Always show file browser in TextMate 2 - macos

I've been working for a while with TextMate 2 and there's something I've never been able to solve.
Is it possible to always show the file browser at launch?
I know you can show it with ctrl+alt+cmd+D but I'd like it to always show at launch without having to make this shortcut (as I launch/quit TextMate many times in a day).
I'd be really grateful if anyone had a solution for this problem.
Thanks very much

5 months ago, I contacted Michael Sheets from MacroMates Support and here's his answer:
The file browser is shown when directories are opened or a favorite is open that is a directory. It is not shown when a single file is opened. If you want the file browser shown you should either open the directory itself or take advantage of the Favorite system.

I'm interested to. Did you already find out how to always show the file manager? Maybe it's possible through .tm_properties file?


Win CLI open file with "How to open"?

I need to open the file using Windows 10 cmd. But when the file opens, I need Windows to show me a modal window "How do you want to open this file?". The system should do this even if it already has a program selected by default to open a certain type of file. Is it possible to do this?
To clarify my problem:
I need the console to run for example ".py" not through the standard Python.File="C:\Windows\py.exe " "%L" %*, and for example via VS Code. You might tell me about the VS Code CLI. But how to handle an event where the user will not have VS Code, but for example Pycharm, and the user will want to open it through it? That is why the question was posed in such a way that the user could choose through what to open the file already through the built-in modal window in Windows. In any case, I will be glad of any suggestion to solve my problem.
I tried to find something similar, but apart from the standard start something.som I didn't find it. And this is not a solution to the problem, because start starts the file in the program that is specified by default in the system. This program may not even be the one that the user ever chose later. I came across a similar question in Stackoverflow, where a person wanted to see which program was responsible for opening a file with a certain extension, where assoc and ftype were used, but they did not give the desired result.

How do I create a file to open many different Chrome Browser websites at once on OS 10.13.6

MacOS 10.13.6 Chrome Version 77.0.3865.90
I would like to open 20 different Facebook Group Pages with Chrome (I Do Not EVER Use Safari) with a "batch" file. I know that's a 'Windows' term but that's all I know...
Here's What I Do Now:
Once the Chrome Browser is up, I can open them one at a time from 'Notes' with all the links in one file and then clicking on one link, then click back to notes and click on the next link...
I'd like to save a lot of Daily labor by creating a desktop file I can click on to open them all at once...
I have 41 different groups I use but on my system Chrome can open 20 at a time without a lot of 'WAIT' Time...
I'm REALLY IGNORANT! All the Experience I have is DOS 3.1, from the 1980s-90s I hope one of You WIZARDS can help me with this problem...
Note: I Tried to post what I know how to do but the system won't allow me to put it in since it's now BAD Code(Example I know...Start “facebook-1” Holy Bible).
Thanx HEAPS!
Welcome to Stackoverflow!
I would say the most user-friendly way to achieve this is using Apples build in Automator App.
Here is what I did:
Create a new Automator Program.
I added a "Get Specified URLs" block. Here you can add all the websites you want to open up.
Then I added a "Run Shell Script" block that contains the code to open up Chrome for every url you entered above. Just make sure to pick "As Argument" in the top right of the block.
Once saved all your websites should open up at once.
My system language is set to german but you should be fine to follow along.

Text editor to open network files?

Currently i am using Notepad++ for opening any text file in windows. but if u have multiple network file opened in the Noptepad++ and you switch to it , it got hanged for 10 to 20 sec.
Is this problem same in all editor?
please share your experience if any know any better one.
Most text editors will check to see if the open files have been modified since you loaded them. Over a network this can take some time (depending on the network).
However it looks like np++ is doing this on the UI thread and causing it to hang. Not all editors do this, so you might want to try others.
It is worth raising an issue on the np++ site as it should be fixable.

Files won't upload in PGRFileManager when using a mac

Hi we have been using PGRFileManager for a while with ckeditor but it has just come to light that when using a mac users can't upload files, does anyone know what could be the cause?
Users can get the file browser to appear and select a file but when they click the green arrow to upload the file just disappears.
Does anyone have any knowledge of this or how to fix it.
I was thinking about giving something like the kc finder a go but as users are used to the pgr file manager thought that I should give it a bash to fix it.
I've read around and I'm using a session var to set the location which has worked well.
And it's an absolute location so that's fine. (One of the solutions was to make sure that this was the case)
Has anyone got any further ideas?

Decrypt/Read/Modify “.automaticDestinations-ms” and/or ".customDestinations-ms"

Does anyone know how to read the files Microsoft creates for JumpLists?
I want to clear from JumpList all history/most visited/recently closed, WITHOUT clearing up the tasks.
I tried to use the APPID from win7api, and clear for example, google chrome's jumplist. But with "ClearAllUserTasks" method it clears EVERYTHING from the jumplist, even the "Tasks". The same thing is with deleting the file.
Isn't any way of knowing the format of the *destinations-ms files, so I can modify them myself? Basically, wanting to clear just history/most visited, but couldn't find anything in Windows 7 Api (nor C++ or .NET).
The file is a Structured Storage file.
The OpenMCDF project is capable of reading and basic editing out of the box and you can easily create a specific tool with the library.
Here are steps to the hacky approach I took to clear Chrome's Recent list:
Open the AutomaticDestinations folder
Sort the AutomaticDestinations folder descending by Date modified
Open Chrome and visit a site
In the AutomaticDestinations folder, rename the most recently modified item
Right click on Chrome's icon
If the Recent list has been removed, you have the right file and can delete it.
Otherwise, repeat steps 3 through 5 until the Recent list is empty
Don't forget to return the other files back to their original names.
To clear the Recent list of other applications, open them and perform and action that will cause their list to be modified.
The advantage of this method is that removes the need to read .automaticDestinations-ms files.
