Cypress trying to recursively create a folder - cypress

I have a Cypress downloaded in zip file for Windows and extracted locally and when I am trying to run any tests, seems like Cypress recurively trying to create an integration/cypress/integration.. folder and failing
Error: ENAMETOOLONG: name too long, stat
Is there a workaround for that?

Have you tried change the default integration folder path in your cypress.json file?
Something like
integrationFolder: Another Path
if that solves the issue problably the integration Folder location was misconfigured


How to set another folder in cypress-file-upload

In my tests I download the file first, then upload it further. By using cypress-file-upload I faced an issue that file can be uploaded only from fixtures folder. The question is how to upload the file from downloads folder?
I tried just to add downloads in front of the file name but it doesn't work.
.attachFile('downloads/img.png', {subjectType: 'drag-n-drop' });
A fixture file could not be found at any of the following paths:
Try a relative path

Error: more than one config file specified in protractor

I'm trying to configure visual studio to run protractor tests using this tutorial
I've included node_modules\protractor\lib\cli.js into my project and set is as node.js startup file, and in my project propreties, i've defined my conf.js as script agruments. When i run my project, i get this message:
Error: more than one config file specified
This is my project structure:
I found the problem. I've set in project properties the whole path of conf.js insted just conf.js.
Another possible solution is to make sure you add '--' before any parameters.
protractor config param="foo" //This will fail with 'more than one config file'
protractor config --param="foo" //This will succeed

Spring Tool Suite download and installation

I've downloaded and getting the following error while trying to unzip and install:
Error 0x80010135: Path too long
Date Modified 6/11/2014 12:47PM
Size 146 bytes.
What may be the reason?
Possible solutions:
Rename to
Move to C:/ or in another location that is not very deep.
Change your extractor to 7-zip.
Try with any alternative for zip such as 7Zip or WinRAR. 7Zip worked for me
This happens because of the zip file name being too long.You can rename the downloaded zip file to something like (Give a short name) and then try to extract it.The error should now disappear.
When you extract, it will try to extract in a folder named "spring-tool-suite-3.6.1.RELEASE-e4.4-win32-x86_64" which is too long for a folder name. Simple rule of thumb -- install to C:\ and rename the above to STS361_x8664. Be very frugal with folder names.
This happens because the file name & path are too long.
Rename them to something smaller and simpler.
Here is the link that I found helpful
Step 1: Download STS zip file from spring official website
Step 2: After downloading Spring Tool Suite zip file then extract that then Open STS directory file click on STS icon below like this.
Step 3: Run that file then Select a directory as a workspace and browse your directory.
Here is complete installations of STS on Windows operating system.
Source :

Relative path inside tests with TeamCity

Inside my MsTests I have to reach and use a file in my project. So I am using Path.GetFullPath(#"......\name_of_file")
But when running the build I get a file not found error because the context of the path is the temp directory (C:\TeamCity\buildAgent\temp\buildTmp) instead of the checkout directory where all my files are (C:\TeamCity\buildAgent\work\e87255825b2f3eb1)
Is there a config to change that? Or a better way to do it?
I couldn't find a TeamCity option to specify the directory the unit tests should be run. Someone else might be able to help there.
However, I usually include files that are needed for the unit tests as embedded resources so that during execution you know for sure the file will always be accessible no matter where it is running from. You can easily get a Stream from an embedded resource and if you need to use an API that only takes a file name you can write the file to Path.GetTempPath().
I modified my tests to refer to the files like this:
string currentDir = new System.Diagnostics.StackFrame(true).GetFileName();
var workingFile = new FileInfo(currentDir);
string fileContents = File.ReadAllText(workingFile.Directory + #"\ResourceFolder\MyFile.xml");
I know this isn't a good way to do it, but this works for me locally and when called from TeamCity.

How to package JMeter with Jar Bundler on Mac

I'm unable to use "Jar Bundler" on mac to create from ApacheJMeter.jar, I was wondering if anyone else had previous experience with configuring this tool? The problem for me seems to be that the lib folder being searched is set to an incorrect base path:
org.apache.jmeter.NewDriver: JMeter home directory was detected as: /Users/username/Applications/
I looked here:
But no matter how I configured any of the said properties, the logs looked the same.
The real trick is making sure the bin and lib folders can be found. The only jar file you will need to add is ApacheJMeter.jar. Look in the bin/jmeter script for additional properties to put into the properties tab of the Jar Bundler. The java arguments in the bin/jmeter script should be copied into the VM Options field. Check Set Working Directory to Inside Application Package. Now create application. Open up the .app folder that was just created and copy the bin and lib folders into the Resources directory. Done.
