Windows Phone 8.1 Signed Enterprise App not working as expected - debugging

I'm trying to deploy a Windows Phone 8.1 Application via Enterprise distribution.
For this I'm using BuildMDILAPPX.ps1to sign the application with a symantec certificate.
The Application works as expected when deployed via Visual Studio or via Application Distribution.
However once I try to install the application generated by BuildMDILAPPX.ps1 certain functionality (Database with SQLite) seems to produce an error, as the application behaves differently (e.g. stuck on screen).
Is there a way to debug this application via Visual Studio, or any other way?
Or is it possible to deactivate optimization via BuildMDILAPPX.ps1
Thanks for your help,

I solved it by using Toast Notifications to display which line was executed or to display variables.
Not a clean solution, but it worked.


How can i run software created for windows ce into window tab?

Hi I have developed on software using visual basic for windows CE, now i want to run the same software on windows TAB. how can i do that....pls help
I tried directly running software into my windows based tab. it shows some error.
If TAB means tablet and it runs any version of Windows (8,10 etc.) that is not CE then your application will not run as it is.
Posting the error message you get would help.
But if the app has been designed for the .NET Compact Framework, at least you need to take the source code and rebuild it for the full .NET Framework. Some things may not compatible and you may need to fix or change parts of your code. Estimating this is not simple and depends on the features used by your application.
Well you may not like this solution, but you could run a windows mobile or windows CE emulator inside of full blown windows (windows 7, 8.1 or 10). Then install and run your application on the emulator.

Testing an app under multiple Windows user accounts

I have a simple Windows 8.1 Universal app I created in Visual Studio 2015 under Windows login A. I now want to log in using Windows login B and run the app.
The app isn't available for login B because it was deployed under login A's account.
I can't deploy it in Visual Studio via login B because it's already deployed
Is this possible? I've tried running Visual Studio as administrator, but that doesn't work. I don't know what else to try.
Unfortunately Windows 8.1 deployment system has some buzzword like:
Per user deployments
App isolation
Multi version existence
But we used some other way to solve this problem (not same but really similar)
Enterprise Deployment
Login script (which tries to deploy your app via DISM)
(I know this is not the answer which is expected :/ )

VS Express 2012, Windows Phone 8 SDK: The interface is unknown

I can't deploy applications to to my Windows Phone 8 device from Visual Studio Express 2012 anymore. I always get the following two lines in the console:
Deployment of application to device failed.
The interface is unknown.
The emulator also does not work anymore (xde.exe just crashes). All that worked once (Hyper-V is active).
All that happened without a change to my app (the same happens with a fresh hello world app).
The problem is not my phone, I tested a different phone (even different model), same problem.
I already completely removed and reinstalled the Phone SDK including Visual Studio.
The problem might have occurred since I updated to Windows 8.1 but I am not sure about this.
If anybody has a clue of what is going on here I would highly appreciate your help.
Since you've already tried removing/reinstalling VS and SDK, try creating a new user account on your Win8.1 box and running VS from that. If it works, the problem was probably some settings in CurrentUser registry hive, which Remove doesn't always clean up. Reinstall the already-installed VS and SDK may work better.
The 'interface' error means this is likely some COM issue, and that implicates registry. If you can figure out which DLL contains the interface, you may be able to fix it with (admin command line) > REGSVR32 <dllPath>. You can trace the registry accesses being made when you try to debug the app via SystemInternals ProcessMonitor

Testing .xap on windows phone 8, without registration

I have got a .xap file, i mailed it and opened it in my windows phone 8.
It gives me company app error.
Also i tried it with deployment in visual studio, it runs fine with emulator but problem with device(zune software not installed) whereas i have installed it and it is not detecting the device.
My question is that can we test an application without any company registration on windows phone device, just for testing purpose.
I have got an microsoft account.
You can deploy the XAP, but you must unlock the device first.
Fortunately, it's now a free process, you don't need a devcenter account anymore. The only limitation is that you can deploy only two applications at a time (when deploying a third application, you must remove a previous one).
The procedure is described here:
I think Beta testing will help u.We can upload a build as beta version to the market for testing purposes.Have a look on the below link.
Beta Version in WindowsPhone
I think that the live test of phonegap (as you said you use it) will be great for you. Please see for more information.
You can check unsigned apps up to two apps on a free account.
If you have Visual studio installed, search for "Application deployment" from start or Run XapDeploy.exe. Test unsigned .XAP

deploying metro app on a tablet without using Visual Studio

I have been trying to deploy my metro app from win8 machine to a tablet .
I am able to complete the whole process of creating the package,signing it and deploying using Powershell in the tablet .The tile of the app appears on the start screen
but when I click on the tile the app just shows the splash-screen and crashes.
The deployment worked no for one of my sample apps but it's not working even for some of the MSDN sample apps like the LockScreen Personalization.
Have you added the "developer licence" on the target computer? This can be done using powershell (but in admin mode)
All information can be found here:
Shortly, you need to run Get-WindowsDeveloperLicense from a Powershell in admin mode.
