Debugging Developer Fabric Issues - Service Not Starting Web Components - debugging

I am trying to get the Azure SDK up and running on my dev PC and have been having some issues.
I have installed the SDK, tools for VS and am trying to run the samples. Every time I try to run the samples the Development Storage service starts and then the Developer Fabric tries to start. This is where is stops. The Developer Fabric cannot run any websites for whatever reason.
I have followed their checklist for setting up the system and there is not Event messages. I am running under Vista Home Premium with IIS 7 installed.
If you have any suggestions I would love to hear them.

It turns out my problem is a little deeper than simply Azure not working on my computer.
In order to natively debug IIS apps using windows vista (configured under the project settings) you need to have windows authentication enabled for IIS. This feature cannot be installed let alone enabled under Vista Home Premium under the guise of what home user would want such a feature.
For the average VS 2005 user this is okay there is a hotfix but for me and my fancy VS 2008 SP1 there is no solution.

After becoming supremely frustrated with this issue I posted it as the following Microsoft Connect issue.


Trouble developer registering a Windows Phone 7 - Live ID not recognised

I have a Lumia 800 (WP 7) that used to be developer unlocked, but seems not to be anymore, so I can't deploy an app to it. OK, I tried to use the develop registering tool. It sees the phone, and then prompts me to log into App Hub with my Live ID. I understand this is the same as the Microsoft Account nowadays, but the tool says logging in does not succeed and asks to check the credentials.
At the same time I am logged in to the WP Dev Center with my Microsoft Account which works fine. So I'm confused why the developer registration tool does not let me in.
I have tried this with two computers, both running Windows 7 and Visual Studio 2010 Express for Windows Phone, with the same result. Tried also a Windows 8.1 and WP SDK running in VS 2013, which asks to run Zune. I haven't Zune there and failed when tried to install it.
I've seen this thread, which advises to use Windows 7 environment, but as explained it does not work for me. So what am I missing? Is the registration tool outdated?

Error debugging worker role in Azure

All the sudden started getting the following error while trying to debug a worker role:
"Windows Azure Tools for Microsoft Visual Studio
There was an error attaching the debugger to the role instance 'deployment16(360)blah blah' with Process Id: '8780'. Unable to attach. The Microsoft Visual Studio Remote Debugging Monitor has been closed on the remote machine."
Restarting Visual Studio and the machine do not help.
As you start getting this problem all of sudden in your development machine something must have changed and it is mostly due to some of the OS auto-update and/or some application update you installed in your machine. There could be any random reason for this problem however if I would have hit the exact same problem here is what I would do to troubleshoot such issue:
To start, first thing is to just check it is not an application specific problem by creating a base app from web/worker template and see if that exhibit the problem.
If you have installed new release Windows Azure SDK 1.7 check with both SDK 1.6 and 1.7 to verify if both exhibit the problem.
Check if your could debug IIS based application as well outside Compute Emulator. This will isolate if the problem is specific to Windows Azure development Fabric or bind to your IIS itself.
If this is IIS specific issue, Check IIS configuration for all enabled functionalities, try resetting Application Pool configuration, running "ASPnet_regiis -i" etc to fix the issue.
If it is Windows Azure Computer Emulator specific, I know sometime OS updates may make application unstable so in that case, I will re-install .net 4.0 and VS2010 SP1 again respectively. (This does help so many time) then re-install Azure SDK 1.7 completely.
Such random problem mostly occur due to some change in your machine configuration, so restoring the VS2010 and the re-installing all other application does help to solve problems.
If you have an exception in the role's OnStart() or in Application_Start() that the debugger doesn't pick up, you may also receive this message. Application_Start() errors are especially pernicious because the debugger doesn't attach to the web process until after this method returns.
If you are wedded to cloud specific classes such as RoleEnvironment and cannot make the web role a startup project, you can use Ctrl-F5 to run the cloud project without debugging. With some luck you'll get a yellow screen of death to show you the true error.
Avkash covers the points.
I had the same issue recently. I set my web project as start-up rather than Azure and I discovered that that web project didn't actually run. Turned out somehow when of my projects was compiling for X64. I changed that and it worked.

How to install Web Application Stress Tool (WAST) (homer) on Windows 7

Since Microsoft is no longer supporting one of the most useful tools ever, apparently we are left to fend for ourselves. Has anyone been able to get the Web Application Stress Tool (WAST) to install on their Windows 7 machine?
I found this link (albeit in Italian) to download the Homer setup program:
Visual Studio Team System (VSTS) is better option.

Buliding Windows Phone 7 projects on Windows Server 2008

My company is planning on developing for Windows Phone 7. The build server we have, however runs Windows Server 2008. According to the Windows Phone SDK release notes I've read that only Windows Server is not supported for the SDK.
Does anyone have any experience on whether there's a possible workaround to have a Windows Server 2008 machine build Windows Phone 7 projects?
Update: I'm interested in building on a WS 2008 as we're talking about a project with a larger team where continous integration and centralized builds are essential. I'd be hoping we wouldn't have to set up an additional Windows 7 build server for this task.
Most the issues of this nature come into play meeting the emulator's requirements rather than the development tools.
With that said some are hacking around the walls put up to stop people going into the unsupported territory of WS2008.
Judging by your requirements I'd say dive in. If you have the option to test on device or in emulators in Win7, that will place you well.
This post likely of interest.
Aaron Stebner's WebLog : How to install the Windows Phone Developer Tools CTP Refresh on Windows Server 2008
If someone is interested here is instruction how to modify ISO image of the WinPhone 7.1 SDK for installing it on Windows Server. Basically it's the same Aaron Stebner solution, the only difference is that you need to modify it in the ISO image.

Does anybody have experience with Visual Studio 2008 on Windows 7?

Has anyone already tried this, anything particulair that I need to be aware of?
Yep, been running it for a while and I haven't hit any problems yet. Can't say I've use it all day every day, but I've built WPF, WinForms, Web and Console apps with it for testing various things and haven't had any hitches.
I have it on my Dell X1, which is effectively my "NetBook", and it's really pretty rapid. The only glitch I have had at all is some problems with graphics acceleration, but that's down to the Intel driver I'm using being an old XP driver, and it was easily worked around.
I've been running it inside a VM in Parallels Desktop 4 on a MacBook Pro. Absolutely no problems to speak of.
(There's no sound in Windows 7 as virtualized through Parallels, which is a known issue — but not very pertinent to the operation of Visual Studio.)
I've been unable to install the 2008 Team Developer edition - keep getting a permission error. I was, however, able to insall the 2008 Team Database edition. I normally install both editions, so am kind of bummed about not getting the Developer edition to install. Screenshot of the error is here if you're curious.
No Problem with team edition, but only using it for web projects.
I've been using it at work since RC1 and have not run into any issues. Have developed a WinForms app, a WebForms site and now working on a MVC project.
I have had zero problems running Visual Studio 2008 Pro on 32 bit and 64 bit editions of Windows 7 for full-time C++ development.
If the application you are developing doesn't behave correctly under UAC you may will need to run the IDE as admin otherwise it won't run correctly under debug (this is the applications problem, not Windows 7 or Visual Studios).
Others seem to have problems with access rights/permissions, this should also be fixable by running the IDE as admin (via right click) or more permanently via the compatibility tab in the shortcut properties.
I don't know why this happens, is probably related to their particular user account settings.
