What is the TestNG XML report pattern for Jenkins when using Maven with surefire? - maven

I'm using TestNG Results Plugin.
I defined TestNG XML report pattern as: **\target\surefire-reports\testng-results.xml
I'm getting this error:
TestNG Reports Processing: START
Looking for TestNG results report in workspace using pattern: **\target\surefire-reports\testng-results.xml
Did not find any matching files.
What should be the correct pattern?

I just fixed this problem!
It's because that the current directory was changed to the default Jenkins workspace, something like '/Users/Shared/Jenkins/Home/workspace/your_project_name' when it ran!!
You will find it yourself if you add shell command 'pwd' before Post-build Actions in the Configuration of your project in Jenkins.
You just need configure your project in General -> Advanced... -> Use custom workspace, and fill in the full path of your project, and it will work!!!

The following pattern works for me: **/target/surefire-reports/*.xml
Also ensure that the default listeners are not disabled in your surefire configuration to ensure that surefire creates the xml reports for ReoprtNG/TestNG. Until I removed the disabling of default listeners I got the same error.


How to configure a sonar-project.properties file for code coverage?

Current my scanner is running through and only scanning the parent and skipping the rest of my nested files. If I run sonarlint (using the cli and specifying some test and source files) , it tries to analyze 37k files instead of the few I need. I have been able to skip ~3k files by adding the <sonar.skip>true</sonar.skip> property to a pom file. However, I still can't configure the project to run across certain sub-folders and print out some kind of code coverage test. (Is JaCoCo needed for the latest version(6.3,0)? Or can code-coverage be handled through some configuration?).
If Sonar seems to be analyzing too many files, it is probably because you had not set the sonar.sources=src/main/java in your sonar-project.properties file, so it defaults to the basedir and includes everything.
SonarQube can't do code-coverage itself, it just reports on coverage-reports from a tool like JaCoCo. It is funny they don't clarify these things in https://docs.sonarqube.org/display/SCAN/Analyzing+with+SonarQube+Scanner --but with enough digging, you can find good info on that site.

Failed to publish TestNG Report in Jenkins

I have used Maven project with Selenium & TestNG to create automated scripts which I want to execute from Jenkins. In Jenkins I have added the TestNG plugin to publish the TestNG report. But it is not getting displayed. I'm getting the below mentioned error.
TestNG Reports Processing: START
Looking for TestNG results report in workspace using pattern: /target/surefire-reports/testng-results.xml
Did not find any matching files.
Finished: SUCCESS
Actual path of the TestNG report file:
I have tried the following options but didn't work out for me.
Tried giving the full path of the TestNG report. Forward ans backward slash in the pattern.
I have tried different other options by changing the TestNG result file path but it's working for me.
Please share some inputs on how to resolve this issue.
"testng-results.xml" file is available in workspace. But it's failed to display the report. I have attached screenshot of Jenkins workspace and Console Output.
Note: I am using Jenkins 2.7.0 in Windows 10.
Jenkins Workspace
I have attached the Job configuration details of Jenkins.
Job Configuration Details
Few checkpoints :
1. Check if testng is producing this file at the specified location : /target/surefire-reports/testng-results.xml
2. TestNG needs to be configured to generate xml report
If this file is there, pass path in file locator as :
Hopefully, you will get results on jenkins if everything mentioned above is correct.

