add Widgets from Backend without editing XML - magento

Is there any possibility in Magento to add a "widget" to the sidebar, using the backend only – without editing XML. I'd like to provide that function to a customer, who may add blocks/widgets to the sidebar similar like how it's possible using Wordpress.
Or did I have a false concept in mind of what widgets are in Magento?

You can add widget to any static page/block. See this tutorial:


How can I hide/display add to cart button from Shopify product pages using Shopify app in Laravel or Node?

I am writing an app and I want to make a switch button to hide/display 'Add to Cart' button by using this app. How can I write code and implement this in Liquid.
Assuming you are using PHP (Laravel) as the backend for your Shopify App you could use the "phpclassic/php-shopify" library and call the "ScriptTag" method to load an external Javascript file into a store's front-end. The JavaScript file would have to manipulate the DOM to hide/display the Add to Cart button.
Code to hide any add-to-cart buttons might look like:
If you wanted to conditionally hide buttons for specific products, then the JavaScript file would need to talk to your App back-end to obtain that information.
Note that this does not involve Liquid at all. Liquid is the theme template laguage Shopify uses. Programmatically modifying the theme's liquid files is a more difficult approach and liquid files you've added via an App get left behind if your App is uninstalled.

Oxid eShop event handlers

I am trying to create some tracking events on OXID eShop Framework on a custom module but I can't find any event handlers or something to put the code on some custom pages, without editing the core files. What I want is to make some custom API calls if I am on product page, category page, basket, etc.
Is there any way I can handle this in a custom module?
OXID has no such events or hooks you might know from magento or shopware. You have two options:
1) For running server side php code you need to extend OXID's functions, e.g. render() function for the pages you want to track.
For the product page it would be "details" -> applications/controllers/details.php
category page is "alist.php" and basket is basket.php
2) Make client side api calls with simple JS. You could appent all your js code to a tempalte block (e.g. in header oder footer) and create some if-else logic for different controller classes.
Like here:
You could also have a look at any tracking module for google analytics or piwik, they are pretty similar to what you want to do.
I can give you more examples if you want.

Rally custom dropdown to multiSelect

We have a custom drop down and need to make it a multiSelect. Your answer gives me hope but so far, I have not figured out how this can be done. I played around how to build custom grids using JavaScript. Is it possible to make an existing custom drop-down list to a multiSelect? If it is, can be it used in the existing Rally screens or do we have to use interactive grids to be able to update the field?
Please advice on how this can be achieved.
Thank you, Rajani.
A custom dropdown cannot be turned into a custom multiselect. There are no custom fileds in Rally of mulitselect type. You may write a custom app using AppSDK2 with a MultiObjectPicker
For example, here is a rallymutiobjectpicker that allows selection of multiple testsets:
this._testSetPicker = Ext.create('Rally.ui.picker.MultiObjectPicker', {
modelType: 'testset'
Later you may use _getRecordValue() to get the array of selected records:
var selectedTestSets = this._testSetPicker._getRecordValue();
A custom grid and a custom html app are not the same.
A UI component created with AppSDK2 cannot be added to a custom grid, and cannot be added to existing Rally pages, e.g. a Defect or User Story details page, or any summary page.
The MultiObjectPicker can only be used in a custom code that you write and then copy your deployment html and paste it into a custom html page.
The developer portal also has links to great videos by David Thomas. See all the links in this post for details.

How we create custom sigup page in phpfox?

PHPfox providing the feature to create custom page from back-end but How can I call register form to custom page? Please provide suggestion.
Thanks in advance.
You can call template files within your own pages. I wrote a demo module that illustrates this, using this you can include the templates that display the form to sign up.
But is there any reason why you wouldn't want to use a custom template (instead of the default one) or CSS for the changes you need?

Joomla Custom Module Development - Backend administration Extra requirement

I am currently in the process of developing a custom joomla module for one of my client’s requirement. As part of the administration panel of that module, I have created a radio button group, well in that group; I have two more radio buttons
My question for you leaders in the web arena is I need an option that "should display extra fields when I select one of the radio buttons"
For example: I have a radio button group named as 'No of fields'. In that group, I have two radio buttons named as 'Show', 'Hide'. I need an option which should display extra fields, when I select 'show' radio button
Is this equation possible? If yes, please post me your thoughts
This kind of behavior is not provided as a part of Joomla's default administration functions. You'll have to code it yourself and call that JS file when the module is opened in the backend. I would recommend you check the code used in Mod_news_pro by Gavick. The module loads a custom JS file that add a lot of custom functions and layout options that wasn't available in Joomla.
It's quite simple, just create a custom element checkout the official docs:
