joomla sef breaks url only on some pages - joomla

I have a problem with SEF URLs in Joomla 2.5.7 and component K2 2.5.7.
Link with SEF turned off looks like:
And with SEF on it looks like:
which is perfect!
But another page on this site:
looks with SEF on like:
my question is: Why is the first one stripped that much of the view and option and the other one is like that? Have you ever seen these problems and do you know how to fix them? Thank you so much for your answers!

Why ?
See George Wilson's comment.
How to fix it (to have nice SEF urls) ?
In my opinion you can:
Create a menu item for that specific article.
Use an extension like sh404SEF.


how to call a joomla! module in a php page OUTSIDE joomla! directory?

i searched on the net for my answer,but the more i search,the less i is the problem:
i have a joomla! website,located in localhost/joomla.
i have a php page, located in localhost/sample.php
now, how can i include some of joomla's modules,in this single "sample.php" page??
for example, how can i use "latest news" or "latest users" in my "sample.php" page?
one of mye friend did this, but i no longer can contact him. any help would be appreciated. if the question is not clear enough,plz let me know.
load the Joomla framework inside the external php file
like it says here
I've never had to do this, but first I think you would have to load the Joomla framework (see the installations root index.php) then you would have create a session using Jsession. This is just a guess so take it for what its worth.

Making SEF URLs with K2 v2.6.5

I'm using Joomla 2.5.1 along with K2 2.6.5. I am trying to figure out how to use SEF urls in K2. I have my site with the 'real' folder 'coolmovies'. Joomla controls this folder.
Within K2, I have a category alias='scifi', within which I have an item alias='startrek' and 'startrek' has the item id 42. Currently this url works:
I update the SEF settings for K2 to the following:
In theory, this should now work:
But it doesn't. I've tried all kinds of permutations, but I get nothing but 404 errors.
I've found this link for reference.
Any help would be appreciated!
from my experience, it is very difficult to control k2 url's using joomla core SEF. you will probably have to install a 3rd party component.
i eventually installed artioJoomSEF and managed to sort it out.
you can also try aceSEF (, which i find easier to work with.
The construction of your URL is wrong. If your category alias is "scifi" and your article alias is "startrek" the url should be

What is the best way to customize Joomla urls?

I have a big joomla site and I want to customize its links to be as SEF as possible. I need an alias for each individual article and custom component item. Is it better to use the router.php class in each component or to assign a hidden menu item for each one from the perspective of the load on the server and the clean xml generated sitemaps?
Thanks in advance
As i understand your question i would like to suggest you to use sh404SEF. It rewrites Joomla URL to user-friendly format (SEF URL or URL rewriting):
For Example: becomes
It is also a security component. Page title and meta tags manager for every page. With or without .htaccess file. Joomfish compatible. Caching system for high speed and very small DB queries overhead.
Or as you say you can also use router.php class in each of your component to make sef url. Hope this will help you.

Custom short URLs in Joomla 1.5

I had a long ugly long URLs for Joomla articles. Being advised here to enable SEF, I got:
Nicer, but I also want custom short URL for specified article, like:
Is this possible in Joomla 1.5? Simply adding rule to .htaccess is possible but not what I'd like, because:
I'd prefer that the short URL remains in the Location bar after the page is loaded
Joomla to use that short URL whenever the articles is clicked from news etc.
(P.S.: if it's not possible, then I'd be happy with some simple URL "aliaser" for Joomla, which would work similarly to .htaccess, but preferably with short URL remaining in the browsers' location bar.)
As Trev mentioned you need to turn on SEF URLs. In the admin, in the Site menu click on Global Configuration. In the Site configuration you should see a box for SEO settings. Turn on all 3 options unless you don't want the .html suffix, that one can be left off.
Now Joomla will create URLs like this -
If the menu item is linking directly to an article, then it would be -
Have you enabled SEF and htaccess in the Global Configuration? If you do then the URLs to any articles is controlled by the article's alias. e.g. if you want an article to be just open the article in the article manager and change the Alias field to my-url

Get the SEF URLs for articles in Joomla

I use 'No Editor' in Joomla with SEF URLs enabled. With no SEF enabled it's easy to know the URL by just getting the ID of the article. Something like:
Article 1 would be:
Now if I have SEF switched on, I would get URLs that look like:
Is there a way inside Joomla where I can find out what the SEF URL for a particular page is?
Currently I add these articles to a menu, then from the front-end I get the SEF URL and then use it. I know the process is a little dumb, but I want to find out if there is a better way inside Joomla where you can get the SEF URL (using 'No Editor').
Upload a component, sh404sef or ARTIOsef, to the administrator panel. Here you can manage SEF URLs as well as the old URL and what new name you want to give it.
