Text editor to open network files? - windows

Currently i am using Notepad++ for opening any text file in windows. but if u have multiple network file opened in the Noptepad++ and you switch to it , it got hanged for 10 to 20 sec.
Is this problem same in all editor?
please share your experience if any know any better one.

Most text editors will check to see if the open files have been modified since you loaded them. Over a network this can take some time (depending on the network).
However it looks like np++ is doing this on the UI thread and causing it to hang. Not all editors do this, so you might want to try others.
It is worth raising an issue on the np++ site as it should be fixable.


Always show file browser in TextMate 2

I've been working for a while with TextMate 2 and there's something I've never been able to solve.
Is it possible to always show the file browser at launch?
I know you can show it with ctrl+alt+cmd+D but I'd like it to always show at launch without having to make this shortcut (as I launch/quit TextMate many times in a day).
I'd be really grateful if anyone had a solution for this problem.
Thanks very much
5 months ago, I contacted Michael Sheets from MacroMates Support and here's his answer:
The file browser is shown when directories are opened or a favorite is open that is a directory. It is not shown when a single file is opened. If you want the file browser shown you should either open the directory itself or take advantage of the Favorite system.
I'm interested to. Did you already find out how to always show the file manager? Maybe it's possible through .tm_properties file?

Opening a CHM file produces: "navigation to the webpage was canceled"

I am trying to open a .chm file.
I downloaded the source, extracted it, and double clicked on Waffle.chm and clicked "Open" but no matter what element in the chm file I click, I get the message:
Navigation to the webpage was canceled.
What you can try:
Retype the address.
What's going on here?
Microsoft Security Updates 896358 & 840315 block display of CHM file contents when opened from a network drive (or a UNC path). This is Windows' attempt to stop attack vectors for viruses/malware from infecting your computer and has blocked out the .chm file that draw data over the "InfoTech" protocol, which this chm file uses.
Microsoft's summary of the problem: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/896054
If you are using Windows Server 2008, Windows 7, windows has created a quick fix. Right click the chm file, and you will get the "yourfile.chm Properties" dialog box, at the bottom, a button called "Unblock" appears. Click Unblock and press OK, and try to open the chm file again, it works correctly. This option is not available for earlier versions of Windows before WindowsXP (SP3).
Solve the problem by moving your chm file OFF the network drive. You may be unaware you are using a network drive, double check now: Right click your .chm file, click properties and look at the "location" field. If it starts with two backslashes like this: \\epicserver\blah\, then you are using a networked drive. So to fix it, Copy the chm file, and paste it into a local drive, like C:\ or E:. Then try to reopen the chm file, windows does not freak out.
Last resort, if you can't copy/move the file off the networked drive. If you must open it where it sits, and you are using a lesser version of windows like XP, Vista, ME or other, you will have to manually tell Windows not to freak out over this .chm file. HHReg (HTML Help Registration Utility) Utility Automates this Task. Basically you download the HHReg utility, load your .chm file, press OK, and it will create the necessary registry keys to tell Windows not to block it. For more info: http://www.winhelponline.com/blog/fix-cannot-view-chm-files-network-xp-2003-vista/
Windows 8 or 10? --> Upgrade to Windows XP.
"unblocking" the file fixes the problem. Screenshot:
Win 8 x64:
just move it to another folder or rename your folder (in my case: my folder was "c#").
avoid to use symbol on folder name. name it with letter.
In addition to Eric Leschinski's answer, and because this is stackoverflow, a programmatical solution:
Windows uses hidden file forks to mark content as "downloaded". Truncating these unblocks the file. The name of the stream used for CHM's is "Zone.Identifier". One can access streams by appending :streamname when opening the file. (keep backups the first time, in case your RTL messes that up!)
In Delphi it would look like this:
var f : file;
writeln('unblocking ',s);
I'm told that on non forked filesystems (like FAT32) there are hidden files, but I haven't gotten to the bottom of that yet.
P.s. Delphi's DeleteFile() should also recognize forks.
The definitive solution is to allow the InfoTech protocol to work in the intranet zone.
Add the following value to the registry and the problem should be solved:
More info here: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/896054
Go to Start
Type regsvr32 hhctrl.ocx
You should get a success message like:
" DllRegisterServer in hhctrl.ocx succeeded "
Now try to open your CHM file again.
other way is to use different third party software. This link shows more third party software to view chm files...
I tried with SumatraPDF and it work fine.
I fixed this programmatically in my software, using C++ Builder.
Before I assign the CHM help file, Application->HelpFile = HelpFileName, I check to see if it contains the "Zone.Identifier" stream, and when it does, I simply remove it.
String ZIStream(HelpFileName + ":Zone.Identifier") ;
if (FileExists(ZIStream))
{ DeleteFile(ZIStream) ; }
There are apparently different levels of authentication. Most articles I read tell you to set the MaxAllowedZone to '1' which means that local machine zone and intranet zone are allowed but '4' allows access for 'all' zones.
For more info, read this article:
This is how my registry looks (I wasn't sure it would work with the wild cards but it seems to work for me):
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
As an additional note, weirdly the "UrlAllowList" key was required to make this work on another PC but not my test one. It's probably not required at all but when I added it, it fixed the problem. The user may have not closed the original file or something like that. So just a consideration. I suggest try the least and test it, then add if needed. Once you confirm, you can deploy if needed. Good Luck!
Edit: P.S. Another method that worked was mapping the path to the network locally by using mklink /d (symbolic linking in Windows 7 or newer) but mapping a network drive letter (Z: for testing) did not work. Just food for thought and I did not have to 'Unblock' any files. Also the accepted 'Solution' did not resolve the issue for me.
Moving to local folder is the quickest solution, nothing else worked for me esp because I was not admin on my system (can't edit registery etc), which is a typical case in a work environment.
Create a folder in C:\help drive, lets call it help and copy the files there and open.
Do not copy to mydocuments or anywhere else, those locations are usually on network drive in office setup and will not work.

