Trouble developer registering a Windows Phone 7 - Live ID not recognised - windows-phone-7

I have a Lumia 800 (WP 7) that used to be developer unlocked, but seems not to be anymore, so I can't deploy an app to it. OK, I tried to use the develop registering tool. It sees the phone, and then prompts me to log into App Hub with my Live ID. I understand this is the same as the Microsoft Account nowadays, but the tool says logging in does not succeed and asks to check the credentials.
At the same time I am logged in to the WP Dev Center with my Microsoft Account which works fine. So I'm confused why the developer registration tool does not let me in.
I have tried this with two computers, both running Windows 7 and Visual Studio 2010 Express for Windows Phone, with the same result. Tried also a Windows 8.1 and WP SDK running in VS 2013, which asks to run Zune. I haven't Zune there and failed when tried to install it.
I've seen this thread, which advises to use Windows 7 environment, but as explained it does not work for me. So what am I missing? Is the registration tool outdated?


Windows Mobile 5 Modern Emulator

I need to bring back from the dead an app desined to Windows Mobile 5.
I tried to find an emulator but everything seems to be dead already.
Is there any emulator that can run Windows Mobile 5 on Windows 10 or Android?
Windows Device emulator is also part of VS 2003 and 2008. If you have a msdn developer subscription, you can still download and install these.
At my time as technical support engineer I had running the device emulator stand alone edition as well as VS 2008 running with windows 10. You can even get active sync up and running.
Contact me directly if you need more details.

Deploy/debug app from VS 2019 to windows 10 mobile phone via USB

I have some old windows 10 mobile phones, that I want to give a second life as a music device for my kids. Since I have Visual Studio 2019 Enterprise at my hands, I thought I try to create something myself.
Not I tried to create an UWP app and a Xamarin app and try to debug them on the phone (connected via USB, developer mode enabled, unlocked). But with both I get this error:
DEP6957: Failed to connect to device '' using Universal
Authentication. Please verify the correct remote authentication mode
is specified in the project debug settings. COMException ... HRESULT:
0x8007274D) [0x8007274D]
The apps are still in their initial state after creating the project, no modifications done. The settings for debugging are set to: Debug, ARM, Device
I had some experience with an older Visual Studio version and windows phone 7, back then it just worked and all the documents I could google up suggest, while there are new ways, it should still work via USB.
If you plan to develop Windows 10 Mobile App, you need to use Visual Studio 2017 and make sure the target version of the app is below 14393.
Visual Studio 2019 no longer supports deploying UWP apps on mobile phones.
Best regards.
sometime i must reboot service something like windowsphone ipoverusb

Can't connect windows phone 8.1 for development

I develop an app for windows phone 8.1, and I do everything the same as always, but suddenly I can't deploy to my phone.
I see my phone connected (phone companion, file explorer) I can manipulate with files, photos, but I cant deploy. When I try development tools (e.g. WP Developer Power Tools or Visual Studio I always get "Deployment failed because no Windows Phone was detected"
I tried to restart my phone (several times), restart IpOverUsbSvc, I even tried different usb ports, nothing helped...
Any Ideas?
So I went through many forums (including microsoft too) and it seems that the only solution is clean re-install of windows 10 and visual studio.
In this post, there is quite nice sum up of what to check before you resort to reinstall.

Does creating developer account on Windows Dev Centre during Targeted App Distribution provides with Enterprise Sideload key?

We have implemented a Windows 8 app. We tested the app by sideloading on both Windows 8.1 Pro and Enterprise. The app is working as expected when both the machines are connected to the domain. If both the machines are out of the domain, the app does not work and we receive the following error ‘This app can’t open. There’s a problem with app. Contact your system administrator about repairing or reinstalling it’. Also, in the event log the following error was displayed ‘Activation of the app 589f3680-7094-4066-92ee-75cd86b75bc1_5gyrq6psz227t!App for the Windows. Launch contract was blocked with error 0x80073CFC because its package is in state: Modified‘. We checked through on your sites and it is mentioned that Enterprise Sideloading key is mandatory for the app to work if the machine is not connected to the domain.
If we publish the app on Windows Store using ‘Targeted App Distribution’ method, do we still need to worry about the Enterprise Sideloading key or will the key be available when we will create a developer account on the Windows Center? Let us know.
Let us know if we are missing anything. Also, it will be helpful if you suggest any appropriate way as we need the Windows app to work without being connected to the domain.
You could sideload the app if you have a developer license registered on the target machine. You can get a developer license via Visual Studio or with this powershell command:
However the developer license needs to be renewed every month.
See my answer here how to sideload an app:
sideload windows 8 apps to multiple devices?

Debugging Developer Fabric Issues - Service Not Starting Web Components

I am trying to get the Azure SDK up and running on my dev PC and have been having some issues.
I have installed the SDK, tools for VS and am trying to run the samples. Every time I try to run the samples the Development Storage service starts and then the Developer Fabric tries to start. This is where is stops. The Developer Fabric cannot run any websites for whatever reason.
I have followed their checklist for setting up the system and there is not Event messages. I am running under Vista Home Premium with IIS 7 installed.
If you have any suggestions I would love to hear them.
It turns out my problem is a little deeper than simply Azure not working on my computer.
In order to natively debug IIS apps using windows vista (configured under the project settings) you need to have windows authentication enabled for IIS. This feature cannot be installed let alone enabled under Vista Home Premium under the guise of what home user would want such a feature.
For the average VS 2005 user this is okay there is a hotfix but for me and my fancy VS 2008 SP1 there is no solution.
After becoming supremely frustrated with this issue I posted it as the following Microsoft Connect issue.
