how to burn hex file to pic ? "hardware" - pic

Good evening ..
I'm new in the microcontroller ..
I have studied a course on "pic 16" and As I knew the pic16 needs an external device to burn hex file in rom .
Now I want to study the pic24 And I found something called usb in pic24 ..
Can I burn the hex file without an external device via a usb ?? Or this is another term has not related to burning hex file ??
Is there a way to burn the file without an additional device ??
And also in the pic32 Are there any types of it can be directly connected without the use kit3 ??
I do not want to buy kit3 :\
Is the kit3 can Programming all kinds pic microcontroller (16,24,32) ??
Sorry for extension
and Thank you very much

The PIC32 starter kits have a debugger/programmer built in. Otherwise there is no way.

Yes, you can burn a hex file without an external device via USB. The term to look for is “Bootloader”. Many Microchip devices can allocate and protect a section of memory for bootload firmware providing the means to self-program.
If you’re buying a demo board with a bootloader pre-installed (and as long as you don’t over-write the bootloader) you can upload hexfiles and run them without an external programmer. But if you build your own board you’ll need a programmer at least once to load the bootload code.
And yes, the PICkit 3 can be used to program a wide variety of Microchip devices. The document Device Support.htm in the release notes of MPLAB X has a matrix of devices and programmers.

unfortunately i've never used pic24 family, but if you're going to try pic32 try to take a look here:
It works with avrdude, the same bootloader used by Arduino boards and it's not much hard to use properly. I don't know if there's a way to use also serial monitor via usb, but if you debug with mplabx you don't need it


Flashing ESP32's memory without installing the whole IDF?

I'm looking for a way to flash an ESP32 module's memory without installing the whole IDF software suite.
Because I want to integrate ESP32 onto a custom board along with a low-performance ARM-powered CPU which runs a tiny Linux distro (based on Debian), and I want to flash ESP32 from this tiny Linux distro.
I know I could use the bootloader, but who will upload the initial bootloader? I don't want to do extra steps, so my idea is to embed the ESP32 module onto my custom board, and let the Linux to flash it from factory-state (when it's flash is empty, ie. no preloaded bootloader). Or is the serial bootloader always preinstalled on all ESP32 modules (like on ESP-WROOM-32)?
Why I don't want to use IDF? Because I don't want to build or debug anything, I just want to flash myprogram.bin onto ESP32. Also, as the board is low-performance, it would take ages to download everything for running IDF.
Current state
The ESP32 module is now visible via UART (RX,TX,GND), and if I held low the GPIO0, it runs the bootloader (my current module is embedded onto a NodeMCU - but there is no USB connected, this is raw UART!):
waiting for download
Could I expect the same behavior (controlling GPIO0 for running the bootloader) for all ESP32 modules, or this works just because guys at NodeMCU preprogrammed already some bootloader onto it?
I'm looking for a way to flash this ESP32 preferrably without any python script.
The ESP32 has a first-stage bootloader in ROM capable of writing to Flash - that's what's printing your output. You can talk to it if you know the protocol - this is implemented by the Python scripts in ESP IDF. If you don't want to use the official implementation because it's too heavy, you'll have to write your own implementation of this protocol which scratches your specific itch. Fortunately it's more or less documented and you can likely reverse engineer any missing knowledge from official Python scripts.
Actually Espressif also provides a nice and small binary for flashing ESPs:
Serial flasher component provides portable library for flashing Espressif SoCs (ESP32, ESP32-S2, ESP8266) from other host microcontroller. Espressif SoCs are normally programmed via serial interface (UART). Port layer for given host microcontroller has to be implemented, if not available.
One more (but very important) addition:
You have to modify this repo to make it work correctly, and also you might have to upload not just your binary, but also bootloader and partition_table.

8Mhz Bootloader for Arduino Micro

I have just finished a project using an Arduino Micro dev board and want to move to a standalone ATmega32.
I need to run this at 3.3V and I dont want to go down the overclocking road so I have an 8MHz crystal to put on it.
I still want to be able to upload sketches via USB and the Arduino compiler so I gather I need to burn a different bootloader.
For this purpose I have purchased a USBASP programmer.
I am slightly unsure of what to do next - everything I can find on the topic either relates to the ATmega328 or to burning bootloaders using another Arduino.
I have worked out that I need to modify boards.txt to point to the correct bootloader....but which is the correct bootloader for ATmega32 at 8Mhz?
Also do I need to change any fuses?
I think you're a bit out of luck.
The ATmega doesn't have hardware USB, so I assume the bootloader is using V-USB to implement USB. That stack, being a software implementation of USB's high-speed signalling, requires at least a 12 MHz clock (higher is better).
I don't think you can run V-USB using only the internal 8 MHz oscillator.
According to the OP comments the micro is indeed an Atmega32u4, not an Atmega32 (#OP: please fix the question to match this).
Since it has onboard USB, you can use a pre-existing bootloader like the sparkfun one:
Here you have the link to one of their products, the Arduino pro micro 3.3V (which runs at 8MHz). You can add the sparkfun arduino boards repository to your IDE and then just use the board specification for their pro micro 3.3V do upload the correct bootloader and to program it through the USB just like the usual Arduino Micro.

