Files won't upload in PGRFileManager when using a mac - macos

Hi we have been using PGRFileManager for a while with ckeditor but it has just come to light that when using a mac users can't upload files, does anyone know what could be the cause?
Users can get the file browser to appear and select a file but when they click the green arrow to upload the file just disappears.
Does anyone have any knowledge of this or how to fix it.
I was thinking about giving something like the kc finder a go but as users are used to the pgr file manager thought that I should give it a bash to fix it.
I've read around and I'm using a session var to set the location which has worked well.
And it's an absolute location so that's fine. (One of the solutions was to make sure that this was the case)
Has anyone got any further ideas?


How to run Google Keep as an App in Windows

How does one run Google Keep or other websites like an app or kiosk on a Windows PC.
Since I figured this out and nobody seems to of had a response, I made my own question and answered it. Credit to OurCodeWorld for helping figure out some of the fine tuning. He had a --chrome-frame flag, but I believe that is depreciated, so I am looking into it. But it seems to work fine without it
TLDR: Create a shortcut to chrome and add --app= this to the end of it. like this --app=
Now if you want it to have a specific size window? Well, you will have to add --window-size=WIDTH,LENGTH. But... Chrome saves the size of the last window closed, which If you use Chrome as a browser, this will change frequently. To solve this, we create a separate user-data directory --user-data-dir="C:\ExampleDir". This folder is around 50mb of who knows what...
So the whole thing put together, like this.
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --user-data-dir="%localappdata%\GoogleKeep\User Data" --window-size=950,1000 --app=

mac screengrab creates two files

I ran two commands in Terminal to (a) turn off screengrab shadows, and (b) to change the default save location for screengrabs.
The shadows are now gone and the screengrabs save where I want them to. However, when I invoke command-shift-3 to create a screengrab of the entire desktop, I get two files, one containing what I want as well as a screengrab of the 'background', that is the desktop (with any open finder windows).
Could anyone suggest a fix? Thanks in advance.
Sorry! Please disregard this question… I feel embarrassed to admit that it had something to do with … er… my dual monitor setup.

Recovering cache mozilla firefox

I have just destroyed an entire style.css file on a server. I was really tired and managed to delete the entire thing.. Now i need to recover this somehow. I have already pressed ctrl + f5 to view the changes but ofcourse i broke the entire thing.
I am using mozilla firefox and have tried using about:cache in the browser window but it only displayed the empty version of style.css.
Do you guys think i could locate the mozilla firefox cache folder and try recovering the entire folder searching for the file. But i have heard that firefox is using a security feature that doesn't name the files in original file names and extensions?
Id be grateful for any help!! Thanks
I was able to scavange the file using this software on another company pc that still had it in the cache.
But lesson of the story is have backup and do use git!! Will save you a lot of hassle.

Mac terminal Chrome Apps.localized

For some strange reason the Applications folder for a user login has changed itself.
It seems to have created an Alias for the real Applications folder and then stuck in Chrome Apps.locaslized in the original folder of applications.
This means I can no longer access my applications via the terminal. This is inconvient as I edit the Vhosts file of MAMP this way.
Can anyone shed some light as to how this might have happened and how I can revert it back so that Applications are put back into the applications folder as they should be
I have added an image so u can see what I mean
Type in:
cd /Applications
It will take you back to your list of all apps. I don't have an explanation but after playing around with the same issue I got back to my apps folder like that.
I'm having this same problem and this is the only other instance of it I found on google. Has anyone else encountered this or found a fix? After installing MAMP my Applications folder is now at /Applications instead of /Users/[username]/Applications
/Users/[username]/Applications now only contains Chrome Apps.localized

Always show file browser in TextMate 2

I've been working for a while with TextMate 2 and there's something I've never been able to solve.
Is it possible to always show the file browser at launch?
I know you can show it with ctrl+alt+cmd+D but I'd like it to always show at launch without having to make this shortcut (as I launch/quit TextMate many times in a day).
I'd be really grateful if anyone had a solution for this problem.
Thanks very much
5 months ago, I contacted Michael Sheets from MacroMates Support and here's his answer:
The file browser is shown when directories are opened or a favorite is open that is a directory. It is not shown when a single file is opened. If you want the file browser shown you should either open the directory itself or take advantage of the Favorite system.
I'm interested to. Did you already find out how to always show the file manager? Maybe it's possible through .tm_properties file?
