Terminal not working in Aptana IDE with OSX - macos

This Terminal Emulator is not functional because no 'bash' shell could be found.
Please correct the problem and restart the ID
This is a brand new OSX laptop with 10.13.6, and I've been trying to replicate the setup with aptana 3. I'm not sure what I'm missing to be getting this error... previous threads with similar errors all seem to be dealing with windows environments

I had the same issue on macOS Mojave 10.14 with AptanaStudio 3.7.2 and could fix it based on the suggestion here (which is for linux) https://stackoverflow.com/a/6685532/5220160
So assuming your AptanaStudio.app sits in /Applications the fix would be chmod +x /Applications/AptanaStudio.app/Contents/Eclipse/plugins/com.aptana.terminal_3.0.0.201802081530/os/macosx/redtty


MacOS Ventura update changed terminal command location

I recently updated my Mac to MacOS Ventura Beta, causing terminal commands like gcc, pyhton3 and pip3 to not work. Until last week I was able to use them normally, but after the update terminal asks me to download XCode Commandline Developer Tools.
The problem that came with this, is that VSCode is unable to find include files for C/C++.
I tried reinstalling VSCode, VSCode extensions related to C/C++, and even changing the #include_path for C files in VSCode, but nothing seems to work.
Any help would be very much appreciated :).
I wanted to put my solution here.
The new macOS Ventura is officially released now. I encountered the same issue you described. The solution was pretty simple, just to install XCode.
Run this command in Terminal.app:
xcode-select --install
Let it install the XCode.
Restart your VSCode.
You should be working correctly now.

Chrome Native messaging host won't start on macOS Sierra

I use Packages app to install an application and run a post install script that configures the Native messaging host. I require admin rights to for the installation. I had 2 main issues on macOS Sierra (maybe High Sierra too).
The native messaging host is a python3 script, I run command -v python3 on the post install script the to check if python3 is installed, if not the script exits with an error.
When I run the installer on macOS 10.15 (Catalina) everything works es expected (since Catalina comes with python3). I have installed the official python3 pkg and ran the installer again on 2 machines, one is on Catalina so no problem, the other is on Sierra on which the command command -v python3 fails always even though it runs perfectly from terminal.
I now check for python3 in 2 paths using ls /usr/bin/python3 (Catalina's python3) or ls /usr/local/bin/python3 (official python3) and it works perfectly on Sierra and Catalina.
Another issue, only on Sierra, I kept getting the error Unchecked runtime.lastError: Native host has exited. so I tried to run Chrome on debug to see what's going on and I was surprised to discover that the message has disappeared, but I kept getting if if I click to open the app, it works also if I just run open from terminal (keep in mind that everything works perfectly on Catalina). I have tried everything I could think of, I still don't understand what's going on. I have reproduced this issue on 2 other VMs Sierra.
the rights on the nmh script -rwxr-xr-x
Will provide any code you'll need.
See my answer, I will leave the question open as I am curious about the reason I get different behaviours on Catalina and Sierra
it looks like on Sierra Chrome can't interpret the shebang #!/usr/bin/env python3. I solved it by using sed after finding the right python 3 path.

Oracle SQL Developer (4.1.1) Mac OSX install issues (El Capitan)

I am attempting to install Oracle SQL Developer Version 4.1.1. onto my MacBook Pro after installing OS X El Capitan. After I download the application and attempt to click on the icon to install it, the application's loading prompt appears and the "loading" bar moves about 5% to the part where it says "registering extensions" right above the loading bar. The application then crashes (no crash report, or anything appears afterwards).
After searching online I cannot find anyone else having this issue.
On a possibly related note - I attempted to install Oracle SQL Developer 4.1.1 on my Parallels Windows 8.1 Virtual Machine and had the same issue. Not sure if this stems from the same reason that my OS X install fails.
Help? suggestions? Im running out of ideas.
Run in terminal:
to view errors.
My error was
mkdir: /Users/gs/.sqldeveloper/4.1.0: Permission denied"
sudo mv ~/.sqldeveloper ~/sqldeveloper.old
Open the contents of your /Applications/SQLDeveloper.app
Edit /Contents/MacOS/sqldeveloper.sh
Add export JAVA_HOME pointing to your latest Java 1.8 version.
export JAVA_HOME=/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_45.jdk/Contents/Home
This helped me.
Full sqldeveloper.sh file for SQL Developer 4.1.1.
export JAVA_HOME=/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_45.jdk/Contents/Home
cd "${here}"
cd ../Resources/sqldeveloper/sqldeveloper/bin
bash ./sqldeveloper >>/dev/null
I had a similar problem, I had to download the JDK for the install to work. http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jdk8-downloads-2133151.html
In my case it was an issue related to attached external monitor. I had moved my primary display to an external monitor and then disconnecting external displays allows me to start the app. Plugging the external display in and the application moves to the primary external monitor.
Got info after googling and read that posts from oracle community

Vim Command T on Mac not working

I've compiled vim73 manually on Mac OS X Lion using xcode and ruby1.9.3 on rvm. I've compiled the C extension for command-t. When I press leader+t the command-t is opening, it is showing some files, but when I type some chars it doesn't search.
What is the problem?
This isn't a direct answer but FWIW I had (prematurely I'm sure) given up on Command-T + Lion until I got into using the Janus MacVim distro which does sucessfully pull it down, build and integrate it.
I have the same behaviour on my Mac. It works as soon as I :cd into a different directory. For some reason it does not work under ~/

QtCreator - Debugging as superuser on Mac OS

I'd like to debug an application in QtCreator on Mac OS which reads directly from hard disk (/dev/rdisk0). If I run this app from Terminal using sudo ./MyApp, it's working, however when I debugging it under QtCreator, it fails due to lack of permissions.
I tried to launch QtCreator itself from terminal using "sudo open QtCreator.app", but it didn't help.
Please suggest how to get around it.
Assuming you installed QtCreator into /Developer/Applications, you probably have to do:
sudo /Developer/Applications/Qt/QtCreator.app/Contents/MacOS/QtCreator
If QtCreator is a Carbon application, then you might need to execute:
sudo -b /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/Current/Support/LaunchCFMApp /Developer/Applications/Qt/QtCreator.app
See also: Open GUI applications as root - Mac Forums.
