Joomla - Blog Builder Site - joomla

Does anybody know if it's possible to create a Blog builder site with Joomla CMS?
There is a lot of extensions to create a personal blog with personal articles. But I wanted to try to make a site like but in simple version. So that users can register and add their own blogs and create their articles inside the blogs.
Are there any extensions with this functionality?
I guess the simpliest multiuser blog will be if the site allows registering and creating articles. And then these articles will be moved to one blog page or sorted by categories. But I need to divide the users activity to separate categories (named "blogs").

Try Zoo or k2, both of these allow for blogging functionality.


Joomla article structure

I was a newbie in Joomla and using the latest version to create my website. I want to create news page (list of article). I'm using module (external plugin) to listing all the article. But I'm not understand the structure to create the pages.
I got a menu like this:
Latest News (link to single article with category 'Latest News')
This is my category:
Latest News
News (every new article will be under this category)
Then I display all the article inside Latest News page except the page I leave as blank because I using module to display the list. The URL will be like this mywebsitename/latest-news.
The problem is when I click one of the article to show full details of the article. The URL will be like mywebsitename/latest-news/11-home/latest-news/news/articleName. So how I need to do to structure the URL even my breadcrumb to be like this
mywebsitename / Latest News / News / article name
Even the module also display inside the article page. I only set this module under latest news page only. Can anyone help me. Thanks.
If you just began, restart your project. If you want to build up a site, first check whether there are any core functions for your usage or not. If it can be done through them, do it like that, as this is better for updating your site. (Maybe your plugin will not be supported later on...)
Then restart by building up your site:
Category - Article - Menu
Firstly, create the categories you wish. For example, you want the category "News" where you put news articles and a category "Events" where you put articles about your events.
Secondly create some articles for your category. You can use the "read-more" to preview your articles in your blog.
Last, create the menu. You can use a category blog and it's options to show your articles the way you want.

Seminar listing for Joomla 2.5

I have searched the entire Joomla Extension Directory .But could not find a component which meets my requirments.
I need a joomla component for seminar listing.
To post seminars and Training. Visitor to the site should be able to post training and seminars(But publish after admin approval) .
I can buy commercial components also.
Thank you
You could use a directory component like Mosets Tree. It allows visitors to post listings subject to admin approval and comes with all the usual category features, modules, etc. Each listing will have it's own dedicated page with info, email, gallery, etc, all of which are togglable.
I think Sobi Pro offers similar functionality

Joomla extension for people posts with categories

Are there any type of extensions that let people post what they want with categories. So they need to sign-up and sign-in, and then create a new post, then select the relative category that the post will be shown in to other people.
I may need to show posts by geo-localisation restriction, for example, posts appears in just US or UK.
I'm a PHP developer. I can achieve this system, but I wondered if it does already exist some CMS like Joomla doing what I need, to save time. I may also be able to develop such Joomla modules if it's allowed. Please need a push around these requirements since I don't have too much experience with Joomla.
I would recommend you use the article section of joomla which is a built in one. I think the things available in joomla package will suit your category, post and signin and signup requirements.
For geo-localisation restrictions I think your php knowledge is more than enough to change or modify few parts of the code in the joomla. I think this way will help you save some time. I have done these before.They have worked fine for me. Hope this helps you.

joomla - how can I create new content types in joomla

I'm new to joomla. I have been using Drupal for quite some time.
I would like to created new content types for news and announcements. How may I accomplish creating new content type in Joomla without installing a new module.
You're coming from Drupal so I am thinking that what you're looking for and cannot find in Joomla is something like CCK (Content Construction Kit)
Unfortunately this is not available by default in Joomla. You have to use extensions to create new types of content that contain specific fields.
Best free CCKs available for Joomla :
Form2Content (my favorite)
K2 (most popular, highly recommended)
You can find more in Joomla Extension Directory
I would say the same, for me i always use k2 as it integrates with many plugins and modules also featuring rich content forms
As per the answer from #Ahmad, install a CCK to add new content types.
In your case however, the built in Joomla functionality may suffice such as creating content categories for news and announcements and choosing menu options or modules to suit.
While K2 is a great CCK, there is a table named "jos_content_types", which makes me think, that joomla can handle content-types as well.
With different views, form-xml files and so one.
I found it while looking on this page:
But i didn't find any doc about creating new content-types easily by now. Does someone have more infos, how to create a new content-Type? Or is it just a new component, we have to create?

Joomla administration user level

In my website project, three people are assigned to write new articles for the website. They write their own articleS and cannot view their fellows' articles. We have one supervisor who is supposed to view, edit, and manage all articles.
Can Joomla! or any free extension make this possible?
The core Joomla install does NOT do what you have requested but by adding a component called JUGA, you can easily configure exactly what you want.
