How to edit the product view in front end magento? - magento

I want to add the some links at the product view time and display it in the front end.
For example product shirt and I want to add two link at the product view time Link Name Like Style Fabric and within these link I want to change image according to select size and fabric.

If you are using Magento 1.9, this can be achieved with the help of configurable swatches.
Following in-depth tutorials will help you:|Swatches|Swatch%2520Configuration|_____0|Swatches|_____0


Let Customers to Input a fixed product quantity in quantity box using a button or radio button in the product page in Prestashop 1.7.x

Greetings of the Day!
I need to have the condition on the product page where we can let our customers input a fixed product quantity in quantity box using a button or radio button in the product page along with the default functionalities with the add to cart mechanism.
Why I need this is because I am using the product volume discount list on the product page and I want the customer to select the quantity directly from the mentioned list.
Pls, find the screenshot attached for reference.
Screenshot for reference
Customers can select the quantity directly from the red rectangle shown in the image through a button/radio/link click.
Hope somebody will help me out with this for which I would be greatly obliged.
to achieve that you should change the responsible tpl file, unless there is an override you should find it in /themes/YOUR THEME NAME/templates/catalog/_partials/product-add-to-cart.tpl
There look for the block {block name='product_quantity'}, right after you will see the input used for it, just build your html structure being aware that you should keep the same name and probably also the same standard classes (but you can add yours as well).
After that style your new radio input in /themes/YOUR THEME NAME/assets/css/custom.css and the trick is done.
I hope you are familiar with tpl/smarty if you have to inject some vars from php, in case you don't need that it is just pure html and css.
Hope my answer helped.

How To Create Multiple Attribute In Magento For Product Details Page

I want to create multiple attribute in magento for product details page because i have to show two things on the product details page and they are attribute first of all i have color swatches with the help of attribute i am showing on the product details page the next thing is the google map and each different product has a different google map how to show two attribute in magento product details page any help would be very appreciated
You would need to first create an attribute. Read here on a simple tutorial on how to do that.
To display any product attribute in magento you need the "Attribute Code". Lets say you make a attribute called "Gogole Map" with a Attribute Code "gmap". You would need to open the html for the product detail page which can be found
app/design/frontend/default/[your template]/template/catalog/product/view.phtml
and just add the following code to where you want to place
<?php echo $_product_getGmap();?>

Display product in list using widgets in magento

I am working on magento home page and need display products on home page. I have used widgets to display products. I want to display product in list one by one but it shows in grid. Right now I am showing the products in list.
my code is :-
{{widget type="highlight/product_popular" title="special" products_count="3" template="highlight/product/grid.phtml" class_name="highlight-popular"}}
Using this code the product is shown in grid but actually I want to display it in list like:-
1. Product1
2. product2
Please, suggest how I can do this.
whatever you are putting in your grid.phtml - change it as suggested in
base/default/template/catalog/product/list.phtml as per list mode, code followed by it

Magento Event Observer: modify CatalogSearch to include custom attribute

I was following the article (Customize Magento using Event/Observer) on the below link:
But not sure about the step 7. How could I do the step 7 on this article?
Step 7
Navigate to the product details page on the front end and observe that the new discount has taken effect. To be noted here is that, on all other screens where discounted price is required. An example here is the search results screen, where you would need to add this new attribute to the select query search attributes in method
$_productCollection= $_productCollection->addAttributeToSelect('percent_discount');
Thanks in advance.
I think it would be a lot easier if you could just navigate to product attributes management and set 'Used in Product Listing' to 'Yes' this way, you are able to read the attribute value on product list page.

Display specific products on a CMS page

Could someone help me with some code to display specific products on a Magento CMS page?
The idea being that I build a page that has multiple sections on it (sections meaning a heading, some intro text and a small handful of products) and the user can add a selection of the displayed products to their cart from this page.
Ideally, the products should be displayed in the grid format, and I should be able to display between 1 and 6 products in each section.
I am using Magento currently.
Consider using a CMS Widget to do this for you.
Here is one: Product List Widget
It isn't free but there are others if you look around.
