ruby, two ways how to pass params to proc - ruby

I looked through this code and found author passes params to block using []. I tryed it myself
my_proc = proc { |x| x + 1 }
a = 0
my_proc[a] # => 1 # => 1
What is the difference between this two calls? Is this a syntax sugar?

Both ways are exactly the same and are aliases to each other. Thus, both variants call the same method which is not determined by any special syntax. It is basically defined as:
class Proc
def call(*args)
alias [] call
You might be interested to note that there is even a third way:
This is actually syntactic sugar (i.e. is an extension of the syntax of the Ruby language language). All objects accepting #call can be "called" that way and Ruby ensures to invoke the call method.

They are functionally identical. You can use whichever style you prefer.


why pass block arguments to a function in ruby?

I'm unclear on why there is a need to pass block arguments when calling a function.
why not just pass in as function arguments and what happens to the block arguments, how are they passed and used? {|_k, v| v['abc'] = 'xyz'}
module m
def call ( arg1, *arg2, &arg3)
Ruby, like almost all mainstream programming languages, is a strict language, meaning that arguments are fully evaluated before being passed into the method.
Now, imagine you want to implement (a simplified version of) Integer#times. The implementation would look a little bit like this:
class Integer
def my_times(action_to_be_executed)
raise ArgumentError, "`self` must be non-negative but is `#{inspect}`" if negative?
return if zero?
3.my_times(puts "Hello")
# Hello
0.my_times(puts "Hello")
# Hello
-1.my_times(puts "Hello")
# Hello
# ArgumentError (`self` must be non-negative but is `-1`)
As you can see, 3.my_times(puts "Hello") printed Hello exactly once, instead of thrice, as it should do. Also, 0.my_times(puts "Hello") printed Hello exactly once, instead of not at all, as it should do, despite the fact that it returns in the second line of the method, and thus action_to_be_executed is never even evaluated. Even -1.my_times(puts "Hello") printed Hello exactly once, despite that fact that it raises an ArgumentError exception as the very first thing in the method and thus the entire rest of the method body is never evaluated.
Why is that? Because Ruby is strict! Again, strict means that arguments are fully evaluated before being passed. So, what this means is that before my_times even gets called, the puts "Hello" is evaluated (which prints Hello to the standard output stream), and the result of that evaluation (which is just nil because Kernel#puts always returns nil) is passed into the method.
So, what we need to do, is somehow delay the evaluation of the argument. One way we know how to delay evaluation, is by using a method: methods are only evaluated when they are called.
So, we take a page out of Java's playbook, and define a Single Abstract Method Protocol: the argument that is being passed to my_each must be an object which implements a method with a specific name. Let's call it call, because, well, we are going to call it.
This would look a little bit like this:
class Integer
def my_times(action_to_be_executed)
raise ArgumentError, "`self` must be non-negative but is `#{inspect}`" if negative?
return if zero?
def (hello =
puts "Hello"
# Hello
# Hello
# Hello
# ArgumentError (`self` must be non-negative but is `-1`)
Nice! It works! The argument that is passed is of course still strictly evaluated before being passed (we can't change the fundamental nature of Ruby from within Ruby itself), but this evaluation only results in the object that is bound by the local variable hello. The code that we want to run is another layer of indirection away and will only be executed at the point where we actually call it.
It also has another advantage: Integer#times actually makes the index of the current iteration available to the action as an argument. This was impossible to implement with our first solution, but here we can do it, because we are using a method and methods can take arguments:
class Integer
def my_times(action_to_be_executed)
raise ArgumentError, "`self` must be non-negative but is `#{inspect}`" if negative?
def __my_times_helper(action_to_be_executed, index = 0)
return if zero?
pred.__my_times_helper(action_to_be_executed, index + 1)
def (hello =
puts "Hello from iteration #{i}"
# Hello from iteration 0
# Hello from iteration 1
# Hello from iteration 2
# ArgumentError (`self` must be non-negative but is `-1`)
However, this is not actually very readable. If you didn't want to give a name to this action that we are trying to pass but instead simply literally write it down inside the argument list, it would look something like this:
3.my_times( do |obj|
puts "Hello from iteration #{i}"
# Hello from iteration 0
# Hello from iteration 1
# Hello from iteration 2
or on one line:
3.my_times( do |obj| def; puts "Hello from iteration #{i}" end end)
# Hello from iteration 0
# Hello from iteration 1
# Hello from iteration 2
# or:
3.my_times( {|obj| def; puts "Hello from iteration #{i}" end })
# Hello from iteration 0
# Hello from iteration 1
# Hello from iteration 2
Now, I don't know about you, but I find that pretty ugly.
In Ruby 1.9, Ruby added Proc literals aka stabby lambda literals to the language. Lambda literals are a concise literal syntax for writing objects with a call method, specifically Proc objects with Proc#call.
Using lambda literals, and without any changes to our existing code, it looks something like this:
3.my_times(-> i { puts "Hello from iteration #{i}" })
# Hello from iteration 0
# Hello from iteration 1
# Hello from iteration 2
This does not look bad!
