Error: Property "" was not specified Sonarqube - sonarqube

I'm configuring my sonarqube to run on my project, following the instructions given to run from the cloud I have my file like this:
sonar.exclusions=node_modules, migrations, models_old, seeders, .gitignore
I downloaded sonarqube CLI, copied the bin file to %path% on windows but for some reason, after running the test, I get the following error:
Property "" was not specified
As you can see, my project is in javascript(nodejs specifically) and not C++, and even then, for some reason it's scanning my node_modules folder while I explicitly state in my properties file to exclude scanning there.
Any ideas what I might be doing wrong? Here is the command I run:
sonar-scanner.bat -Dsonar.projectKey=yisera_aaswtest -Dsonar.organization=yisera-bitbucket -Dsonar.sources=. -Dsonar.login=cc10c0f538a6b50c876c2c53ed479eadd3e60988


Error while setting up Allure Test Reporting in gradle project

I would like to setup Allure Test Report for the geb framework using gradle (, but get the error below although json files are created in the results folder.
added with the following content in src/test/resources (inside the project folder):
also added this to build.gradle, which points to the correct location:
systemProperty '', "$buildDir/allure-results"
shows parts of build.gradle
get the following error message:
Cannot write to file '/home/abc/build/allure-results' specified for property '$1' as it is a directory.
more detailed error log
please help.
I had the same issue. Resolved it by install 'Gradle Extension' plugin into Intellij.

Common maven repository for GitLab CI

I hope someone can help me with a simple setup of maven CI scripts for GitLab.
I tried to search stackoverflow and google, which results in several questions and answers, but either they seem to be completely different or not that I understand them.
I have a simple setup of two projects. project B depends on project A (= pom packaging).
I have in the runner configuration /etc/gitlab-runner/config.toml the line with the volumes added
volumes = ["/cache", "/.m2"]
my .gitlab-ci.yml for both projects look like this
image: maven:3.6.1-jdk-12
- /.m2/repository
- target/
MAVEN_OPTS: "-Dmaven.repo.local=/.m2/repository"
- mvn clean install
with this - the first project builds correctly and I can see that the caching is working, as it does not download all maven related plugins for building the project, when executed again and again.
It also states
[INFO] Installing /builds/end2end/projectA/pom.xml to /.m2/repository/de/end2end/projectA/0.4.4-SNAPSHOT/projectA-0.4.4-SNAPSHOT.pom
It reports though at the end
WARNING: /.m2/repository: not supported: outside build directory
WARNING: /.m2/repository/classworlds: not supported: outside build directory
WARNING: /.m2/repository/classworlds/classworlds: not supported: outside build directory
WARNING: /.m2/repository/classworlds/classworlds/1.1-alpha-2: not supported: outside build directory
WARNING: /.m2/repository/classworlds/classworlds/1.1-alpha-2/_remote.repositories: not supported: outside build directory
When executing projectB, the job fails with the info, that it cannot find projectA.
So - what is wrong with the configuration of the runner / .gitlab-ci.yml files ?
I tried
- .m2/repository
which removes the warnings, but then the projectA gets in its local .m2 installed
[INFO] Installing /builds/end2end/projectA/pom.xml to /builds/end2end/projectAt/.m2/repository/de/end2end/projectA/0.4.4-SNAPSHOT/projectA-0.4.4-SNAPSHOT.pom
and projectB fails with the same error as above.
In fact, as described in gitlab doc, you use the dynamic storage so the volume is shared between subsequent runs of the same concurrent job for one project. I you want to share data between projects you must use the host-bound storage.
For the warning, the cache is only for working directory, so absolute path like /.m2/repository is not supported. In your case, you don't have to use cache for maven repository because you use a volume.

Error: Unable to access jarfile build/libs/gs-spring-boot-0.1.0.jar?