Window focus when editing remote files over FTP on a Mac

I use a combination of ForkLift and Textmate to edit files on a remote server via FTP. it works really well, except for one little quirk: when I hit save on Textmate, Forklift saves the file, and then Forklift takes the focus. So, every time I hit Save on Textmate, I have to wait for Forklift to save, and then hit Cmd + Tab to return to Textmate.
Is there a way this can be avoided? I.e. is there a way that when I hit Save on TextMate, the focus does NOT get taken by ForkLift?
And, by the way, I tried to edit the files with TextEdit instead of TextMate, and the behaviour did not change. So, I'm guessing this is either a ForkLift issue, or a Mac issue.
Either way, help would be much appreciated.
Just tested with Forklift Version 2.0.6 (315) and couldn't find the behavior described by you. The focus wasn't lost by saving the document within Textmate.
Maybe 'already' fixed?

GVim runs very slowly when editing files on a windows share

On my computer at work, any time I open a file located on a network share, GVim becomes completely unusable. Scrolling through the document can take 15 seconds to go one "page". Even using the movement keys to go from one word to another can take 2 to 3 seconds. This seems to be a new behavior, but for the life of me I can't remember changing anything that would cause it. I'm under the impression that Vim doesn't actually access a file except on open and on save. Is that right?
There are a few factors which may affect this.
First, make sure you have Vim setup to prefer storing the swapfile locally. If your $HOME is on a local drive, I tend to put this in my vimrc (which will either be at $HOME\_vimrc or $VIM\_vimrc). Make sure you create that directory, otherwise Vim will continue to use one of the other directories in the list.
set directory^=$HOME/tmp
This prepends the $HOME/tmp directory to the start of the list that Vim checks for where to place swapfiles.
Second, do the same for the backup file that Vim creates. Same situation as above but the option you'll be changing is backupdir instead of directory.
Third, make sure you disable the matchparen plugin. This plugin is new to Vim 7, so you may be used to using an older version of Vim. This causes frequent scanning of the file for matching parens, braces, etc. which can drastically slow Vim down when the file is on a network share. Again, this should go in your vimrc.
let g:loaded_matchparen = 1
If you only want to disable the plugin temporarily, you can use the command :NoMatchParen and then :DoMatchParen to re-enable it later in that Vim session.
Finally, if none of those help you can always copy the file locally and edit it.
Swap file has nothing to do with it. I have my swap file local and still have the problem. I use Process Monitor from SysInternals.com and it revealed bad behavior when attempting to open "\server\TestTool\foo\ReadMe.TXT"
It first attempts a CreateFile (aka, Directory open) on "\serve\". Notice the last character is missing. This will cause 4 seconds to time out with "OBJECT PATH INVALID".
Then it tries CreateFile on "\server\TestToo\". Server name is correct by the last letter of "TestTool" is clipped. Again, a 3 second time out with "BAD NETWORK NAME".
Finally it gets it right and calls CreateFile on "\server\TestTool\" which works right away.
Then CreateFile on "\server\TestTool\foo" which works right away.
Then CreateFile on "\server\TestTool\foo\ReadMe.TXT" which works right away.
WHY is it trying bad names for the server and the root directory??? What madness is this?
I fixed this issue after setting HOME path by force in advanced system settings.
(Your current HOME path would be a network directory.)
Control Panel > All Control Panel Items > System > Advanced system settings > Environment variables
Press "New..."
Variable name: HOME
Variable value: c:\Home\ **<-- Type your home directory**
A follow up on jamessan's answer: to disable the plugin automatically when you edit files on a share, put this line in you _vimrc
autocmd BufReadPre //* :NoMatchParen
You could consider installing LargeFile plugin. It disables a couple of features impacting the performance.
Having a similar issue as David Anderson, but no solution yet.
