Joomla! what is the link to the new page I just created? - joomla

I have been tasked with updating a Joomla site. I have been working with existing pages for a while, but now I had to create a new page.
I just created a new page using Joomla. But I can't find what the URL to that page is. Also, the pretty urls are enabled. But I don't know how to create a pretty url for the page I just created.
I even tried adding the id to /index.php?Itemid= in the url and doesn't work.
Seems like something like this would be self-explanatory, but I have been looking around in the options and the menus and googling for the answer and I can't find it anywhere.

As far as I know, you need to attach an article to a category to view it.
You can assign the article to a category. After that open an article from that category and replace the text after the last "/" in url with the alias of your article.
You can also assign the article to a category that is linked to a menu item. that way you will be able to see the article link in the menu.
You may later remove the article from the category.


Joomla extension/feature for adding articles to other sites

Is there a way for articles on joomla to be on another website without that user logging in to see it? The user should just see the article content and nothing else. This would be like a front end side version of articles for public users. How would I go about this?
You can publish your articles through RSS. In fact, just adding ?format=feed to the end of the URL of any menu item of type "Category Blog" (or of type "Featured Articles") will generate the RSS page for that particular URL. All you need to do is to retrieve the RSS content on the other website (there are many tools to do that that are available in any CMS).

Joomla article structure

I was a newbie in Joomla and using the latest version to create my website. I want to create news page (list of article). I'm using module (external plugin) to listing all the article. But I'm not understand the structure to create the pages.
I got a menu like this:
Latest News (link to single article with category 'Latest News')
This is my category:
Latest News
News (every new article will be under this category)
Then I display all the article inside Latest News page except the page I leave as blank because I using module to display the list. The URL will be like this mywebsitename/latest-news.
The problem is when I click one of the article to show full details of the article. The URL will be like mywebsitename/latest-news/11-home/latest-news/news/articleName. So how I need to do to structure the URL even my breadcrumb to be like this
mywebsitename / Latest News / News / article name
Even the module also display inside the article page. I only set this module under latest news page only. Can anyone help me. Thanks.
If you just began, restart your project. If you want to build up a site, first check whether there are any core functions for your usage or not. If it can be done through them, do it like that, as this is better for updating your site. (Maybe your plugin will not be supported later on...)
Then restart by building up your site:
Category - Article - Menu
Firstly, create the categories you wish. For example, you want the category "News" where you put news articles and a category "Events" where you put articles about your events.
Secondly create some articles for your category. You can use the "read-more" to preview your articles in your blog.
Last, create the menu. You can use a category blog and it's options to show your articles the way you want.

Why is Joomla 1.5 creating different URLs for the same articles on different pages?

I'm trying to understand the way Joomla (1.5) creates article URLs.
I created a module to display news. The module displays all the news, with correct URLs on the homepage mysite/component/content/article/xxxxxxxx.
I created a module to display the last article on the homepage and a button, see all news, linking to a menu item displaying a page with all the articles. The url is: mysite/news.
The problem is the URLs to the article are generated incorrectly as mysite/news/xxxxxxxx and they give a 404. How can I get the URLs to be the same as on the homepage?
Update: The new URL doesn't give a 404, it points to the same page as the menu, I mean mysite/news/ is the same as mysite/news/xxxxxxxx, it shows the list of all the articles and not the article itself
To create proper SEF URLs, two steps are needed:
Be sure to have a menu entry for each article in the list. You don't have to display that menu, it just has to exist. The menu entry's alias is used to build the SEF URL.
When creating links to such an article, be sure to include the parameter Itemid=n in the URL, with n being the id of the menu item. In article texts, use this structure:
Joomla! will convert that into a SEF URL automatically, and it will still work, when you for some reason turn SEF off.
If you generate links in a module, the URL is not converted automatically. You have to call JRoute::_() for that:
echo JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=23&Itemid=125');

deleteing joomla categories from google index

In my site google seems to index categories although I never specifically link to a category - how is that possible such that I can stop it?
This link was never created by me: and I want it gone from google for good please.
You should hide these links from search engines. You can do it in your robots.txt file like this:
Disallow: /50-categoryname
Also take a look at Joomla's Redirect Manager - may it will help you to redirect incorrect links to needed pages.
Even though you think you have never linked the category most likely you have such as by having the category name display in a list or part of a module. Go to configuration fr all your content types and make sure that display/link category and parent category is turned to off and check all modules. Also make sure you don't have any categories links and that you aren't using a sitemap that generates these links automatically (linking to all the top level categories and letting the map build through all of the child categories is the quickest way to generate a site map).

Joomla: homepage url

Joomla requires that home page was linked with some component.
So, if i link menu item of homepage to some article, i get a url like:
"index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=68&Itemid=464" on frontend.
How to link homepage to "/" ?
Joomla verion 1.7
Maybe, i not accurately explained.
I link home menu item with some article.
When i go to - all fine, choosen article is shown on homepage.
But then the home menu item on frontend became "index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=68&Itemid=464", not just '/'
You must use the default Joomla format for setting something as the "home" page. in 2.5 (since you failed to tell us which version you're running) you do this by using 'featured articles'. By default, any featured article is displayed on the homepage.
In older versions (1.5) you must mark it to display on the 'front page'
In doing that when you go to - you will see the articles listed as 'featured' or 'front page' articles. You can adjust how they display by using the front page or featured article manager.
I apologize if I've misunderstood your question - but hope this helps. It also looks like you don't have SEF URL's turned on - you may want to look into that. Regardless your front page will display without any additional URL stuff if you use the methods outlined above.
In your menu manager (backend), create a new entry for 1 article and select it in the list. After that, just define this new menu entry as default (or homepage).
This article will be the default homepage of your website and will be accessible via
