How `[]` works with lambdas - ruby

I have this lambda (or is closure the correct usage?) and I understand the usage of .call
def multi(m)
lambda { |n| n * m }
two = multi(2) #=> 20 #call the proc
But I am trying to understand why/how this works?
two.(20) #=> 40
two[20] #=> 40
I don't know whether it should or shouldn't work. Most of the time I have used square brackets with arrays.

The documentation
prc[params,...] → obj
Invokes the block, setting the block’s parameters to the values in params using something close to method calling semantics. Generates a warning if multiple values are passed to a proc that expects just one (previously this silently converted the parameters to an array). Note that prc.() invokes with the parameters given. It’s a syntax sugar to hide “call”.
For procs created using lambda or ->() an error is generated if the wrong number of parameters are passed to a Proc with multiple parameters. For procs created using or Kernel.proc, extra parameters are silently discarded.

For your first question, proc.() is a hack because Ruby doesn't let you define () on an object. It's just syntaxic sugar for
For your second question, using square brackets on a Proc calls it.


In Ruby, is an if/elsif/else statement's subordinate block the same as a 'block' that is passed as a parameter?

I was doing some reading on if/elsif/else in Ruby, and I ran into some differences in terminology when describing how control expressions work.
In the Ruby Programming Wikibooks (emphasis added):
A conditional Branch takes the result of a test expression and executes a block of code depending whether the test expression is true or false.
An if expression, for example, not only determines whether a subordinate block of code will execute, but also results in a value itself., however, does not mention blocks at all in the definitions:
The simplest if expression has two parts, a “test” expression and a “then” expression. If the “test” expression evaluates to a true then the “then” expression is evaluated.
Typically, when I have read about 'blocks' in Ruby, it has almost always been within the context of procs and lambdas. For example, defines a block:
A Ruby block is a way of grouping statements, and may appear only in the source adjacent to a method call; the block is written starting on the same line as the method call's last parameter (or the closing parenthesis of the parameter list).
The questions:
When talking about blocks of code in Ruby, are we talking about
the group of code that gets passed in to a method or are we simply
talking about a group of code in general?
Is there a way to easily differentiate between the two (and is there
a technical difference between the two)?
Context for these questions: I am wondering if referring to the code inside of conditionals as blocks will be confusing to to new Ruby programmers when they are later introduced to blocks, procs, and lambdas.
TL;DR if...end is an expression, not a block
The proper use of the term block in Ruby is the code passed to a method in between do...end or curly braces {...}. A block can be and often is implicitly converted into a Proc within a method by using the &block syntax in the method signature. This new Proc is an object with its own methods that can be passed to other methods, stored in variables and data structures, called repeatedly, etc...
def block_to_proc(&block)
prc = block
puts prc
block_to_proc { 'inside the block' }
# "#<Proc:0x007fa626845a98#(irb):21>"
# => Proc
In the code above, a Proc is being implicitly created with the block as its body and assigned to the variable block. Likewise, a Proc (or a lambda, a type of Proc) can be "expanded" into blocks and passed to methods that are expecting them, by using the &block syntax at the end of an arguments list.
def proc_to_block
result = yield # only the return value of the block can be saved, not the block itself
puts result
block = { 'inside the Proc' }
# "inside the Proc"
# => String
Although there's somewhat of a two-way street between blocks and Procs, they're not the same. Notice that to define a Proc we had to pass a block to Strictly speaking a block is just a chunk of code passed to a method whose execution is deferred until explicitly called. A Proc is defined with a block, its execution is also deferred until called, but it is a bonafide object just like any other. A block cannot survive on its own, a Proc can.
On the other hand, block or block of code is sometimes casually used to refer to any discreet chunk of code enclosed by Ruby keywords terminating with end: if...else...end, begin...rescue...end, def...end, class...end, module...end, until...end. But these are not really blocks, per se, and only really resemble them on the surface. Often they also have deferred execution until some condition is met. But they can stand entirely on their own, and always have return values.'s use of "expression" is more accurate.
From wikipedia
An expression in a programming language is a combination of one or
more explicit values, constants, variables, operators, and functions
that the programming language interprets (according to its particular
rules of precedence and of association) and computes to produce ("to
return", in a stateful environment) another value.
This is why you can do things like this
return_value = if 'expression'
return_value # => true
Try doing that with a block
return_value = do
# SyntaxError: (irb):24: syntax error, unexpected keyword_do_block
# return_value = do
# ^
A block is not an expression on its own. It needs either yield or a conversion to a Proc to survive. What happens when we pass a block to a method that doesn't want one?
puts("indifferent") { "to blocks" }
# "indifferent"
# => nil
The block is totally lost, it disappears with no return value, no execution, as if it never existed. It needs yield to complete the expression and produce a return value.
class Object
def puts(*args)
yield if block_given?
puts("mindful") { "of blocks" }
# "mindful"
# => "of blocks"

How do I use `:rand` as a unary method with map/collect?