When loading \\ServerName\A$\B\C\File.txt Vim will do:
Open \ServerName\A$\B\C\File.txt
Then it does many loops like:
CreateFile \ServerName\A$ <-- Each taking roughly 1 sec
QueryDirectory \ServerName\A$\B
QueryDirectory \ServerName\A$
QueryDirectory \ServerName\A$\B\C
QueryDirectory \ServerName\A$\B
To compare with Notepad++ which loads files almost instantaneously there are more lines and Notepad++ never queries \\ServerName\A$.
Also the duration (Duration column) written in Process Monitor is low, but the time taken by Vim seem quiet high (Time of Day column) for the CreateFile \\ServerName\A$.
I've no plugins installed as far as I know and followed other tips to speed up network shares loading.
Note: The dollar is in the path. More weird is that Vim will load very fast on more recent Windows Server (2008 instead of 2003) with the same folder structure.
I had the same problem (slow gvim editing over network drive) and have fixed it. It was for me -- no kidding -- the titlestring.
Background: I use a vertically arranged taskbar with Windows 10. This has the advantage that my open windows behave like a growing stack from top to bottom. For example, see here some currently open windows with how-to-run.txt as a network file:
With that it makes sense, that the filename is going first in the window title of gvim and the path goes after that. So I used exactly the titlestring in my vimrc, which is still officially recommended in the help file vim81/doc/options.txt, line 8202:
set titlestring=%t%(\ %M%)%(\ (%{expand(\"%:~:.:h\")})%)%(\ %a%)
For local files that's ok, but for network files this is way too slow.
Now my fix:
set titlestring=
Same effect (filename first), but now gvim runs very fast for remote files as well!
BTW, I also tried all the above mentioned recommendations (directory, backupdir, matchparen, disabled all the plugins, tried the LargeFile plugin although I observed the slow gvim also for small files, etc.). I also changed my statusline to something really simple.
It all had no effect for me. But the funny titlestring...

Update desktop "show window contents while dragging" setting programatically

One of my programs seems to be changing the Display Properties > Appearance > Effects > Show window contents while dragging setting to off every few hours.
I'm not sure exactly which program, or when it happens. I have a number of programs that seem like likely culprits - wallpaper rotators, software for multiple monitors, multiple virual desktops and switching, and a few others.
I am just thinking to create a little batch script to run periodically and set the setting back to on.
Does anyone know how to do this in windows? I'm using xp pro sp3.
The best option is to do this programmatically using the supported API. i haven't tested this, but it should do the trick:
You can use SPI_GETDRAGFULLWINDOWS to see if the the bit has been flipped to avoid unnecessarily triggering a WM_SETTINGCHANGE.
You can use RegMon to find the program that keeps changing your settings. Maybe that's a better start than hacking around it.
There is a simple and effective solution to this problem. In Notepad type the following lines :
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop] "DragFullWindows"="1"
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\VisualEffects\DragFullWindows] "CheckedValue"=dword:00000001 "UncheckedValue"=dword:00000001
Save the file as "Show Window Contents.reg" Double clicking this file and restarting will cure the problem permanently. Post a message if you find this useful.
Aravind Banerjee
It seems the registry setting which controls that preference is HKCU\Control Panel\Desktop\DragFullWindows. You can read more about it here. However, trying it on my own computer does not register the change right away, so a batch script won't do it. You'll probably have to write a program to manipulate it using SystemParametersInfo(). You can pass it the SPI_SETDRAGFULLWINDOWS parameter. Here's a page explaining it more. Here's a page showing how to call it, albeit not for the same parameter.
I suspect it's kept in the registry - maybe [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop] - "DragFullWindows"?
It would be easy to flip the registry setting back to "1" every hour or so with a batch file.