Is linux suggest us use sysfs or udev?

While we want to create a device file in file system, which one should we choose right now? Make a node in udev, which will show up in /dev or use sysfs which will show up in /sys.
I just think I can accomplish most of functions for a device through these two different ways. So it confused me a lot.
Use udev (and or define and publish some major & minor device numbers, like for mknod). See makedev(3)
Application programs want to access physical devices in /dev/ (not in /sys/). Data to/from a device go usually thru /dev/ char or block devices. Metadata and configuration can go thru sysfs
Read more about udev and about sysfs. See also device file wikipage.
You won't get very useful answers if you don't explain more concretely your issues... What exact kind of device are you thinking about? Very probably there exist already similar devices....
Publish very early (even in alpha stage, when it is not fully working) your device driver and software source code as free software preferably as GPLv2 (the license used by Linux kernel). Ask also on kernelnewbies. Work hard (perhaps more than a year) to get your driver incorporated in the official Linux kernel.
You should be familiar with Advanced Linux Programming (in the application userspace world) before attempting to code a kernel driver. After that, read books and resources on Linux kernel driver programming and study the source code of existing drivers in the recent Linux kernels.

How to read from USB without any driver?

We are creating small system which has GPS receiver and PC. We want to test my GPS receiver, We do not want to go for a driver on the first go. First I would like to test my circuit works or nor. GPS IC has been set to output NMEA sentence. We want a program which just reads data from USB port and print it on the screen.
Can we write something like this easily ? Do we have any open source tool which will achieve this purpose ?
Platform : Windows 7
All devices need a driver, so I'm going to interpret your question as "how can I read NMEA data from my GPS using only drivers provided by the OS, so I don't have to write my own?"
If the GPS chip has a USB interface, then you should have gotten a driver with it. But most GPS chips have a UART interface which in your case sounds like it is connected to a separate USB-UART conversion chip. That conversion chip most likely came with a driver as well, but if not, you could jumper the reset pin of the converter chip, disabling it, and then attach a TTL/RS-232 level converter (available off-the-shelf) to the UART traces and then to your computer's serial port.
Unless you suspect that the driver for the USB-UART converter is causing problems, I wouldn't bother.
Anything connected via USB is a device. Devices require a device driver, period.
You might be able to get away with an existing driver built into Windows. This is how USB memory keys work for example - they present a generic device that looks like a removable disk, and Windows already includes the drivers for generic removable disks.
You would need to check the documentation for your device to see if it can emulate a device which already has drivers. Otherwise you must install the company's drivers, or you're out of luck.
Have a look at libusb. You should be able to read the data with that and a little code. (Yes, it's a driver. I take the question to mean "without writing a driver".)
You need a device driver for your device. Unless Windows already have a class driver for the device.
For USB devices on Windows 7 you can write a user-mode driver, see UMDF.

Windows X Unix in USB communication

inHi, this question is fast, but from my point of view its pretty hard. I have been messing with implementing USB device built from MCU. So I found project called V-USB which is software-emulated USB interface for Atmel MCUs. But this is not so important.
The question is, on their site, they say that using custom USB class, you can simply write host software on Unix, but you need driver DLL for Windows. The problem is, they dont explain why.
So, please, why? I dont know Unix based systems, but I thought that the very basics of different OS are the same becouse thay rise from the same hardware, and even Unix cannot do HW IO operations from user mode.
I know about libraries for USB communication like LibUSB and so, but I want to know the very reason why thay say that its easy on Unix. Thanks.
Thanks for answer, but can I have further question? How this everything is a file works? I mean, my vision of driver on Windows is a program running in kernel mode, thus allowed to access CPU IO ports, which either provides functions to OS by some standarts, to allow Windows to use it (for example HDD driver must be accessible from filesystem driver by standardised set of functions, to allow any HDD work the same).
With this all you have to do is call drivers via WinAPI function or directly call its functions. But USB implements new feature which is different classes. So there is main USB root driver to handle USB and calling right secondary drivers for right devices. Than there is the same procedure, you just call your USB driver.
But if in Unix everything is a file, how are handled different classes? I just cannot imahine how this works in some analogy to Windows way. Does that file represents the way to communicate with USB root driver?
Everything in UNIX is a file, which supports simple operations. No matter if you are communicating via a terminal or a via a usb device, everything is a stream of bytes to a file.
* read
* write
* lseek
* close
