Aheadworks Magento Blog extension List all posts - magento

Using AW blog extension and id like to get a list of all blog posts. Sounds simple right?
But i can't seem to figure out how i could do this? It seems that the controller gets the blog posts in a category from reading the category name in the url.
If anyones had any experience with the aheadworks blog extension (free) and might be able to help out that would be great.


Joomla article structure

I was a newbie in Joomla and using the latest version to create my website. I want to create news page (list of article). I'm using module (external plugin) to listing all the article. But I'm not understand the structure to create the pages.
I got a menu like this:
Latest News (link to single article with category 'Latest News')
This is my category:
Latest News
News (every new article will be under this category)
Then I display all the article inside Latest News page except the page I leave as blank because I using module to display the list. The URL will be like this mywebsitename/latest-news.
The problem is when I click one of the article to show full details of the article. The URL will be like mywebsitename/latest-news/11-home/latest-news/news/articleName. So how I need to do to structure the URL even my breadcrumb to be like this
mywebsitename / Latest News / News / article name
Even the module also display inside the article page. I only set this module under latest news page only. Can anyone help me. Thanks.
If you just began, restart your project. If you want to build up a site, first check whether there are any core functions for your usage or not. If it can be done through them, do it like that, as this is better for updating your site. (Maybe your plugin will not be supported later on...)
Then restart by building up your site:
Category - Article - Menu
Firstly, create the categories you wish. For example, you want the category "News" where you put news articles and a category "Events" where you put articles about your events.
Secondly create some articles for your category. You can use the "read-more" to preview your articles in your blog.
Last, create the menu. You can use a category blog and it's options to show your articles the way you want.

Joomla - Blog Builder Site

Does anybody know if it's possible to create a Blog builder site with Joomla CMS?
There is a lot of extensions to create a personal blog with personal articles. But I wanted to try to make a site like blogger.com but in simple version. So that users can register and add their own blogs and create their articles inside the blogs.
Are there any extensions with this functionality?
I guess the simpliest multiuser blog will be if the site allows registering and creating articles. And then these articles will be moved to one blog page or sorted by categories. But I need to divide the users activity to separate categories (named "blogs").
Try Zoo or k2, both of these allow for blogging functionality.

Joomla! what is the link to the new page I just created?

I have been tasked with updating a Joomla site. I have been working with existing pages for a while, but now I had to create a new page.
I just created a new page using Joomla. But I can't find what the URL to that page is. Also, the pretty urls are enabled. But I don't know how to create a pretty url for the page I just created.
I even tried adding the id to /index.php?Itemid= in the url and doesn't work.
Seems like something like this would be self-explanatory, but I have been looking around in the options and the menus and googling for the answer and I can't find it anywhere.
As far as I know, you need to attach an article to a category to view it.
You can assign the article to a category. After that open an article from that category and replace the text after the last "/" in url with the alias of your article.
You can also assign the article to a category that is linked to a menu item. that way you will be able to see the article link in the menu.
You may later remove the article from the category.

Joomla extension for people posts with categories

Are there any type of extensions that let people post what they want with categories. So they need to sign-up and sign-in, and then create a new post, then select the relative category that the post will be shown in to other people.
I may need to show posts by geo-localisation restriction, for example, posts appears in just US or UK.
I'm a PHP developer. I can achieve this system, but I wondered if it does already exist some CMS like Joomla doing what I need, to save time. I may also be able to develop such Joomla modules if it's allowed. Please need a push around these requirements since I don't have too much experience with Joomla.
I would recommend you use the article section of joomla which is a built in one. I think the things available in joomla package will suit your category, post and signin and signup requirements.
For geo-localisation restrictions I think your php knowledge is more than enough to change or modify few parts of the code in the joomla. I think this way will help you save some time. I have done these before.They have worked fine for me. Hope this helps you.

is there any online documentation available to perform sql like,in,join in a simple model in magento?

I had created a simple model and mapped this model to a custom table, i need to filter and fetch values from this table.
is there any online documentation available to perform sql like,in,join in a simple model in magento? If so please let me know..
Thank you very much..!
Check maestro of magento Alan Storm's website.
Alan Storm - Magento Articles
I found this link.
In this link there are samples for using like,in,eq etc., along with simple model as like addFieldToFilter('sku',array('eq'=>'n2610')), the actual solution will be at near to bottom of the page.
Also the Alan Strom - Magento articles link by Oğuz ÇELİKDEMİR is useful.
