opendaylight 0.9.2 installation and configuration - opendaylight

I downloaded opendaylight 0.9.2, installed in rhel 7.2. as per doc, I run ./karaf, then I try to install the karaf features, but it cannot install the features like "alto", dlux etc.
I'm trying to configure the RHEL system as SDN controller for connecting to CISCO 3172TQ switch.
Have anyone tried installing the same? how to overcome the above issue?

Some Oxygen projects are not available in Fluorine release, please see full list in:


Open Source Puppet Upgrade from 3.8.7 on Ubuntu OS

I am in the process of upgrading Open Source Puppet from Server version 3.8.7 (which is hosted on Ubuntu 14.04 ) to a New version of Puppet on Ubuntu 16.04.
i have listed all the existing modules in current version however deciding which Open Source version to be chosen for upgrade is not very clear from documentations.
Hence,request help on
how to choose Next version of puppet server on Ubuntu 16.04?
Can we upgrade straight from 3.x to 5.x or 6.x?
Anyone who has done this kind of upgrade, please share your learnings which can
support us to complete the safe upgrade.

Install wasJmsClient-2.0 feature in Liberty Profile

I am using WAS LP with Oracle Java 1.7 on windows 7 Machine. I want to use wasJmsClient-2.0 feature in in my Application. I ran the "productInfo featureInfo" command but its output doesn't display feature wasJmsClient-2.0. How can I install this feature into the server?
The wasJmsClient-2.0 feature isn't available for, it is only currently available as a beta. It will be available on June 26th 2015, but that'll only install on top of so you will need to upgrade.
There is a wasJmsClient-1.1 feature which is available for If you need this on then you can get it by downloading the wlp-extended- which can be downloaded from fix central. Otherwise I'd suggest upgrading to the latest from fix central, or and running:
bin/featureManager install wasJmsClient-1.1

How to install jdk 6 and 8

I was told that i can have multiple versions of java on my centos server. I need java 8 for new version of red5 and I need 6 for xuggle can someone tell me how to install both? I'm using centos 6.6
Uhm I did research befor I asked! and, there is no updated info! Now will someone help?
You can install multiple versions of Java but you can only use one at a time.
Depending on your repositories you can install available version with yum install java-1.8.0-openjdk, or any other available version.
To list available versions do yum list available | grep -i jdk.
To verify active version do java -version.
To change the active Java version you can use alternatives --config java and then chose the pretended version.

Running SonarQube on Solaris using Jsvc

The SonarQube 5.0 documentation states that in order to install SonarQube on AIX, HPUX or Solaris, one must install Java Service Wrapper, which is licensed software.
Is it possible to do this using some free/open source alternative?
There's a Jsvc library by Apache that is used to accomplish the same functionality. I wonder if anyone has successfully managed to use it.
We haven't documented it yet, but with SonarQube 5.0+, you can start SonarQube using a simple Java process.
Just open a terminal and run:
java -jar <sq_install_dir>/lib/sonar-application-5.0.jar
This should allow you to run SonarQube on Solaris without needing to install anything else.

Problems installing the heroku eclipse plugin

I get this error
Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not be found. Software being installed: Heroku Eclipse Plugin 1.0.0 ( 1.0.0) Missing requirement: Heroku Eclipse Plugin 1.0.0 ( 1.0.0) requires ' 1.0.100' but it could not be found
I have eclipse Juno.
Let me know if I can support you with any other info to help resolve this issue.
I have Ubuntu 12.04LTS
I got this same error message. Disabling my McAfee and then restarting fixed the problem for me. I'm thinking it was a firewall issue.
I had the similar problem. Please check your eclipse version. Heroku says it needs,
Eclipse v 3.7 or higher (Java or Java EE edition)
The following version works for me, Indigo (v 3.7)
This ( 1.0.100) is referring to a plugin that is missing - the Maven Integration for Eclipse. Search the Eclipse Marketplace for that plugin. Once it's installed, try installing the Heroku plugin again. This worked for me on Indigo. It's weird that this isn't listed as a requirement.
