Klevu Template Override - magento

I am new to magneto 2 and we are using klevu search engine for search functionality. I would like to add custom text to that template. If anybody has a succession, please help me,

For details on the customisation,Please visit the Klevu template JS document using the link below:
Also, if you have a specific question, please reach out to the Klevu community using the below link:


How can i add First and Last page link in my laravel pagination

Right now i am using laravel 5.8 and i am using default pagination with the use of paginate() method for pagination.But i want First and Last page with this. So please help me if any buddy have demo code then please share in Answer section please.
To do this you first need to export the views.
Then you can modify them to add a link to $results->lastPage().

Joomla virtuemart filter issue with JRoute

Please help me, i use Joomla + Virtuemart
I added search filter by customfields, but there was a problem with pagination and sort URL
I found a strange in code, this function:
echo JRoute::_('&customfields[5][0]=35')
generate url:
should look like
I would be happy if you can help me find a part of code where I can find the problem. Thank you.
The problem was related to the settings of sh404sef component.

Magento Custom Module Creation

I want to build a custom interface (See PSD) for the user to add social urls and display an icon if not empty. I did something similar in WP but no idea how to do it in Magento. I was wondering if someone can help or point to a tutorial. Thanks a lot
You can read this series by Alan Storm:
"Magento For PHP MVC Developers"

development magento form for frontend

I am developing an extension for magento. I want to add a form in frontend to add "title" and "description". I searched a lot but failed to find good magento module development tutorial
Someone please guide me how to add form and its validation for magento
See below your it is very help full to you.
Custom Module with Custom Database Table
Front-End Editor Extension for Magento Commerce
please see above the URL and let me know if not working.

Joomla Custom component with sample form in admin

I need a sample form in administrator having add,edit,delete options to manage "success stories" in my web app.
I searched to get sample component to install.
If i get that, i will change form according to my app & table too.
Please help me by giving link resource that suits my requirement. I am sorry to ask this, i am new to joomla.
Thanks in advance,
Take a look at the Joomla Component Creator: http://www.notwebdesign.com/joomla-component-creator/
