Testing an app under multiple Windows user accounts - visual-studio-2013

I have a simple Windows 8.1 Universal app I created in Visual Studio 2015 under Windows login A. I now want to log in using Windows login B and run the app.
The app isn't available for login B because it was deployed under login A's account.
I can't deploy it in Visual Studio via login B because it's already deployed
Is this possible? I've tried running Visual Studio as administrator, but that doesn't work. I don't know what else to try.

Unfortunately Windows 8.1 deployment system has some buzzword like:
Per user deployments
App isolation
Multi version existence
But we used some other way to solve this problem (not same but really similar)
Enterprise Deployment
Login script (which tries to deploy your app via DISM)
(I know this is not the answer which is expected :/ )


Windows Authentication doesn't work with IIS Express 10 when running Visual Studio 2017 under another account

Original question here:
Windows Authentication doesn't work with IIS Express 10
At my workplace, we do development on a production network, meaning we have a regular, restricted account and an "admin" account, which has greater rights. We recently had a hardware refresh where we went from Windows 7 to Windows 10, and VS 2013 to VS 2017.
Under the old system, I could log in with my regular account, run VS 2013 as my admin account, and I was able to build and run my web application just fine in Firefox.
This does not work under Windows 10. When I try running VS 2017 under my admin account while logged into my regular account, windows authentication fails, giving me either 401.1 or 401.2 errors. The only way I have been able to get everything working is to log into my admin account and run it from there. This isn't the preferred way to do things. So, is there any way to do what I want to do in Windows 10 and VS 2017?

Windows Phone 8.1 Signed Enterprise App not working as expected

I'm trying to deploy a Windows Phone 8.1 Application via Enterprise distribution.
For this I'm using BuildMDILAPPX.ps1to sign the application with a symantec certificate.
The Application works as expected when deployed via Visual Studio or via Application Distribution.
However once I try to install the application generated by BuildMDILAPPX.ps1 certain functionality (Database with SQLite) seems to produce an error, as the application behaves differently (e.g. stuck on screen).
Is there a way to debug this application via Visual Studio, or any other way?
Or is it possible to deactivate optimization via BuildMDILAPPX.ps1
Thanks for your help,
I solved it by using Toast Notifications to display which line was executed or to display variables.
Not a clean solution, but it worked.

Trouble developer registering a Windows Phone 7 - Live ID not recognised

I have a Lumia 800 (WP 7) that used to be developer unlocked, but seems not to be anymore, so I can't deploy an app to it. OK, I tried to use the develop registering tool. It sees the phone, and then prompts me to log into App Hub with my Live ID. I understand this is the same as the Microsoft Account nowadays, but the tool says logging in does not succeed and asks to check the credentials.
At the same time I am logged in to the WP Dev Center with my Microsoft Account which works fine. So I'm confused why the developer registration tool does not let me in.
I have tried this with two computers, both running Windows 7 and Visual Studio 2010 Express for Windows Phone, with the same result. Tried also a Windows 8.1 and WP SDK running in VS 2013, which asks to run Zune. I haven't Zune there and failed when tried to install it.
I've seen this thread, which advises to use Windows 7 environment, but as explained it does not work for me. So what am I missing? Is the registration tool outdated?

Running Visual Studio with Elevated Privileges for Azure : any way to avoid the side effects?

I'm working on some Azure web apps, and in order to debug I'm running VS 2010 as Administrator (I normally right click the shortcut and run-as-admin, I'm aware that there are properties I can change or use Ctrl-Shift).
Windows Azure Tools for Microsoft Visual Studio - The Windows Azure compute emulator must be run elevated. Please restart VS in elevated administrator mode in order to run the project"
If I do this, Azure simulator works OK, but I get two other side effects.
1) I can't drag and drop onto the solution explorer. This is a pain. (Ctrl C/V works but I can't drop whole files into the solution explorer)
2) I develop inside of a DropBox file structure. If I've developed on my desktop, and grab my laptop, projects in my Azure solution that are created within, and shared with, other non-azure projects fail to load. Edit: If I develop outside of dropbox, zip a copy into dropbox, unzip that on the new machine, its all fine.
3) I get "Could not load file or assembly. Access is denied" for various DLL's used by the project - I can fix this for individual DLL's by giving permissions to Network Service but I get the error for resource files too and the same trick doesn't seem to work.
This interworking between machines works fine without elevated privileges - I've been doing it for 2 years on about 20 projects without issue.
So is there a way of running just the compute emulator elevated, or some other way of avoiding these side effects?
OS Version Win 7 Pro SP1 X64
Azure Tools for MSVS2010 Platform v1.4 (11/04/2011)
Windows Azure SDK (11/04/2011)
Windows Azure SDK 1.4.1 Refresh (11/04/2011)
Windows Azure AppFabric SDK V1.0 (29/06/2011)
Consistent over all machines
EDIT: Having already given Network Service user all permissions to the entire folder structure to the project, I get the following error. Prior to doing that, the error was similar, but was for access to the DLL's in the project's bin folder.
Parser Error Message: Access to the path 'C:\Users\ Beko2011Azure\Website\App_GlobalResources\EditorLocalization.uk-UA.resx' is denied.
Source Error: [No relevant source lines]
Source File: /App_GlobalResources/EditorLocalization.uk-UA.resx Line: 1
Version Information: Microsoft .NET Framework Version:4.0.30319;
As far as #1 goes, you can still CTRL+C and CTRL+V to the solution explorer. For everything else you described, the elevated priviliges are probably not the problem. This has especially nothing to do with Azure tools. I have them installed on several machines, and VS works elevated (I always use elevated mode because it's impossible to debug in IIS otherwise). I never had any problems with it.
The DLL/file access denied might be Dropbox's fault. Have you succesfully used this type of file structure in any other projects?
I have no idea what you meant by #2. What fails to load? Azure projects? And do you have the SDK installed on all machines? Same version? Did you mark a web site as hosted in IIS - this also prevents loading of projects.
Also, please update your post with: Operating system version, Azure SDK version...
Update: looking at your error message I can't help but wonder the problem is caused by Dropbox locking files that are needed, and these files then not being accessible by IIS when required. Could you try killing Dropbox service and checking to see if the application performs OK at that point?
As of Azure SDK 2.1 you no longer need to run the Emulator with Elevated privileges. See my answer here

Debugging Developer Fabric Issues - Service Not Starting Web Components

I am trying to get the Azure SDK up and running on my dev PC and have been having some issues.
I have installed the SDK, tools for VS and am trying to run the samples. Every time I try to run the samples the Development Storage service starts and then the Developer Fabric tries to start. This is where is stops. The Developer Fabric cannot run any websites for whatever reason.
I have followed their checklist for setting up the system and there is not Event messages. I am running under Vista Home Premium with IIS 7 installed.
If you have any suggestions I would love to hear them.
It turns out my problem is a little deeper than simply Azure not working on my computer.
In order to natively debug IIS apps using windows vista (configured under the project settings) you need to have windows authentication enabled for IIS. This feature cannot be installed let alone enabled under Vista Home Premium under the guise of what home user would want such a feature.
For the average VS 2005 user this is okay there is a hotfix but for me and my fancy VS 2008 SP1 there is no solution.
After becoming supremely frustrated with this issue I posted it as the following Microsoft Connect issue.