can't be indexed twice - testSourceDirectory and sourceDirectory are same

I have created performance test as a maven submodule to my main module. All the test classes are written under src/main/java and not src/test/java
I am able to package the project as jar and run it to performance test my project.
I wanted to execute mvn test. For mvn test to work I should have <testSourceDirectory> value set. As in this case I have my code in src/main/java I set this to :
Now mvn test works.
But the Problem is sonar build fails with error complaining: can't be indexed twice. Which is obvious as for my pom testSourceDirectory and sourceDirectory are same.
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal
org.codehaus.mojo:sonar-maven-plugin:2.5:sonar (default-cli)
on project Blah: File [relative=XYZ.java, abs=/Path/XYZ.java] can't be indexed twice.
Please check that inclusion/exclusion patterns produce
disjoint sets for main and test files ->
How to fix this issue?
I was facing the same problem. Finally, solved it with help of below documentation:-
Q: ERROR: Caused by: File [...] can't be indexed twice.
A: In case of below error you have to verify your exclusion/inclusion
properties. Please check that inclusion/exclusion patterns produce
disjoint sets for source and test files
ERROR: Caused by: File [...] can't be indexed twice. Please check that
inclusion/exclusion patterns produce disjoint sets for main and test
files An example could look like this:
This is not a standard Maven usage but you can easily fix SonarQube analysis using exclusions.
depending on whether you want your source files to be considered as tests or main files.
But the proper Maven way would be to put your tests in src/test/java and ackage your tests:
If project does not follow default Maven directory structure then in project's pom you can explicitly specify where is located the part of source code and the part of tests:
I was seeing this can't be indexed twice error when running sonarqube Gradle task on an Android project. The issue related to files stored in app/src/debug/assets.
I tried setting sonar.sources and sonar.tests properties to use disjointed sets but I wasn’t able to resolve the error.
To fix the error I changed:
property "sonar.coverage.exclusions", "**/assets/**, ..."
property "sonar.exclusions", "**/assets/**, ..."
in order to ignore the /assets/ directory completely.

Running sonar analysis on test code using maven

I have a project which uses Maven. I wish to run Sonar on the integration test classes.
I have tried to add the pattern **/*ITCase.java in Settings / Exclusions / Test file inclusions (in the Sonar UI that's at localhost:9000). This setting is said to be
"Patterns used to include some test files and only these ones in analysis."
However, the files still are excluded. Any ideas? Has anyone used that setting successfully?
I have not found a solution with Maven.
But using the sonar runner, it is quite simple and works well.
I put a sonar-project.properties file in the src/test/java directory, apart from the sonar.projectKey, sonar.projectName and sonar.projectVersion, these are the settings to use:
sonar.sources = .
sonar.binaries = ../../../target/test-classes
sonar.language = java
sonar.sourceEncoding = UTF-8
The sonar runner can be run from the test/java directory and the project will appear in the Sonar local webpage at http://localhost:9000

set configuration properties in sonar

Maybe, this question is silly but I'm very new. I try to search without luck.
I got two errors when building maven project with sonar:
No information about coverage per test.
Although I had test code and these testing classes cover the code.
The global property 'sonar.doxygen.deploymentPath' is not set. Set it in SONAR and run another analysis.
I dont know it should be set where in sonar server. I set in web.xml or sonar-server.properties but it does not work.
About the first warning message this is not an error but a warning : since Sonar 3.5 this is possible to get the code coverage relating to each unit test. Here the message just says that this feature is not activated which is expected by default. Nevertheless I do agree that this warning message can be misleading.
About the second error message, I don't know the doxygen plugin but the message seems to be pretty clear : the sonar.doxygen.deploymentPath property has not be defined. See the plugin documentation : http://docs.codehaus.org/display/SONAR/Doxygen+Plugin.
Two things:
There is no war folder anymore since the sonarqube has given up tomcat support
The doxygen plugin is not implemented to upload the files in to the sonarqube server &/ installation, which means it only can be done by referencing the path inside your installation, e.g.:
run "mvn install sonar:sonar" in your project "/root/test.example.sonar.com"
in sonarqube set the cfg-key "sonar.doxygen.deploymentPath" the value: "/root/sonarqube-4.1.1/web/" and the cfg-key "sonar.doxygen.deploymentUrl" the value: "http://:9000"
have fun with your doxygen
Remember that the plugin will only be run through your mvn cmd, refreshing the page only will not do the job, you will have to analyse again after each cfg set :/
Check the file system and folder permission
