Xcode 6.1 Yosemite Debug Area no output - xcode

I'm trying to run a working library on a different computer. Installed Xcode6.1 and updated from Mavericks to Yosemite OS and the Debug area opens and closes quickly with no output. No output in terminal either. Installed the latest command line tools. Working fine on my other machine, anyone else having this issue?

You have to activate manually, view->Debug Area->Activate Console or with the icons at the right


Terminal not working in Aptana IDE with OSX

This Terminal Emulator is not functional because no 'bash' shell could be found.
Please correct the problem and restart the ID
This is a brand new OSX laptop with 10.13.6, and I've been trying to replicate the setup with aptana 3. I'm not sure what I'm missing to be getting this error... previous threads with similar errors all seem to be dealing with windows environments
I had the same issue on macOS Mojave 10.14 with AptanaStudio 3.7.2 and could fix it based on the suggestion here (which is for linux) https://stackoverflow.com/a/6685532/5220160
So assuming your AptanaStudio.app sits in /Applications the fix would be chmod +x /Applications/AptanaStudio.app/Contents/Eclipse/plugins/com.aptana.terminal_3.0.0.201802081530/os/macosx/redtty

How to Install LLDB on Mac?

I'm new to Mac, I would like to know how to Install LLDB on MAC.
I'm running the OS X 10.11 El Capitan GM.
I need to debug one of my friends Application on iOS.
I would like to instead of using xcode, have only a Window that looks like terminal but is LLDB. Any idea on how to do that?
Thank you.
Without installing Xcode, Open terminal, put lldb and press return. you will be prompt to the installation.

cannot launch debugger on macos using codelite

I get the pop up "Failed to start terminal for debugger".i have set the gdb path in the gdb options of codelite. Is there anything else to be done?
My mac os version is 10.10.4
GDB version installed under /usr/local/bin/gdb - version 7.8.1
The c project created a simple hello world to test the codelite usage on mac os and unfortunately not able to launch gdb.The compilation is going through fine
On OSX, the recommended the debugger is LLDB.
Please use it instead.
Project settings->general->Debugger, and select "LLDB Debugger"
EDIT, Sep 06:
I have uploaded a new OSX build (8.2.3) with this problem fixed.

Pycharm 4.5 CE crashes on launch on OS X 10.8.5

I upgraded from Pycharm 4.0 (which worked fine) to 4.5 community edition on Mac OS 10.8.5.
It crashes on launch after bouncing a bit in the dock.
The log files, console, all show nothing.
I'm running java 1.6.0_65, and have Python 2.7, Jython, PyPy via Macports.
Any ideas?
Make sure you've installed Apple's Java for OS X 2014-001 (at least).
Try to delete ~/Library/Java/Extensions, see the issue IDEA-137147.
Similar to the answer for IntelliJ IDEA, if you can't delete ~/Library/Java/Extensions, i.e., because you need it's contents (likely JAI jars) as part of other applications, you can create a file, pycharm.vmoptions in ~/Library/Preferences/PyCharm40 with contents:
to override OSX Java 6's default behavior of checking the user's ~/Library/Java/Extensions directory in addition to the system's extensions on application start up; but only for PyCharm.

Mavericks - Trying to install XQuartz X11 for Inkscape, "image not found"

So I'm trying to install Inkscape onto my Mac, which is running on Mavericks. Upon trying to open, i'm told that I need to install X11 and am forwarded to this site http://xquartz.macosforge.org/trac/wiki/X112.7.5. Downloaded the file, when trying to open i'm told that the image can't be found. How can I get X11 + Inkscape running?! Thanks for your help in advance!
When Inkscape asks
Where is X11?
I had to go to Applications -> Utilities -> X11
The reason you think it did not work is because the first time Inkscape opens, it takes up to a minute and a half. It just seems to sit there, doing nothing, but it will open for sure. Once it opens, close it completely via XQuartz, then re-open it and it will open in 2-3 seconds. Use this direct link for the latest version of XQuartz 2.7.11.
Works just fine for Mavericks 10.9.5, no worries. If not, update to OS X 10.9.5 via AppStore.
Install the X11 2.7.4 from here. I had to restart after this install, but it worked like a charm. MATLAB took forever to open the first round, but it eventually did and now everything seems OK.
For the record, I'm running 10.9.1 on a 2009 MacbookPro. Had the same problem after I upgraded to Mavricks and could not install X11, the 2.7.5 Package.