I want a vector containing the result of rolling 10 dice (say). I can do this:
But this gives me a "wrong number of arguments" error:
Is there a point-free way to pass the one-argument version of rand to map?
This will work:
This won't:
Symbol#to_proc is (roughly) implemented like this:
class Symbol
def to_proc
-> *args { args.first.public_send(self, *args.drop(1)) }
In other words, it takes the first argument as the receiver and the other arguments as arguments to the method that is named by the Symbol. So, in your case, it is calling
over and over.
This "kind of" works, because 6 is an Integer, Integer is an indirect subclass of Object, which mixes in Kernel, which defines rand. But! rand is private, which means it can only be called without an explicit receiver. Also, you aren't passing any arguments, therefore even if it were public, you'd get the behavior of rand without arguments, which is a Float between 0 and 1.
Whereas Method#to_proc passes all arguments to the method (it already has its receiver bound, after all), so in this case, it will call
over and over. Which of course works, because self is an Object, Object includes Kernel, and rand is defined in Kernel.
This won't work as well:
For the simple reason that map doesn't have any parameters, but you are passing an argument.
You can write:
This would be clean way to write it: { rand(6) }
Writing it this way makes it easier to see what argument is passed to rand.

Understanding Ruby Closures

I'm trying to better understand Ruby closures and I came across this example code which I don't quite understand:
def make_counter
n = 0
return { n = n + 1 }
c = make_counter
puts # => this outputs 1
puts # => this outputs 2
Can someone help me understand what actually happens in the above code when I call c = make_counter? In my mind, here's what I think is happening:
Ruby calls the make_counter method and returns a Proc object where the code block associated with the Proc will be { n = 1 }. When the first is executed, the Proc object will execute the block associated with it, and returns n = 1. However, when the second is executed, doesn't the Proc object still execute the block associated with it, which is still { n = 1 }? I don't get why the output will change to 2.
Maybe I'm not understanding this at all, and it would be helpful if you could provide some clarification on what's actually happening within Ruby.
The block is not evaluated when make_counter is called. The block is evaluated and run when you call the Proc via So each time you run, the expression n = n + 1 will be evaluated and run. The binding for the Proc will cause the n variable to remain in scope since it (the local n variable) was first declared outside the Proc closure. As such, n will keep incrementing on each iteration.
To clarify this further:
The block that defines a Proc (or lambda) is not evaluated at initialization - the code within is frozen exactly as you see it.
Ok, the code is actually 'evaluated', but not for the purpose of changing the frozen code. Rather, it is checked for any variables that are currently in scope that are being used within the context of the Proc's code block. Since n is a local variable (as it was defined the line before), and it is used within the Proc, it is captured within the binding and comes along for the ride.
When the call method is called on the Proc, it will execute the 'frozen' code within the context of that binding that had been captured. So the n that had been originally been assigned as 0, is incremented to 1. When called again, the same n will increment again to 2. And so on...
I always feel like to understand whats going on, its always important to revisit the basics. No one ever answered the question of what is a Proc in Ruby which to a newbie reading this post, that would be crucial and would help in answering this question.
At a high-level, procs are methods that can be stored inside variables.
Procs can also take a code block as its parameter, in this case it took n = n + 1. In other programming languages a block is called a closure. Blocks allow you to group statements together and encapsulate behavior.
There are two ways to create blocks in Ruby. The example you provide is using curly braces syntax.
So why use Procs if you can use methods to perform the same functionality?
The answer is that Procs give you more flexibility than methods. With Procs you can store an entire set of processes inside a variable and then call the variable anywhere else in your program.
In this case, Proc was written inside a method and then that method was stored inside a variable called c and then called with puts each time incrementing the value of n.
Similar to Procs, Lambdas also allow you to store functions inside a variable and call the method from other parts of a program.
This here:
return { n = n + 1 }
Actually, returns a proc object which has a block associated with it. And Ruby creates a binding with blocks! So the execution context is stored for later use and hence why we can increment n. Let me go a bit further into explaining Ruby Closures, so you can have a more broader idea.
First, we need to clarify the technical term 'binding'. In Ruby, a binding object encapsulates the execution context at some particular scope in a program and retains this context for future use in the program. This execution context includes arguments passed to a method and any local variables defined in the method, any associated blocks, the return stack and the value of self. Take this example:
class SomeClass
def initialize
#ivar = 'instance variable'
def m(param)
lvar = 'local variable'
b = { 'block executed' }
=> #<Binding:0x007fb354b7aca0>
eval "puts param", b
=> 100
eval "puts lvar", b
=> local variable
eval "puts yield", b
=> block executed
eval "puts self", b
=> #<SomeClass:0x007fb354ad82e8>
eval "puts #ivar", b
instance variable
The last statement might seem a little tricky but it's not. Remember binding holds execution context for later use. So when we invoke yield, it is invoking yield as if it was still in that execution context and hence it invokes the block.
It's interesting, you can even reassign the value of the local variables in the closure:
eval "lvar = 'changed in eval'", b
eval "puts lvar", b
=> changed in eval
Now this is all cute, but not so useful. Bindings are really useful as it pertains to blocks. Ruby associates a binding object with a block. So when you create a proc or a lambda, the resulting Proc object holds not just the executable block but also bindings for all the variables used by the block.
You already know that blocks can use local variables and method arguments that are defined outside the block. In the following code, for example, the block associated with the collect iterator uses the method argument n:
# multiply each element of the data array by n
def multiply(data, n)
data.collect {|x| x*n }
puts multiply([1,2,3], 2) # Prints 2,4,6
What is more interesting is that if the block were turned into a proc or lambda, it could access n even after the method to which it is an argument had returned. That's because there is a binding associated to the block of the lambda or proc object! The following code demonstrates:
# Return a lambda that retains or "closes over" the argument n
def multiplier(n)
lambda {|data| data.collect{|x| x*n } }
doubler = multiplier(2) # Get a lambda that knows how to double
puts[1,2,3]) # Prints 2,4,6
The multiplier method returns a lambda. Because this lambda is used outside of the scope in which it is defined, we call it a closure; it encapsulates or “closes over” (or just retains) the binding for the method argument n.
It is important to understand that a closure does not just retain the value of the variables it refers to—it retains the actual variables and extends their lifetime. Another way to say this is that the variables used in a lambda or proc are not statically bound when the lambda or proc is created. Instead, the bindings are dynamic, and the values of the variables are looked up when the lambda or proc is executed.

