How to post posts to pinterest automatically - pinterest

I have checked pinterest documentation, but I don't see how I can pin posts to board automatically. Furthermore, there is no option to pin posts via email.
So my question is: is it possible to pin posts to board automatically? Can I achieve this using PHP + Cronjob? How? If no, in what technologies I can achieve that result?
Code snippets are welcome.
Thank you!


How do I ask questions in my odoo local forum module?

I have posted questions in my odoo local forum module,then I am getting waiting for validation message
Why I am getting" waiting for validation" message after post the question in my local odoo forum module? Is there any option to validate the question autometically. Please let me know
I wondered the same and this came up in web search, in case anyone else was wondering:
"'s approved by others with enough karma points. So I would suggest you use the forum frequently." Seems a bit odd, perhaps now Odoo allows admins to click a button to automatically validate but it's not clear.

Displaying correct joomla website information when posting website link

I was hoping someone can help me fix an issue. When someone posts a link to my joomla created website, they get the heading "Whats New?", which is my default article page for the site. It is the current blog articles written.
For example, if someone posted my link on facebook, it would look like this:
Whats New?
Description of website goes here...
Everything looks great except for the "Whats New?". Is there a way to put My webpage name instead of the name of the default page? How about showing an image? When posted on facebook, there is just text and no image used.
Thanks, any help would be greatly appreciated
Facebook uses Opengraph data to build those posts. If facebook isn't offered OpenGraph data, then it will use its own methods to try and find the information it needs. Sometimes with useless results. There are a lot of options to fix this. Joomla extensions has a few opengraph extensions for you to install, some of those should work fine. You can always write something yourself or add the data in your template. But don't expect results right away, because facebook caches those media objects for some time.
Open graph:
Joomla Extensions:
There are more ways to fix this, but this is probably the easiest for you. Hope it helps.
Good Luck.
In the Joomla backend, do the following:
Open the menu item the the article is assigned to.
On the right hand side, open the Page Display Options panel
Add whatever you like to the Browser Page Title parameter.
Hope this helps

Google Review on my Website

I am wondering if anyone knows of a way to feed google reviews into my website? I would like it to be kinda of a testimonial type page. Or if i could feed it with a slider reviews that would be really awesome. Any ideas?
I recently needed to get reviews as well for a similar application, so I created a jQuery plugin that will fetch ALL the reviews and allows for options to be passed in for filtering.
google-places jQuery Plugin
This question is kind of old but maybe it will help someone else
The Google Places API now supports the return of up to five reviews from a Place Details Request.

how to allow user to format his aricales when user doesnot know html

In my website i want to allow users to post aritcals.Users post articles in a textarea as used by users of stackoverflow to post their question. Now i want to allow them to format articles, without having them to know html.User should be allowed to mark text as bold, put a image, mark some part as code, etc (other things as used by stackoverflow and
How can i provide shuch option in UI.
How do i support it DB?
Why not use an editor like TinyMCE ?
Try this one :)

PHFacebook Framework: How to write something to facebook?

while looking for a Cocoa Facebook Framework that works with OSX I found PHFacebook.
It's really nice and works well but the sample app is only able to read from Facebook. Can someone please explain to me how I can write something to facebook using PHFacebook? On the Developers homepage someone asked the same Question and the developer answered:
"I’m sure it’s possible, I just never tried. Did you add the “write” property to the request? Maybe that’s all you’re missing. The sample app only has “read”."
But I can't find any "read" property in the code. Can someone please give me a hint?
Thank you so much!
I had the same problem when I tried to upload the image to facebook, then, I used the phfacebook to get the access_token, and then used the ASIhttprequest to upload the image.
You can see the detail at
Facebook Graph API Upload Local Image to Wall (Objective-C)
