Error: more than one config file specified in protractor - visual-studio

I'm trying to configure visual studio to run protractor tests using this tutorial
I've included node_modules\protractor\lib\cli.js into my project and set is as node.js startup file, and in my project propreties, i've defined my conf.js as script agruments. When i run my project, i get this message:
Error: more than one config file specified
This is my project structure:

I found the problem. I've set in project properties the whole path of conf.js insted just conf.js.

Another possible solution is to make sure you add '--' before any parameters.
protractor config param="foo" //This will fail with 'more than one config file'
protractor config --param="foo" //This will succeed


No spec files found when running Cypress using scripts in package.json

I am trying to use script aliases in the package.json file.
In order for something like this to open the test runner,
"cy:open:prod": "cypress open --env ENV=production",
I run the command npm run cy:open:prod in the command line in the same folder that package.json is located.
The script runs and opens the test runner, however no spec files are found.
In all the examples I have found it describes this approach. Is there something I am missing in configuation to point it to where my spec files are?
Thanks in advance.
There is nothing basically wrong with the scripts in package.json, they look normal and would not cause the problem you mention.
I suggest you check the specPattern setting in configuration, it should match the naming convention you have chosen to use for your specs.
See e2e settings for more details.
Of you still have trouble with it, start a new project and let Cypress set the configuration for you, it will automatically match up the specPattern to the default value.

Cypress trying to recursively create a folder

I have a Cypress downloaded in zip file for Windows and extracted locally and when I am trying to run any tests, seems like Cypress recurively trying to create an integration/cypress/integration.. folder and failing
Error: ENAMETOOLONG: name too long, stat
Is there a workaround for that?
Have you tried change the default integration folder path in your cypress.json file?
Something like
integrationFolder: Another Path
if that solves the issue problably the integration Folder location was misconfigured

Error: Property "" was not specified Sonarqube

I'm configuring my sonarqube to run on my project, following the instructions given to run from the cloud I have my file like this:
sonar.exclusions=node_modules, migrations, models_old, seeders, .gitignore
I downloaded sonarqube CLI, copied the bin file to %path% on windows but for some reason, after running the test, I get the following error:
Property "" was not specified
As you can see, my project is in javascript(nodejs specifically) and not C++, and even then, for some reason it's scanning my node_modules folder while I explicitly state in my properties file to exclude scanning there.
Any ideas what I might be doing wrong? Here is the command I run:
sonar-scanner.bat -Dsonar.projectKey=yisera_aaswtest -Dsonar.organization=yisera-bitbucket -Dsonar.sources=. -Dsonar.login=cc10c0f538a6b50c876c2c53ed479eadd3e60988

What is the TestNG XML report pattern for Jenkins when using Maven with surefire?

I'm using TestNG Results Plugin.
I defined TestNG XML report pattern as: **\target\surefire-reports\testng-results.xml
I'm getting this error:
TestNG Reports Processing: START
Looking for TestNG results report in workspace using pattern: **\target\surefire-reports\testng-results.xml
Did not find any matching files.
What should be the correct pattern?
I just fixed this problem!
It's because that the current directory was changed to the default Jenkins workspace, something like '/Users/Shared/Jenkins/Home/workspace/your_project_name' when it ran!!
You will find it yourself if you add shell command 'pwd' before Post-build Actions in the Configuration of your project in Jenkins.
You just need configure your project in General -> Advanced... -> Use custom workspace, and fill in the full path of your project, and it will work!!!
The following pattern works for me: **/target/surefire-reports/*.xml
Also ensure that the default listeners are not disabled in your surefire configuration to ensure that surefire creates the xml reports for ReoprtNG/TestNG. Until I removed the disabling of default listeners I got the same error.

gradle build causing error :startScripts Failed

I am following the step-by-step instructions provided in to learn how to consume a SOAP web service using Gradle and Spring-WS. I have created the folder structure specified in the above URL (namely., c:/src/main/java/hello) and copied the source code for build.gradle,, and into this directory structure. When I execute the command "gradle build" in c:\src\main\java\hello, I am getting the following error:
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
A problem was found with the configuration of task ':startScripts'.
No value has been specified for property 'mainClassName'.
Following a suggestion I found in one of the Q&A in stackoverflow, I included mainClassName = '' at the end of the build.gradle file. The above error was overcome, but I do not find the "gs-consuming-web-service.jar" file in the C:\src\main\java\hello\build\libs folder as suggested by the instructions. Rather, I find a jar file named "hello.jar" in this folder.
And if I try to execute the hello.jar executable, I get a java.lang.ClassNotFoundException.
Has anyone tried to follow the instructions given in the URL: with success? If yes, can you please advise where I have gone wrong?
I was able to get the demo project work by following the steps:
Create a folder named gs-consuming-web-service and in it, create a file named build.gradle with the source code provided in Add an extra dependency (the one that is highlighted below) in this build.gradle file at the location below:
dependencies {
jaxb "com.sun.xml.bind:jaxb-xjc:2.1.7"
Create the directory structure and in the hello folder, create the java files for, and using the source code in
Launch InteliJ IDE and select the import project option. In the ensuing screen/step, select the build.gradle file in gs-consuming-web-service folder. Select check-boxes "Use auto-import" and "Create directories for empty content roots automatically". In this screen, make sure that the Gradle home, Gradle JVM are pre-populated correctly (in my case, these have been pre-populated with the path to Gradle-2.8 and JDK 1.8 respectively). Click OK.
At command prompt window, while within the gs-consuming-web-service folder, execute the command "gradle build".
This should get you to a successful gradle build. Good luck and happy learning.