Why is the parameter of this method a lambda and how does it work

Taken from Programming ruby 1.9 book:
def my_while(cond, &body)
my_while -> { a < 3 } do
puts a
a += 1
The method expects an explicit parameter cond, and this "condition" is assumed to be a lambda/proc (the assumption is made by relying on to succeed) and has to be passed to the method my_while explicitly. The & syntax captures a method's block (if present) in a variable by implicitly converting it to a Proc object (see 'The ampersand').
Blocks are not real objects in Ruby and thus have to be converted by using the ampersand syntax. Once the block is bound to a Proc, you can send the call message on it as on any other proc/lambda.
The -> syntax is short for lambda, which converts a block to a Proc object (explicitly). There is also a slight difference between using lambda and Again, the wikibook:
Actually, there are two slight differences between lambda and
First, argument checking. The Ruby documentation for lambda states: Equivalent to, except the resulting Proc objects check the number of parameters passed when called.
Second, there is a difference in the way returns are handled from the Proc. A return from returns from the enclosing method (acting just like a return from a block, more on this later):
def try_ret_procnew
ret = { return "Baaam" }
"This is not reached"
# prints "Baaam"
puts try_ret_procnew
While return from lambda acts more conventionally, returning to its caller:
def try_ret_lambda
ret = lambda { return "Baaam" }
"This is printed"
# prints "This is printed"
puts try_ret_lambda
With this in light, I would recommend using lambda instead of, unless the behavior of the latter is strictly required. In addition to being way cooler a whopping two characters shorter, its behavior is less surprising.
The piece -> { a < 3 } is a shortcut for a lambda term (which was introduced with ruby 1.9). This is the first parameter passed to your method (i.e. cond) while the block afterwards is assigned to body. The lambda is then executed inside your method via

Differences between Proc and Lambda

Ruby has differences between Procs created via and lambda (or the ->() operator in 1.9). It appears that non-lambda Procs will splat an array passed in across the block arguments; Procs created via lambda do not.
p = { |a,b| a + b}
p[[1,2]] # => 3
l = lambda { |a,b| a + b }
l[[1,2]] # => ArgumentError: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
Does anyone have any insight into the motivations behind this behavior?
There are two main differences between lambdas and non-lambda Procs:
Just like methods, lambdas return from themselves, whereas non-lambda Procs return from the enclosing method, just like blocks.
Just like methods, lambdas have strict argument checking, whereas non-lambda Procs have loose argument checking, just like blocks.
Or, in short: lambdas behave like methods, non-lambda Procs behave like blocks.
What you are seeing there is an instance of #2. Try it with a block and a method in addition to a non-lambda Proc and a lambda, and you'll see. (Without this behavior, Hash#each would be a real PITA to use, since it does yield an array with two-elements, but you pretty much always want to treat it as two arguments.)