I follow the instructions in, but when it says to run:
./gradlew build && java -jar build/libs/gs-spring-boot-0.1.0.jar
the build fails with the above error.
There is message before the failure that says:
Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 5.0.
but everyone online says that's just a warning.
The build doesn't appear to create or download build/libs/gs-spring-boot-0.1.0.jar.
Currently completely blocked on first attempt to use Gradle.
I just had this problem.
The tutorial is in error in what you need to run. It should be
$ gradlew build && java -jar build/libs/gs-rest-service-0.1.0.jar
I think that they updated the code, but forgot to update the tutorial.
I had the same issue when build a simple project with Maven on Intellij IDEA. (Ubuntu 18.04.2).
Just typed terminal (in project directory):
$ sudo mvn package
$ java -jar ./target/(your-project-name)-(<version> at pom.xml).jar
For example my project name is hello-world-spring and version name in pom.xml is <version>0.0.1-SNAPSHOT</version>, I have to type:
$ sudo mvn package
$ java -jar ./target/hello-world-spring-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
Maybe this method can work for gradle as well.
Please check the path of the jar file build/libs/gs-spring-boot-0.1.0.jar. For your case, the jar might be in a different folder. If your code is in a module in the main project, then the jar will be in the build folder of the module.
If you git clone the repo, then the tutorial works. If you "To start from scratch, move on to Build with Gradle.", then the tutorial doesn't work. There are missing setup steps.
I got the same issue and I changed the command to java -jar target/rest-service-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar (I checked the .jar file in target folder and found that the file name was incorrect).
Parent folder of my project was having spaces in it's name, i changed it to the underscore and it worked.
Looked at the command line as it was in the official guide:
./gradlew clean build && java -jar build/libs/gs-actuator-service-0.1.0.jar
First, the above command line has two parts:
(1) ./gradlew clean build //Use gradle wrapper to build
(2) java -jar build/libs/gs-actuator-service-0.1.0.jar //To run an application packaged as a JAR file
Now, one might run into issues with one part or both parts. Separating them and running just on thing at a time helped troubleshoot.
(1) didn't work for my Windows, I did the following instead and that built the application successfully.
.\gradlew.bat clean build
Now moving to (2) java -jar build/libs/gs-actuator-service-0.1.0.jar
It literally means that "Run a jar file that is called gs-actuator-service-0.1.0.jar under this directory/path: build/libs/" Again, for Windows, this translates to build\libs\ , and there's one more thing that may catch you: The jar file name can be slightly different depending on how it was actually named by the configuration in initial/setting.gradle: = 'actuator-service'
Note that the official guide changed it from 'gs-actuator-service' to 'actuator-service' in their sample code but hasn't updated the tutorial accordingly. But now you know where the jar file name comes from, that doesn't matter anymore, and you have the choice to rename it however you want.
Having all the factors adjusted, below is what eventually worked in my case:
java -jar build\libs\actuator-service-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
java -jar C:\MyWorkspace\Spring\gs-actuator-service\initial\build\libs\actuator-service-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar //with fully qualified path
If you are curious where does "-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT" come from, here it is:
in build.gradle
version = '0.0.1-SNAPSHOT'
Again, you have the choice to modify it however you want. For example, if I changed it to 0.0.2-SNAPSHOT, the command line should be adjusted accordingly
java -jar build\libs\actuator-service-0.0.2-SNAPSHOT.jar
Because you are trying to execute .jar file that doesn't exist. After building the project go to ./build/libs and check the name of freshly built .jar file and then in your project directory run:
./gradlew build && java -jar build/libs/name-of-your-jar-file.jar
or you can set version property to empty string in your build.gradle file
version = ''
after that:
./gradlew build && java -jar build/libs/your-project-name.jar
For Windows, these commands solved the problem: "Error: Unable to access jarfile springboot.jar":
cd target
java -jar springboot-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
run ./mvnw package
Now a folder named target is created and you can see a jar file inside it.
then execute java -jar target/<jarfilename>

No LOC or Bugs picked up by SonarQube runner

I am using sonar-web-frontend-plugin
I have the following file which is located at this path
I have my source code in the following location
My runner is located here
and I am running the following in cmd E:\agent2\test>
E:\agent2\test\.sonarqube\bin\sonar-scanner-2.8\bin\sonar-runner -Dproject.settings= E:\agent2\test\ -X
It is all running fine but no issues are being reported and no LOC are being picked up in the log it says the following
Calculating CPD for 0 Files
So it does not actually seems to analyse anything, I know there are issues because when i run TSlint locally i get issues found
Your analysis setup looks okay.
It is very likely that you don't have the relevant language plugin installed on your SonarQube instance. Either that, or your code is contained in files with unrecognized extensions.
Each language plugin tells SonarQube scanner "I'm interested in files with these extensions:..."
The fact that the analysis is over "0 Files" indicates that no file extensions were recognized.

Gradle downloads to ?/.gradle directory when running tasks

Gradle created a ?/.gradle/ in the directory that gradle was run in. We would expect the cache directory to be created at ~/.gradle.
/project # Project root and cwd when running gradle command
/.gradle # Expected - project-specific gradle folder
/? # Directory literally named with a question mark
/.gradle # Unexpected - Global gradle folder with wrappers and cached artifacts
The user running the scripts did not have a home directory, giving the user a home directory or specifying a gradle-user-home solved the issue:
gradle --gradle-user-home=/foo/bar ...
GRADLE_USER_HOME=/foo/bar gradle ...
There are two different folders gradle stores information. ~/.gradle is used to store downloaded artifacts, gradle wrappers, etc. Basically everything that can be shared between multiple builds. The .gradle folder in your project is used to store project specific information used for example by the gradle up-to-date check mechanism.
let's find it out why it behaves like this.
As gradle use following code to get user home:
Follow the link for openjdk 8 source code.
It comes to conclusion: When JVM can not found user name in os, it will use ? as a return. So gradle will create ?/.gradle for usage.
