PHFacebook Framework: How to write something to facebook? - cocoa

while looking for a Cocoa Facebook Framework that works with OSX I found PHFacebook.
It's really nice and works well but the sample app is only able to read from Facebook. Can someone please explain to me how I can write something to facebook using PHFacebook? On the Developers homepage someone asked the same Question and the developer answered:
"I’m sure it’s possible, I just never tried. Did you add the “write” property to the request? Maybe that’s all you’re missing. The sample app only has “read”."
But I can't find any "read" property in the code. Can someone please give me a hint?
Thank you so much!

I had the same problem when I tried to upload the image to facebook, then, I used the phfacebook to get the access_token, and then used the ASIhttprequest to upload the image.
You can see the detail at
Facebook Graph API Upload Local Image to Wall (Objective-C)


Why does my Linkedin share button not work?

I want to create a share button for Linkedin, the GUI button is all set up, but it doesn't work when clicking it. I researched a bit and came to the conclusion that using the same sharing mechanism, other sites work but mine doesn't.
I narrowed the problem down and now I'm trying to figure out why works but my site doesn't. I don't use my real company website because it's personal information, but it's a website that has been on the internet for more than 10 years (in case this information is useful). When I go to the links, my website throws an error, but Google works fine.
Is there any pre-requisite I'm missing, which makes my site not work?
I realized my server was blocking Linkedin (to reduce traffic from Linkedin bots). That's why it wasn't working.
As hint: I was working on closed webpage (for outside users) and that also causing problems with Linkedin share button.
Hint 2: Website uses Lets Encrypt! SSL and information mentioned here is a fake news Work's fine!
If you ever get stuck on trying to figure out why your page simply doesn't populate nice preview data on your LinkedIn share page, then check out the LinkedIn Post Inspector.
Insert the URL of your page (i.e.,, not the URL you are using to share (i.e., You'll get detailed information on how your site will appear and why, like, for instance, sharing
Hope this helps someone else with a LinkedIn share issue!

Parse PHP with Facebook Login

I'm new to Parse and I'm trying to develop an app that could be accessible by website or a smartphone app.
I searched at Parse tutorials and samples, but I didn't find a sample about how to integrate Parse PHP and Facebook Login. Someone have a sample that could share? Or some tip on how do it works?
Everything is explained here very well, you also need a single parse command
ParseUser::logInWithFacebook($id, $accessToken);

MVC3 C# Beginner in Twitterizer: How to logOn user via Twitter and get some user information?

I downloaded Twitterizer, read documentation, downloaded the samples but as I'm working with MVC3, I'm a little bit lost about how to write the code. Could someone guide me posting code samples on how to logIn an user in my system using Twitter and get some information as full name, birthdate, etc?
Here is an example application following the video you posted, but using Twitterizer.
I just move to TweetSharp, much easier to understand if you are beginner with OAuth. This video tutorial saved my day

is there any tutorial exist for calling web service in android through ksoap 2.5.4?

i want to call webservice using ksoap 2.5.4(or latest) library any one guide me whats is the procedure of using it or any link of tutorial?
and one more thing is there request timeout related implementation exists in it?
any help would be appreciated.
try looking here: Basic KSOAP Android Tutorial
I have provided a few tutorials on using kSOAP with Android. I hope one of them helps.
It is very important that you understand the big picture before just using the APIs. The comments in my code should shed a little light on the bigger idea.

Track visits/origin mvc website

I am not sure this is possible, I've certainly never tried doing this before but I have a customer who wants to be able to know where someone came from when they visited the site. Was it from google, bing, a link from another website, etc. More importantly as well they want to know if the visit is a product of normal SSO or if it was a paid add like adwords?
I would appreciate anyone's thoughts on this and if it's possible?
Many thanks
Why not use something like google analytics. It should tell you pretty much all that information.
