Joomla extension for people posts with categories - joomla

Are there any type of extensions that let people post what they want with categories. So they need to sign-up and sign-in, and then create a new post, then select the relative category that the post will be shown in to other people.
I may need to show posts by geo-localisation restriction, for example, posts appears in just US or UK.
I'm a PHP developer. I can achieve this system, but I wondered if it does already exist some CMS like Joomla doing what I need, to save time. I may also be able to develop such Joomla modules if it's allowed. Please need a push around these requirements since I don't have too much experience with Joomla.

I would recommend you use the article section of joomla which is a built in one. I think the things available in joomla package will suit your category, post and signin and signup requirements.
For geo-localisation restrictions I think your php knowledge is more than enough to change or modify few parts of the code in the joomla. I think this way will help you save some time. I have done these before.They have worked fine for me. Hope this helps you.


Umbraco 7.5.x developing for custom data

In Umbraco 7.5, I want to develop a custom 'module' (or whatever it is called in Umbraco) to maintain a product catalog. Products can have images, categories and attributes. Of course, I could make some document types and templates but I don't want to add products as content items. I need to be able to maintain a list of products in the back-end, and then use those products on content pages.
The umbraco documentation for developers is seriously lacking, and the most important pages are throwing 404 errors. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
There is not single place to get all those knowledge. Following articles will be helpful to you to getting started.
Extending backoffice:
Using petapoco (ORM):
I think Ucommerce is the best to use in your situation and it works great with Umbraco.
Here are few links. Hope it helps!
Ucommerce Developer Section
Products Catalog doc

Can I insert a phpBB Forum into a Magento CMS Static Page or Block?

I'm sure there is a much simpler solution for what I am trying to do here, but I am running out of ideas. Essentially I need to create a phpBB forum what exists within my Magento install so that the header and footer from my Magento store are always visible.
The thought is to use a CMS static page for the forum and then style it accordingly. Is there a way to accomplish what I want to do without significant modification? Or, do I just create a one off .phtml file that calls my header, footer and forum? Am I on the right page or am I over/under thinking this?
You'll need to get around Magento's bootstrap (/index.php), because phpBB won't function if Magento is intercepting every URL.
There's also the issue of Magento and phpBB not sharing authentication systems, so users have to log into one, neither, or both. That's not a great UX if you ask me, but solving that problem is a very complicated issue.
Other than that you shouldn't have many problems.

How do I transfer items from K2 to Joomla articles or wordpress ? What is the most wise choice?

I feel fed up with the Joomla K2 extension. This is the most crappy extension I've ever used and I am tired of correcting mistakes and bugs all the time. Even in the K2 forums, most of the threads suddenly and strangely disappeared, leading google results to 404 pages.
I did the most foolish thing on joomla: I installed their extension in joomla 1.6 because I wanted to set featured images in every article and joomla didn't have something like that (and then upgraded to 2.5) . So I created a news portal that publishes about 6 articles (or K2 items) every day for a year. So far there are 10 categories, 1000 articles and 200 tags (and 4 users only). There is nothing complicated on the website and all components are used "as they are". I haven't even used K2 extra fields etc.
I desperately want to transfer all items, categories, tags and images from K2 to Joomla articles. Then I will upgrade to the new Joomla 3.0. If I had a choice, I would transfer all data to wordpress. I have no money to hire an experienced developer and I have advanced programming knowledge but I am not an expert. I can try to copy data from one column to another but I would really appreciate the opinion of a developer with a "strong" knowledge.
On Joomla's forums it says that:
K2 articles are stored in the table jos_k2_items. Use a sql query to
copy them to jos_content.
INSERT INTO ###_content (title, alias, catid, published, introtext, fulltext)
SELECT title, alias, catid, published, introtext, fulltext
FROM ###_k2_items ;
This was posted about Joomla 1.5 Check the new table structure and make the necessary changes.
I'm not sure are you still looking for the answer, but maybe others do.
In case you want to move your K2 to WordPress, there's a plugin at the WordPress plugin directory for an automated migration. It supports the import of different type of content including categories, tags, menus and other, so it might answer your request.
The quick guide to the process includes the following steps -
You install the plugin on your WP website
Create the account at the service
Download the extension and install it at your K2 website
Choose the entities you want to migrate
Try the trial migration (it migrates 10 posts)
If you like it you can try the full migration (it's not free)
You may refer to this for more info, plus, this service is also represented in WordPress Codex.
Hope it helps.

Magento adding set of attributes/properties to products

I need to add something similar to the Review system already available on Magento. I mean, I want to add a couple of texts, reviewing capacities and alike. It should have an administration side on the backend to be able to reject/accept/edit those texts. I still do not have all the things clear so I want to ask before I embark into a wrong/closed path.
Should I reuse the existing code by copying core files into local and modifying at will?
Or should I add my own tables and link to EAV model using product ID?
On this SO question the accepted answer posts a code on how to add a new custom attribute to all products. I could use this but I would still need to add the reviews part.
I've searched for a similar functionality but can not find anything.

Joomla (Add New Contact Parameters to Contact in Jooma1.5)

I am New to Joomla and this is my First Project I am working on in JOOMLA
Well I have Template Named News Line by Youjoomla ( Most of you Might Have heard about it)
here is my Questions
Well My Client gave me a sudden change in the requirement that he needs some additional parameters in a every contact
Which are Like
Registration Number
Company Name
and More.....
Well Can Anybudy Teach me how to add new parameters to contact in Joomla 1.5
it is a Little Bit Urgent
If you are using the default Joomla contact system then adding custom parameters is rather hard. You will be better off using a Contact Component such as aiContactSafe. You can find more here aswell. Hope this helps and good luck with your first Joomla project
