cannot launch debugger on macos using codelite - macos

I get the pop up "Failed to start terminal for debugger".i have set the gdb path in the gdb options of codelite. Is there anything else to be done?
My mac os version is 10.10.4
GDB version installed under /usr/local/bin/gdb - version 7.8.1
The c project created a simple hello world to test the codelite usage on mac os and unfortunately not able to launch gdb.The compilation is going through fine

On OSX, the recommended the debugger is LLDB.
Please use it instead.
Project settings->general->Debugger, and select "LLDB Debugger"
EDIT, Sep 06:
I have uploaded a new OSX build (8.2.3) with this problem fixed.


Attempt to install Qt on OS X gives 'You need to install Xcode 5.0.0', but this version is so old it's not available

I am a Windows/Linux developer who occasionally builds for OS X - particularly in Qt.
I have a simple Qt project that I have been developing on Windows. I now wish to build it on OS X.
I am running Yosemite. I have installed Xcode 7 and am attempting to install Qt 5.5.
When I run the Qt installer, immediately after the prompt to log in to Qt (which is successful), I receive the following error:
You need to install Xcode version 5.0.0.
I have attempted to locate Xcode 5.0.0 on the Apple Developer site, but this is 2 major versions behind the most recent version, and I cannot even find an installer for it.
More to the point, I do wonder why the most recent version of Qt requires a version of Xcode that is considered so old by Apple that it's not even available.
How do I overcome this problem so that I can get Qt installed on OS X?
I ran into the same problem and solved it by following the instructions here. This link describes a similar, but slightly different installer issue.
To summarize, you need to ensure that the Xcode command line tools are installed and set up correctly. I already had them installed, but had to go into Preferences -> Locations in Xcode and set the dropdown to the currently installed version.
The link shows an earlier version of Xcode where the path is actually Preferences -> Downloads -> Components.
Once I'd made this change, the installer continued successfully.
The solution that worked for me (on OSX Sierra XCode 8.2.1) is to open XCode Preferences -> Locations.
There is a drop-down menu named Command Line Tools. Select the available XCode version here. Then restart the Qt Creator installation.
taken from the link above, this resolved my issue:
sudo /usr/bin/xcode-select -switch /Applications/
For me closing the prompt and smashing keys (alt F4, I know that its not windows) before the next prompt opened worked... qt is running fine now, as it doesn't need the old version.
you can find the old version of XCode on the the Apple offical site here and download .dmg of xcode 5 or 6.1 for example :
I do this and it's ok for me.

Pycharm 4.5 CE crashes on launch on OS X 10.8.5

I upgraded from Pycharm 4.0 (which worked fine) to 4.5 community edition on Mac OS 10.8.5.
It crashes on launch after bouncing a bit in the dock.
The log files, console, all show nothing.
I'm running java 1.6.0_65, and have Python 2.7, Jython, PyPy via Macports.
Any ideas?
Make sure you've installed Apple's Java for OS X 2014-001 (at least).
Try to delete ~/Library/Java/Extensions, see the issue IDEA-137147.
Similar to the answer for IntelliJ IDEA, if you can't delete ~/Library/Java/Extensions, i.e., because you need it's contents (likely JAI jars) as part of other applications, you can create a file, pycharm.vmoptions in ~/Library/Preferences/PyCharm40 with contents:
to override OSX Java 6's default behavior of checking the user's ~/Library/Java/Extensions directory in addition to the system's extensions on application start up; but only for PyCharm.

Xcode 6.1 Yosemite Debug Area no output

I'm trying to run a working library on a different computer. Installed Xcode6.1 and updated from Mavericks to Yosemite OS and the Debug area opens and closes quickly with no output. No output in terminal either. Installed the latest command line tools. Working fine on my other machine, anyone else having this issue?
You have to activate manually, view->Debug Area->Activate Console or with the icons at the right

How to setup debugging Qt apps on OSX Mountain Lion with Qt-Creator?

Ok guys, I've got both Qt-Creator and Xcode and the usual suite of OSX development tools. I've followed every set of instructions I can find on the web, with a bunch of variations, and cannot get breakpoints to work either inside Xcode or in Qt-Creator.
What's the secret recipe? I'm running OSX 10.8.4, Qt Creator 2.7.0 (Qt 5.0.2), Xcode 4.6.3 (4H1503) and I'm trying to debug a complex open source Qt-based app.
I've tried configuring the project inside Qt Creator to use either Qt5 or Qt4 with the same results. As far as I can tell Qt Creator is building my app with debugging turned on. However, when I run in debug mode, my breakpoints are not hit.
I've tried generating an Xcode project file with qmake -spec macx-xcode but this results in a project file that the current version of Xcode cannot read.
Really appreciate any help getting past this roadblock.
How can you tell that Qt Creator is compiling in debug mode? Have you got -g flag in the Makefile?
If you create the project in Qt Creator, it should be enough to choose the Debug option as in this image:

Xcode Unable to determine compile to use

I recently installed Xcode 4.2.1 and attempted to create a simple "HelloWorld" application in C++. When I went to build to application I received the following:
Unable to determine compiler to use - the abstract compiler specification is missing from this Xcode installation.
I've uninstalled and reinstalled with no success.
I haven't been able to find and resources on the internet to help me resolve this.
I'm running Lion (upgraded from Snow Leopard).
Just copy Developer Folder for Xcode 4.2.1 from another Mac Machine and run Xcode from copied developer folder(/Developer 4.2.1/Applications/Xcode).That will work perfectly.
