websphere application server 5.1 on win 7 - websphere

I have installed RAD 7.0 on win 7 64 bit, with WebSphere v5.1 Test Environment, sometimes its start but most of the times hit 'Server WebSphere v5.1 Test Environment Test Environment # localhost failed to start', how can check this, anyone can guide for this,

My experience only goes back to WAS v6 but assuming 5.1 is the same there will be a log folder for your server, as a subfolder wherever your WAS 5.1 profile is located. RAD should be able to show you where those folders are, and maybe even be able to open the main log file for you.
WAS v7 was released in 2008 and v5.1 would be far older. I would strongly encourage you to upgrade to v8.5 if at all possible.

WAS 5.1 is old and is not supported on windows 7. It is highly recommended to upgrade to v7.0 or higher. But if you still want to troubleshoot the logs should be under WAS_HOME/logs//


Updating IBM Websphere and Java 1.7 on windows 2008 Server

I have a task to update web sphere to on a windows 2008 server. I have java 1.7 already installed (and java 6 as well) and all the profiles uses it.
How ever when i try to apply fix patch using IBM installation manager, by default it's installing Java 8 which is not supported on windows 2008.
Is there a way where i can by pass java 8 and install only the fix patch ( from installation manager.
Any pointer/help would be really appreciated. Thanks.
Installation Manager Screenshot:
No, WebSphere requires Java 8, and Java 8 is not supported on Windows 2008 Server. If you must stay with Windows 2008 you can't update WebSphere past More detail here: IBM WebSphere SDK Java Technology Edition 8.0 Minimum Supported Operating Systems
This is what IBM documentation ( https://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27045339 ) says, I did some shortcuts to make key points easier to notice in a long article:
In and later, it is planned that (Java8) SDK will be required for all new installations and all updates (fixpacks).
In (...) prior operating system releases (such as Windows 2008 (...) ) will no longer be supported.
So unfortunately what you are trying to do is not supported:
Although Java7 is still fine as a runtime environment for your servers, for example if your business application is not yet Java8 compatible, you need to have Java8 installed as a default JVM for Websphere "internal" requirements.
You cant have IBM's Java8 installed in Windows2008, which is mandatory for Websphere, that means you cant install Websphere
In the end, I would like to remind you, that you can upgrade to a previous release: Version is 11 fixpacks newer than what you already have, maybe it will suffice for your needs.
Bottom line - upgrade windows to a current version that's not 11 years old. Or, better yet, put it on Linux. WAS is great on Linux! Red Hat, Suse, OpenSuse, Fedora, CentOS are good flavors.

Powerbuilder 11.2 has stopped working Windows 64 bit

I am running and supporting a PowerBuilder 11.2 application running in windows 7 64bit environment. The previous version of this program ran without a problem, and 99% of this new program runs without a problem. However, when I run a specific bit of functionality, at times the program throws an exception "Sybase PowerBuilder 11.0 has stopped working" Problem event name APPCRASH Application Name PB110.EXE, Fault Module Name PBSHR110.dll, Exception code c0000005 in the dev environment. In the compiled version running on the client machine the error "A breakpoint in an application indicates a program error. After this dialog is dismissed, the application will continue to run, but it may be in an unstable state" and the program closes
There are shared PBL files throughout this whole application. It is a framework that supports 6 MDI programs. I have performed a full build on the main objects and it compiles without error. The other programs that in the framework that use these common objects to not have this problem. I have tried to step through the code doing a debug, but when I step through the code, it does not crash.
I have re-installed PB 11.0 and the PB 11.2 upgrade again and of course rebooted numerous times. I am at a loss here. I have tried everything that worked before and have spent over a week trying to find something online, so I am now appealing to the group. Any help at all will be so very much appreciated. Until then, I'll keep trying.
It could be that PB 11.2 is not listed as being supported on Windows 7. A lot of times you can get lucky, and most applications will still work on unsupported OS's. Yet, an update may be released that breaks something. You may want to try downloading the latest release of PB which is 12.6 and migrate a copy of your application to that version. You will at least be able to rule out if that is the issue or not.
Enclosed is Sybase PowerBuilder Enterprise version 11.2, which is
compatible with the following platform and operating system
Microsoft Windows XP with Service Pack 2
Microsoft Windows XP Tablet PC Edition with Service Pack 2
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 with Service Pack 1
Microsoft Windows Vista Business Edition
PowerBuilder 11.2 builds 32-bit applications, but supports deployed
applications in both 32-bit and 64-bit environments on the Vista
operating system. For more information about using PowerBuilder on the
Vista operating system, see “Vista Support” in the online Help. For a
list of issues that have been found on the Vista operating system, see
“Vista issues”.
Microsoft Windows 2000 with Service Pack 4 is supported for deployment
only. All support for this platform will be discontinued in future
releases of PowerBuilder.