When Yukihiro "matz" Matsumoto designed Ruby almost thirty years ago in early 1993, he did a survey of the core libraries and standard libraries of languages like Smalltalk, Scheme, and Common Lisp to figure out how such methods that take a piece of code as an argument are actually used, and he found that the overwhelming majority of such methods take exactly one code argument and all they do with that argument is call it.
So, he decided to add special language support for a single argument that contains code and can only be called. This argument is both syntactically and semantically lightweight, in particular, it looks syntactically exactly like any other control structure, and it is semantically not an object.
This special language feature, you probably guessed it, are blocks.
Every method in Ruby has an optional block parameter. I can always pass a block to a method. It's up to the method to do anything with the block. Here, for example, the block is useless because Kernel#puts doesn't do anything with a block:
puts("Hello") { puts "from the block" }
# Hello
Because blocks are not objects, you cannot call methods on them. Also, because there can be only one block argument, there is no need to give it a name: if you refer to a block, it's always clear which block because there can be only one. But, if the block doesn't have methods and doesn't have a name, how can we call it?
That's what the yield keyword is for. It temporarily "yields" control flow to the block, or, in other words, it calls the block.
With blocks, our solution would look like this:
class Integer
def my_times(&action_to_be_executed)
raise ArgumentError, "`self` must be non-negative but is `#{inspect}`" if negative?
return enum_for(__callee__) unless block_given?
def __my_times_helper(&action_to_be_executed, index = 0)
return if zero?
yield index
pred.__my_times_helper(&action_to_be_executed, index + 1)
3.my_times do
puts "Hello from iteration #{i}"
# Hello from iteration 0
# Hello from iteration 1
# Hello from iteration 2
0.my_times do
puts "Hello from iteration #{i}"
-1.my_times do
puts "Hello from iteration #{i}"
# ArgumentError (`self` must be non-negative but is `-1`)
Okay, you might notice that I simplified a bit when I wrote above that the only thing you can do with a block is call it. There are two other things you can do with it:
You can check whether a block argument was passed using Kernel#block_given?. Since blocks are always optional, and blocks have no names, there must be a way to check whether a block was passed or not.
You can "roll up" a block (which is not an object and doesn't have a name) into a Proc object (which is an object) and bind it to a parameter (which gives it a name) using the & ampersand unary prefix sigil in the parameter list of the method. Now that we have an object, and a way to refer to it, we can store it in a variable, return it from a method, or (as we are doing here) pass it along as an argument to a different method, which otherwise wouldn't be possible.
There is also the opposite operation: with the & ampersand unary prefix operator, you can "unroll" a Proc object into a block in an argument list; this makes it so that the method behaves as if you had passed the code that is stored inside the Proc as a literal block argument to the method.
And there you have it! That's what blocks are for: a semantically and syntactically lightweight form of passing code to a method.
There are other possible approaches, of course. The approach that is closest to Ruby is probably Smalltalk. Smalltalk also has a concept called blocks (in fact, that is where Ruby got both the idea and the name from). Similarly to Ruby, Smalltalk blocks have a syntactically light-weight literal form, but they are objects, and you can pass more than one to a method. Thanks to Smalltalk's generally light-weight and simple syntax, especially the keyword method syntax which intersperses parts of the method name with the arguments, even passing multiple blocks to a method call is very concise and readable.
For example, Smalltalk actually does not have an if / then / else conditional expression, in fact, Smalltalk has no control structures at all. Everything is done with methods. So, the way that a conditional works, is that the two boolean classes TrueClass and FalseClass each have a method named ifTrue:ifFalse: which takes two block arguments, and the two implementations will simply either evaluate the first or the second block. For example, the implementation in TrueClass might look a little bit like this (note that Smalltalk has no syntax for classes or methods, instead classes and methods are created in the IDE by creating class objects and method objects via the GUI):
True>>ifTrue: trueBlock ifFalse: falseBlock
"Answer with the value of `trueBlock`."
↑trueBlock value
The corresponding implementation in FalseClass would then look like this:
FalseClass>>ifTrue: trueBlock ifFalse: falseBlock
"Answer with the value of `falseBlock`."
↑falseBlock value
And you would call it like this:
2 < 3 ifTrue: [ Transcript show: 'yes' ] ifFalse: [ Transcript show: 'no' ].
4 < 3 ifTrue: [ Transcript show: 'yes' ] ifFalse: [ Transcript show: 'no' ].
In ECMAScript, you can simply use function definitions as expressions, and there is also lightweight syntax for functions.
In the various Lisps, code is just data, and data is code, so you can just pass the code as an argument as data, then inside the function, treat that data as code again.
Scala has call-by-name parameters which are only evaluated when you use their name, and they are evaluated every time you use their name. It would look something like this:
implicit class IntegerTimes(val i: Int) extends AnyVal {
def times(actionToBeExecuted: => Unit): Unit = {
if (i < 0) throw new Error()
if (i == 0) () else { actionToBeExecuted; (i - 1).times(actionToBeExecuted) }
3.times { println("Hello") }
// Hello
// Hello
// Hello

