How to Install LLDB on Mac? - macos

I'm new to Mac, I would like to know how to Install LLDB on MAC.
I'm running the OS X 10.11 El Capitan GM.
I need to debug one of my friends Application on iOS.
I would like to instead of using xcode, have only a Window that looks like terminal but is LLDB. Any idea on how to do that?
Thank you.

Without installing Xcode, Open terminal, put lldb and press return. you will be prompt to the installation.


Can I install Xcode from the command line?

Is it possible to install Xcode from the command line (on iOS)? I need it to create Appium tests, and because Appium is a booger to install, I'm trying to automate as much of the set-up as possible.
For me its a little bit hard to get your intention.
Do you want to install the Mac Xcode on an iOS device? No this is not possible?
-> no you cannot install the Xcode for Mac on iOS
Do you want to use an Terminal app on your iOS device to install Xcode for Mac on your Mac?
-> You can use MAS and SSH into your Mac from your iOS device and execute the command.

Xcode10.1 not launching

I have Mojave OS in Mac. and updating to Xcode10.1 from Xcode10.0.
But it's not launching at all. Alert is showing like below :
Your Xcode installation seems corrupted.
Try to completely uninstall and reinstall it.

Xcode 6.1 Yosemite Debug Area no output

I'm trying to run a working library on a different computer. Installed Xcode6.1 and updated from Mavericks to Yosemite OS and the Debug area opens and closes quickly with no output. No output in terminal either. Installed the latest command line tools. Working fine on my other machine, anyone else having this issue?
You have to activate manually, view->Debug Area->Activate Console or with the icons at the right

using x11 emacs in mountain lion

I have been trying to use macport's installation by using sudo port install emacs +x11 on my laptop with mountain lion, but every time I open emacs in terminal, it opens in the terminal without any GUI. This also happens if I try to open emacs directly in an xquartz terminal session. Has anyone had any luck with installing the x11 version of emacs on mountain lion? And if so, how? Thank you!
Turns out apple cut the link between terminal and xquartz. If I open emacs in xterm, it will run just fine. I found this to be the case even when I was using terminal with an ssh server. Looks like apple's terminal isn't going to be all that helpful from here on out.
Edit; I'm not sure if it was an update to xQuartz, but the problem has been fixed. When I type in an x11 app into the normal terminal app, it will open xQuartz as normal.

Vim Command T on Mac not working

I've compiled vim73 manually on Mac OS X Lion using xcode and ruby1.9.3 on rvm. I've compiled the C extension for command-t. When I press leader+t the command-t is opening, it is showing some files, but when I type some chars it doesn't search.
What is the problem?
This isn't a direct answer but FWIW I had (prematurely I'm sure) given up on Command-T + Lion until I got into using the Janus MacVim distro which does sucessfully pull it down, build and integrate it.
I have the same behaviour on my Mac. It works as soon as I :cd into a different directory. For some reason it does not work under ~/