Unable to run Profile management Tool for Websphere 7.0 from within RAD 7.5

I am using Rational Application Developer version 7.5.4 on 64-bit Windows OS (i5). I would like to create custom profiles for development. We hav been using RAD 7.5.4 on Windows XP before. On Windows 7 (64 bit) machines the "Run Profile Management Tool" button is disabled.Any help on how to get the PMT to run on 64 bit machine is much appreciated.
Maybe it is too late but you need to do right-click and select "Run as Administrator". You have to do it even if you are already logged in as Administrator.
After a two day struggle I have hit a solution to get the PMT to run on Windows 7 (64 bit). Download the manageProfilesInteractive batch file and run to create and manage profile.
Try running RAD as Administrator.
I guess that since you're on 64-bit platform, WebSphere AS (that RAD comes with) is also 64-bit, and no PMT is available. That's why I think the Run PMT button is disabled.
Quoting Creating application server profiles:
Supported configurations: You cannot use the Profile Management Tool
to create profiles for WebSphere Application Server installations on
64-bit architectures except on the Linux for zSeries platform.
However, you can use the Profile Management Tool on other 64–bit
architectures if you use a WebSphere Application Server 32–bit
I can't find a relevant information from Rational Application Developer's Information Center.
In my case, I installed the Liberty servers on a new installation of RAD 9.1 and apparently they do not come with the "manageprofiles.sh" which disables the Run Profile Management button. To fix this, I installed the non-Liberty servers and then I was able to use the profile management tool.

Old versions of WebSphere Application Server v7 (Free Trial)

Yesterday, I've downloaded and install the free trial version of WAS v7. The version I've downloaded is but I need to certify my application against
Where can I get this version?
UPDATED: It turns out that what I really needed was WebSphere Application Server for Developpers
It's working!
Now it can be downloaded from HERE
This link provides a Windows or Linux version of WebSphere for development testing.
WebSphere Application Server for Developers V7
This link provides Fix Pack 3 for Windows (a Linux version of the fix pack is also available.)
WebSphere Application Server V7.0 Fix Pack 3 for Windows

Is Enterprise Library 4.1 supported for Windows 7?

I was trying to run an application locally with Enterprise Library 4.1 and do logging to the event viewer. I didn't see Windows 7 under the supported operating systems. Does anyone know of a workaround or if this will not work at all? Also does anyone know if any other logging such as email or DB through Enterprise Library is available on Windows 7?
Thanks in advance.
Yes the enterprise library should work fine as its part of the .NET framework not the OS. Your problem is down to permissions issues.
You need admin rights to 'create' a new source in the event log. You could create a console app to do this (run it under elevated permissions) or set it up directly in the registry.
Once the source is set up you should be able to write your logs away.
P.S - You can use any of the (formatters are they called?!) in the enterprise logging block. (Database, email, text file, etc)
Its setup in the config file. you can use the tool that comes with EL to do this)
Since it works with Windows Vista, it will work with Windows 7.
Under the hood, both operating systems are version 6 and both run the .NET framework.
Enterprise library is built on top of .net so there should be problem.
Enterprise library 4.1 was released before Windows 7, that's why it does not apper listed. However it should work in Windows 7 since it works in Windows Vista.
