showing gallery of category - magento

I'm working on a website. My client want me to show the gallery of the categories on homepage. I tried featured categories beta extension, which didn't work. Please suggest some any other free extension which I can use or any methods display it.Please, I'm a budding developer.

You mean having a slider showing for each category in a block ?
You should consider duplicating the functions used for the main menu (see under /app/code/core/Mage/Catalog/Block/Navigation.php to see how it works) and combine it with your custom layout.
Or you can do it by yourself
Will return an array of all level 1 categories in your current store.
Then you can run a foreach code to create your slideshow as you want.
Best Regards,


Display set of user chosen categories on magento home page

I am trying to display categories on magento home page. I know how to do it in a normal way using magento collections. I want to have it like a widget, if you insert a category link widget in static block or cms page, you can see the following:
{{widget type="catalog/category_widget_link" template="catalog/category/widget/link/link_block.phtml" id_path="category/3"}}
Now, here the id_path indicates which category to display. Can we modify it somehow to show a list of specified categories. For example like this: id_path = '3,4,5,6' so it will display all these specified categories. Can anybody guide me a way to do this? I don't know much about widget coding stuff in magento.
You can add as many as widgets inside the static block by selecting the widget as many as times you want.

Brands in sub categories in Magento

I'm trying to solve a problem with the top navigation in Magento.
The top navigation I have, currently shows a top level category and it's sub categories. What I want to do is add another level underneath each sub category containing brands in that sub category as shown here (
I want the brand items to be retrieved from the "brands" attribute of products in the parent sub category (Jackets etc.) rather than creating a bunch of brand sub categories in each product type sub category as that is a nightmare for administrating the system.
If anyone knows of a good extension free or paid that does this, I'm willing to go down that route too.
Thanks for the help.
I'm working on something similar right now. It's not an exact fit as it wouldn't integrate with your menu but I would recommend using Amasty's Improved Layered Navigation for this.
It allows you to add a horizontal layered navigation block and set it up so that you can filter by brand based on an attribute. You could use the default manufacturer attribute but I've found it less problematic to add a new one called Brands. The module allows you to assign images to attribute values, so you can have all the logos for your brands listed and the user can filter the products by clicking on the logo.
You can also then use the same brand images in the product list page and the product view page.
This is very easy for your client to manage, they just assign the product it's brand attribute when they create it.
Here's a screenshot of the site I'm working on so far (still not finished so some rough edges) so you can see what I mean. Just a few test products in there and I have used the vertical block rather than the horizontal one but you get the idea. The user just clicks on a logo to filter the list.
And apart from that there's lots of other handy aspects to the module, including sliders for filtering other attributes (weight, price and anything numeric).

Shop This Look / Shop By Look - Create page with multiple products and quickcart

I’m wanting to build a Shop This Look page that will be easily editable and up-datable without too much hacking every time it’s updated.
Ideally I would like it to work like this:
In that I upload a photo of the look and then select the products to appear (Even if it’s through using their productids).
My thoughts on how to achieve this:
1) Create a category specifically for each look but have them set to hidden. Eg.
* Look1
* Look2
* Look3
2) Then display the category in a static block on a CMS page. And then add the selected products to the look categories.
The idea is that a customer can select their size and add each product of the look on that page without leaving.
Is this the correct way to go about this?
Is there a better way to go about it?
I think the best way to do this would be to create your own module in app/local.
Also you should take a look at configurable products and their attributes, maybe that's enough for what you want.
The solution was to greater utilise the category function of magento.
I built two new themes within my template file one for category and one for product list.
The category structure I used was
> LOOK 2
> LOOK 3
The template that was applied to the 'Shop This Look' parent category had all product list snippets removed and only displayed the images of the sub categories (Look 1, Look 2 and Look 3).
I then added the look image to each of the Look 1 - Look 3 categories and the products (via the category products tab).
The Look pages also had their own list.phtml file. That displayed the category (look) image on the left hand side, then a list of the products down the right hand side. I edited it so the product images / titles didn't link through to the product any more and added a 'View full product details' link at the bottom. This encourages people to add their products to the page from the look and remain on the page to add the rest of the look.
Another good way to look into buying a whole look as opposed to selecting individual options is bundled products.
Over all functionality is exactly how I wanted it. Updating is easy for a Magento layman and it looks great.
as an alternative approach you can check Altima Lookbook to create "Shop the look" experience.
It does it in a bit different way - allows you to place a slide (as part of slideshow) with multiple products linked with that slides as interactive tags, placed on top of actual image.

Allowing For Multiple Images in Product Gallery for One Attribute

If you edit a product and browse to the media gallery, you will notice that each type of image (Base, small, thumbnail) is a radio button. Furthermore, if you create your own product attribute and assign it to the product, it too is a radio button.
The intended functionality I would like is to upload many images and assign it to that attribute. I am creating a gallery on product view pages, and each product has an arbitrary amount of images.
I would like to know if there is an easy way to do it, and if not, what the best solution would be. I am running Magento 1.6.0 for this project.
If you upload images and do not assign them as base/small/thumb, then Magento will automatically create an image gallery for you on the product page. you could also extend the catalog/product/list.phtml to display a gallery on the category and search results listing if you wanted.
So, AFAIK, there's no need for you to change the application functionality in the way that you describe.

How to Retrieve Magento Core Variables in CMS Blocks or Pages?

Changing templates isn't an option in my situation and even so if I make a full HTML page with just two integrated "product blocks: (product name, product image, product price, buy me)", it seems easier to just call the two products you need and insert them directly.
So I'm curious to know if I can retrieve Magento {{variables}} such as product names, images, prices,... . I'm perfectly happy to use Magento Custom Variables to create functions to retrieve these, but I have no idea as to where to start. Any ideas would be appreciated.
As far as I know, it's not possible, nor is it sensible, to do this all from the CMS page.
You're best bet would be to create a widget. Widgets are reusable template tags that are very similar to the blocks used in the Magento layout system.
Once your widget is made, you can then call the widget in the CMS page with a product option, {{widget type="mywidgets/productname" product_id="1"}}, and modify the widget's output based on the product id entered.
The tutorial I've linked to is very good, and should be a great starting point.
