Add Slideshow in Category page - magento

I'm using Shopper Queldorei Magento Theme which it uses Revolution Slider, and I want to add a slideshow in category page like this: ultimo theme
What should I doing please.
Best regards

Not sure how slideshow is implemented in Shopper, but you can use slider Revolution from NWDthemes and create different slideshows for different categories.
Basically all you need is update Custom Layout Update field in Custom Design tab to add slideshow block to the header or instead of category image.
Check this article for reference -


How to edit the product view in front end magento?

I want to add the some links at the product view time and display it in the front end.
For example product shirt and I want to add two link at the product view time Link Name Like Style Fabric and within these link I want to change image according to select size and fabric.
If you are using Magento 1.9, this can be achieved with the help of configurable swatches.
Following in-depth tutorials will help you:|Swatches|Swatch%2520Configuration|_____0|Swatches|_____0

Product Slide show in Magento

Hi i have tried to add a product in slide show on magento home page but it not working can you please give suggestion for How to add a product on slide show in magento?
What you need to do is :
Create a static block (something/filename.phtml).
Load product collection in the static block and filter the products which you would want to see on the slider.
Create appropriate HTML markup for the section of the page.
Use a suitable jQuery / JavaScript plugin to render the slider.
Call the static block that was created in step 1, from the CMS Page meant for homepage. This can be done using Layout Updates Section.

Magento Go - Adding attribute above product description in Grid view

Im wanting to add the Brand name (or designer name in this case which i have made a new attribute for) just above the product description in the Category view (grid) but cant figure it out.
As its Magento Go i have no access to the code, other than XML updates for the category itself.
Ive looked everywhere and would value any help.
If you are cant get to the template phtml codes, you can put it on by admin.
Open catalog / attributes / manage attributes, find your attribute and in the properties set to
Visible on Product View Page on Front-end
Used in Product Listing
But it will not be on position you want.
You can edit CSS for the template and set an absolute position for your attribute.
Next way is to add in the admin in category XML layout, but this you need to do for each category. (Custom Layout Update)

showing gallery of category

I'm working on a website. My client want me to show the gallery of the categories on homepage. I tried featured categories beta extension, which didn't work. Please suggest some any other free extension which I can use or any methods display it.Please, I'm a budding developer.
You mean having a slider showing for each category in a block ?
You should consider duplicating the functions used for the main menu (see under /app/code/core/Mage/Catalog/Block/Navigation.php to see how it works) and combine it with your custom layout.
Or you can do it by yourself
Will return an array of all level 1 categories in your current store.
Then you can run a foreach code to create your slideshow as you want.
Best Regards,

Allowing For Multiple Images in Product Gallery for One Attribute

If you edit a product and browse to the media gallery, you will notice that each type of image (Base, small, thumbnail) is a radio button. Furthermore, if you create your own product attribute and assign it to the product, it too is a radio button.
The intended functionality I would like is to upload many images and assign it to that attribute. I am creating a gallery on product view pages, and each product has an arbitrary amount of images.
I would like to know if there is an easy way to do it, and if not, what the best solution would be. I am running Magento 1.6.0 for this project.
If you upload images and do not assign them as base/small/thumb, then Magento will automatically create an image gallery for you on the product page. you could also extend the catalog/product/list.phtml to display a gallery on the category and search results listing if you wanted.
So, AFAIK, there's no need for you to change the application functionality in the way that you describe.
