
def self.from_qstring(qstring)
def to_qstring
# ...
Having multiple storage types for String is not going to be a problem until you start comparing them, but given that Ruby's String is quite robust, writing a work-alike is difficult.
It's not generally a good idea to subclass classes that were built by someone else in Ruby, because too many things can go wrong. (You might, for example, override an internal method without knowing it.)
1) define Mystring.to_s to get automatic conversion from a Mystring to a String.
2) Not sure what you mean by this. If you want a String method that returns a Mystring, you will have to monkey-patch String:
Class String
def to_mystring
3) to get t == s (assuming s is an instance of String and t an instance of Mystring) define <=>. To get s == t you will have to monkey patch String again, though.
Since I was looking for something similar, but none of the other answers worked for me, I'll post what did work for me.
Found in this blog post which discourage the use of inheriting String and instead use simple delegator.
Inheriting from SimpleDelegator create an object which delegate everything to a string of your choice but on which you add behavior as you see fit.
class ChunkyBacon < SimpleDelegator
def initialize(content)
#content = content
super #content
def chunky_bacon?
#content == 'chunky_bacon'
test ='choco pizza') # => 'choco pizza'
test.chunky_bacon? # => false