Changing the object identity of a formal parameter

I will try to explain the problem with a simple example:
def enclose(x)
In my application, enclose does something more complex, but in essence it returns an array, the content of which is solely determined by the value of the parameter x. I could it use it like this:
foo = 'abcd'
foo = enclose(foo)
Now to my question: Is it possible to write a method enclose!, which simply replaces the parameter by its enclosed version, so that the example could be written as
foo = 'abcd'
Since Ruby passes arguments by reference, I thought hat this could maybe be possible. The naive approach,
def enclose!(x)
x = [x]
does not work - I think this is because the assignment creates a new object and leaves the actual parameter untouched.
Is there way, that I can achieve my goal? I think in Smallalk, there would be a method become which would change the object identity, but I didn't find something similar in Ruby.
Since Ruby passes arguments by reference, I thought hat this could maybe be possible.
Ruby is pass-by-value, not pass-by-reference, which you have proven yourself, because otherwise your code would have worked.
I think in Smallalk, there would be a method become which would change the object identity, but I didn't find something similar in Ruby.
There isn't. Ruby has neither pass-by-reference nor become:, what you want simply isn't possible.
There's some other interesting posts about how ruby is pass by value, but the values are references.
What it boils down to is, you can modify the variable an object refers to, but you cannot change it to refer to another object.
> a = [1]
=> [1]
> def add_a(array)
> array << "a"
> end
=> :add_a
> add_a a
=> [1, "a"]
> a
=> [1, "a"]
There is a way to sort of accomplish what you are asking for but it's not quite pretty. Ruby has this concept of a binding (, which is like a CallContext in .NET.
You can do something like this:
def enclose(x)
def enclose!(x, binding)
eval("#{x} = [#{x}]", binding)
foo = 'abcd'
enclose!(:foo, binding)
=> ["abcd"]
In the script above, the :foo means you are passing the name of the variable, and the binding (context) where to find its value. Then you're dynamically calling eval to evaluate the assignment operation foo = [foo].

How does [ ] work on a class in Ruby

I see that I can get a list of files in a directory using
How am I supposed to read that syntax exactly ? As I know that you can use [ ] to fetch a value from a array or a hash.
How does [ ] work on a call ?
[] is simply a method, like #to_s, #object_id. etc.
You can define it on any object:
class CoolClass
def [](v)
puts "hello #{v}"
end["John"] # => "hello John"
In your case it's defined as singleton method, in this way:
class Dir
def self.[](v)
From the Ruby Docs, Dir["*"] is equivalent to Dir.glob(["*"]). (As pointed out, it's syntactic sugar)
Dir isn't a call, it's a class, and objects of class Dir are directory streams, which you access like an array.
In your specific case, Dir["*"] will return an array of filenames that are found from the pattern passed as Dir[patternString]. "*" as a pattern will match zero or more characters, in other words, it will match everything, and thus will return an array of all of the filenames in that directory.
For your second question, you can just define it as any other method like so:
class YourClass
def self.[](v)
#your code here
The method Dir::glob takes an argument, and provides an array of all directories and files nested under the argument. (From there, you can grab the index of the array with [0].) The argument may include a pattern to match, along with flags. The argument (pattern, flags) may be options similar (but not exactly) regular expressions.
From the docs, including a couple of patterns/flags that may be of interest to you:
Note that this pattern is not a regexp, it's closer to a shell glob. See File.fnmatch for the meaning of the flags parameter. Note that case sensitivity depends on your system (so File::FNM_CASEFOLD is ignored), as does the order in which the results are returned.
* - Matches any file. Can be restricted by other values in the glob. Equivalent to / .* /x in regexp.
[set] - Matches any one character in set. Behaves exactly like character sets in Regexp, including set negation ([^a-z]).
The shorthand of Dir::glob() is Dir[], although I prefer the long form. As you saw above, using brackets denotes a special pattern/flag for the argument. Here are some examples (from the docs) that may better explain this:
Dir["config.?"] #=> ["config.h"]
Dir.glob("config.?") #=> ["config.h"]
Dir.glob("*.[a-z][a-z]") #=> ["main.rb"]
Dir.glob("*") #=> ["config.h", "main.rb"]
It is possible for you to redefine the [] method for Dir, but I will not show how -- many (and myself) do not recommend monkey-patching core Ruby classes and modules. However, you can create the method in a class of your own. See the following:
class User
# Class method =>[arg]
def self.[](arg)
# Instance method => #user[arg]
def [](arg)
Dir is an object just like any other object (it just happens to be an instance of class Class), and [] is a method just like any other method (it just happens to have a funny name, and special syntactic conveniences that allow it to called using a different syntax in addition to the normal one).
So, you define it just like any other method:
class MyClass
def self.[](*) end

