How we create custom sigup page in phpfox? - phpfox

PHPfox providing the feature to create custom page from back-end but How can I call register form to custom page? Please provide suggestion.
Thanks in advance.

You can call template files within your own pages. I wrote a demo module that illustrates this, using this you can include the templates that display the form to sign up.
But is there any reason why you wouldn't want to use a custom template (instead of the default one) or CSS for the changes you need?


How to view form data in content in joomla?

I want to display data from a form as a table in content in one menu.
I want users to be able to view the collected data.
What is the best way to accomplish this?
I searched and found modules. I have used ArtForms module.
Users are able to fill form in one menu, but are not able to view it in other menu.
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance!
Try this ,
Create a module that have your forms. For module development tutorial
And create an article and set the module inside that like.
{loadposition contact_form_pos}
Inside your article just mention the module position like above for more

How to add custom forms in FullCalendar?

I have created forms in HTML (shown image below), and I want to integrate this form in FullCalendar. This form will show when I wanted to add new event. Can you give me some idea? If possible, can I do this without modifying the plugin?
You could put the form in a lightbox and show it, when the user clicks on a day. Fullcalendar provides an event for this:
Edit: Or what exactly do you mean by integrate?

dynamically added title howto

I am using the excellent phil sturgeon template library, however I was wondering how do I assign dynamically any headings or titles to any part of my partials? Like I have a sidebar that has a login form. if Login is successful, I would like the heading that says for example 'Login' to say 'Welcome' if login is successful without creating a partial of just the h2 tags. But as a side note I noticed that the userguide of the template library doesn't mention the append_css and append_js functions at all? I saw this in someone's sample code and was wondering why that is?
Thanks anyway for all the support!
you can use functions *prepend_metadata()* or *append_metadata* in the controller and then echo $template['metadata'] in the view

Joomla module or component to be render on a blank page

I have developed a Joomla module that does provides a form, processes its post data, does some calculations and displays the results.
The module includes a button to print the results. I'm currently using JavaScript to open a new window, paste the relevant HTML and open the print dialog.
Instead of JavaScript I would prefer to provide a separate URL for the print view and simply open that in a _blank target. This would make the application work better for people using screen readers or not having JavaScript available.
Is there any way that I can tell Joomla to not render the template along with my module? I was thinking that creating a component fixes that issue, but had to find that components are rendered into the template, too...
BTW: I have Joomla 1.5.22
To achieve what you want you have to add additional tmpl=component query string parameter to the request URL. This will disable template and module rendering.
Your URL will look something like this: index.php?option=com_xxx&view=xxx&tmpl=component
Since you are using Joomla 1.5 you can request index2.php?option=com_xxx&view=xxx and it will only render the component. Joomla 2.5 does not have index2.php so if you plan to migrate in future, don't use this option.
If you are using SEF then adding ?tmpl=component at the end on URL does the trick.
To go a step deeper... in your template directory you have component.php file, that is the file that's being loaded by tmpl param. You can copy component.php to my_component.php, do necessary changes and load your custom component template with index.php?option=com_xxx&view=xxx&tmpl=my_component
The joomla way of doing it would be to set your output to "raw", see this tut:

use Telerik controls in Orchard CMS

I am trying to use the Telerik datetimepicker in my own module of Orchard CMS.
everything seems working well except javascript. the datetimepicker control is unable to show the drop-down calendar.
I tried to use
or created an ResourceManifest.cs in my module and called followings.
I can see no run time errors against scripts i am refereing. but no document.ready() stuff in the html source for the page.
I dont know where got wrong. hope someone can crack the problems . thank you in advance.
All Telerik UI components for ASP.NET MVC require a ScriptRegistrar in order to work properly. The latter outputs the required JavaScript files as well as the JavaScript initialization code. You are probably missing a ScriptRegistrar hence the DatePicker does not work. Here is the minimum required code:
Don't those Telerik helpers rely on some kind of HttpModule that you'd need to register in the global config?
