I'm trying to add a custom User Interface to SalesForce pages, how should I start?
Here is how you can customize your page UI with two simple steps:
1. Add attributes in your page element to remove default header, sidebar and stylesheets attached to the page.
2. Add CSS and jQuery if required from Static resources. This is optional step but very useful when work with large CSS and jQuery codes.
Adding attributes:
<apex:page id="thePage" controller="yourController" action="{!yourAction}" docType="html-5.0" standardStylesheets="false" sidebar="false" showHeader="false">
Adding static resources:
<apex:includeScript value="{!$Resource.yourJS}" />
<apex:stylesheet value="{!$Resource.yourCSS}" />
You can develop fully custom user interface on Visualforce pages and controllers. First, you can removes standard components (tabs, header and footer) from page using such options in tag:
<apex:page sidebar="false" showHeader="false" standardStylesheets="false">
So, you will have clear page on which you can add your markup. Also you can develop templates pages, which will include common application interface parts. Read more about Visualforce templates here.
Also you can use Salesforce custom components.
You can also use the popular CSS and JS frameworks. So it will be more development of front-end part and on server side you will just create actions methods in page controllers for UI.
How can i edit layout of individual pages in Oracle Apex. I tried changing templates and properties in shared components but it applies to all the pages.
On one page, I need different layout of buttons and items and on the other page, a different.
You can create more than one page template, for different types of page. And you can also make page-specific styling changes using in-line CSS in the page attributes.
It applies to all pages, because all of your pages refer one template. And when you change this template, all pages changes. Create a copy of template, and then refer your individual page to this new template.
I'm creating a custom tumblr theme. Both the ask (/ask) and custom pages (/whatever-you-want) seem to be considered text posts:
{block:Title}<h2>THIS IS THE ASK OR CUSTOM PAGE TITLE: {Title}</h2>{/block:Title}
I want to have a totally different layout for the ask page and the custom pages (no headers or footers on the custom page, no title, etc) and I don't care about the (real) text posts, because I'm not going to use them. Is there a way to have a different content from the "/ask" and the custom page without using javascript? I have read the documentation, but don't see anything that would allow me to do that... Is this possible?
Just create a new page (towards the bottom of the Customise options).
If you choose Custom Layout, you can add any html you want and it will be detached from the main template.
Here is an example: http://madox-test.tumblr.com/test
If you check the site root you can see the tumblr template: http://madox-test.tumblr.com (which can still be used for other pages too).
Ref: http://www.tumblr.com/docs/en/pages#layouts
PHPfox providing the feature to create custom page from back-end but How can I call register form to custom page? Please provide suggestion.
Thanks in advance.
You can call template files within your own pages. I wrote a demo module that illustrates this, using this you can include the templates that display the form to sign up.
But is there any reason why you wouldn't want to use a custom template (instead of the default one) or CSS for the changes you need?
Is there any possibility in Magento to add a "widget" to the sidebar, using the backend only – without editing XML. I'd like to provide that function to a customer, who may add blocks/widgets to the sidebar similar like how it's possible using Wordpress.
Or did I have a false concept in mind of what widgets are in Magento?
You can add widget to any static page/block. See this tutorial: http://www.siteground.com/tutorials/magento/magento_widgets.htm
More specifically I am trying to make the mailto component show within my template; the same way as an article does.
By default the mailto component opens in a new window. So far I changed the code so it opens on the same window, but that way the whole template is gone.
Any suggestions?
In the template there is a tag which takes the contents of a component. An article is a com_content component. you are trying to put in a caom_mail_to component? The beauty is that they both plug into the same slot.
Now you can only ever have one component on a page. you can have lots of modules, but only one component.
you set which component is on a page by choosing it from the menu comands. (each menu item refers to a component.) generaly the componetsn are of the com_content type, and are articles, but in your case you are wanting to add a component called com_mailto? Asuming the component is installed, all you have to do is select the new butto0n when in menu item manager, and then select the mailto component type.
the tag that is being used in a joomla 1.5 template is:
<jdoc:include type="component" />
If on the other hand you are trying to add a module to the template, that is a different kettle of fish. Youy need to create an instance of teh module, assign it to a tag (which exiusts in teh template) then select which menu items the module will be published on. The tag in a template for a module is like:
<jdoc:include type="modules" name="module_name_place_holder" />
you can put more than one module into a single place holder.
If you already have this basic knowlge, pass on the details of this component, and we will see if we cant find you a better solution.
use "component as content" plugin
I'm afraid I can't entirely follow your question - do you want to have a sign up form for membership or email notifications shown as an article? If so, then the easiest way is to install 'm2c' - the 'module to component' component. Then you can put any module (ie the sign up box) in the centre content area.
The m2c component can be found here: http://joomla.focalizaisso.com.br/en/componentes/index.php