Ruby: How to pass the result of an block as an argument

Can I some how pass the result of an evaluated block as an argument to a function?
This illustrates what I want to do by using a helper function (do_yield):
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
def do_yield
def foo a
#'a' must be an array
puts "A: [#{a.join(", ")}]"
foo (do_yield{
a = []
a << 1
Can I do this without creating my own helper function? Preferably by using facilities in the language, if the language does not offer a way to do it, then is there an existing function I can use instead of my own do_yield
So, you want to pass a result of executing some code into some other code? You just need to convert your "block" to an expression (by making it a proper method, for example)
def bar
a = []
a << 1
foo bar
If your code is really this simple (create array and append element), you can use the code grouping constructs (which combine several statements/expressions into one expression)
foo((a = []; a << 1))
a = []
a << 1
Personally, I'd definitely go with the method. Much simpler to read.
The piece of terminology you probably want to search for here is lambda - a lambda being an anonymous function that can be passed around as a parameter.
So to do what you are describing with a Lambda you might do this:
my_lambda = lambda do
a = []
a << 1
def foo a
#'a' must be an array
puts "A: [#{a.join(", ")}]"
Of course you can have parameterised lambdas and if foo was expecting a lambda you could have it call #{", ")}] ( your actual code has double-quotes everywhere so not sure it would work ) so that the evaluation only happened when it was passed.
This is an interesting and powerful part of Ruby so it is worth learning about.

translating blocks and statements for a DSL

I want to write a simple Ruby DSL to translate some statements and expressions into another language. A basic example would be:
some_function {
t + 2
Here, t is not a ruby variable and thus the block can't (and must not!) be evaluated by Ruby. So my best bet would be to use the parsing output (or AST) to do the translation myself. To do so, I can use ParseTree and ruby2ruby. However, I have other constructs that I would like to use, for example:
1.upto(10) {|x|
some_function {
t + x
Here, I have a local variable and I need to get its value in order to do my translation. However, in the function that does the block evaluation, I don't have access to the local variables of the calling block. If it were a global variable ($x), I could check if its name exists in the global_variables array and in the worst case use eval, but how could I do so for a local variable, if possible at all?
Just to clear up things. Like I said originally, I'm using ruby2ruby (and hence ParseTree) to get the AST (using to_sexp) corresponding to the block. But when using a local variable inside my block, I encounter the following:
[:dvar, :x]
And thus, I would need to get the value of a variable from its name as a string/symbol. And I can't use method_missing or instance_eval, because I want to translate the whole expression to another language or syntax (like a RPN).
Another solution not based on ParseTree would be welcome nonetheless, since it apparently is not fully supported with Ruby 1.9.
To get the variable values, use the proc's binding:
def some_function(&block)
b = block.binding
p [b.eval("t"), b.eval("x")]
t = 1
1.upto(10) {|x|
some_function {
t + x
Here, t is not a ruby variable and
thus the block can't (and must not!)
be evaluated by Ruby.
Any reason for the "not evaluated" restriction? It seems like method_missing would elegantly handle evaluating the "missing" t variable, but Ruby would automatically dereference the x variable.
You can use instance_eval against an object with t.
class Context
attr_accessor :t
def initialize(_t)
#t = _t
def some_function(&block)
1.upto(10) {|x|
some_function {
t + x
