Is Enterprise Library 4.1 supported for Windows 7? - windows-7

I was trying to run an application locally with Enterprise Library 4.1 and do logging to the event viewer. I didn't see Windows 7 under the supported operating systems. Does anyone know of a workaround or if this will not work at all? Also does anyone know if any other logging such as email or DB through Enterprise Library is available on Windows 7?
Thanks in advance.

Yes the enterprise library should work fine as its part of the .NET framework not the OS. Your problem is down to permissions issues.
You need admin rights to 'create' a new source in the event log. You could create a console app to do this (run it under elevated permissions) or set it up directly in the registry.
Once the source is set up you should be able to write your logs away.
P.S - You can use any of the (formatters are they called?!) in the enterprise logging block. (Database, email, text file, etc)
Its setup in the config file. you can use the tool that comes with EL to do this)

Since it works with Windows Vista, it will work with Windows 7.
Under the hood, both operating systems are version 6 and both run the .NET framework.

Enterprise library is built on top of .net so there should be problem.

Enterprise library 4.1 was released before Windows 7, that's why it does not apper listed. However it should work in Windows 7 since it works in Windows Vista.


How can i run software created for windows ce into window tab?

Hi I have developed on software using visual basic for windows CE, now i want to run the same software on windows TAB. how can i do that....pls help
I tried directly running software into my windows based tab. it shows some error.
If TAB means tablet and it runs any version of Windows (8,10 etc.) that is not CE then your application will not run as it is.
Posting the error message you get would help.
But if the app has been designed for the .NET Compact Framework, at least you need to take the source code and rebuild it for the full .NET Framework. Some things may not compatible and you may need to fix or change parts of your code. Estimating this is not simple and depends on the features used by your application.
Well you may not like this solution, but you could run a windows mobile or windows CE emulator inside of full blown windows (windows 7, 8.1 or 10). Then install and run your application on the emulator.

When will VB6 application support end?

Microsoft no longer supports VB6 development and support from Microsoft has already stopped. But VB6 applications still run on Windows 8.1. See also this article titled "Support Statement for Visual Basic 6.0 on Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 8.1".
When would a VB6 application stop running on Windows? Is there any official statement from Microsoft or any clue about the same?
In this link, the Visual Studio team has mentioned that, "It will be supported at least through 2024". But it's not clear whether they said it's supported in Windows 8 till 2024 or in future release of windows OS too.
The "2024" means as part of Windows 8. The link says the VB6 runtime is part of Windows and therefore will be supported in the same way as the rest of Windows. For example Windows 8 will be supported until 2024 because that's the support lifecycle for Windows 8.
EDIT: Microsoft have now said the VB6 runtime is officially part of Windows 10 too.
EDIT: the VB6 IDE (not runtime) is no longer officially supported on any version of Windows, but there are ways to get it to work on Windows 7 and 8.
Uservoice: The VB6 runtime it is still a component of the Windows operating
system and is a component shipped in Windows 8.1. It will be supported
at least through 2024
It seems clear they mean VB6 will be supported through 2024, not just VB6 on Windows 8 (whose mainstream support ends 6 years earlier anyway).
The VB6 programming language installs and runs on Windows 7, 8.x and 10.
There is a utility to install it here: VB6 IDE install utility
It is in Microsoft's interests for VB6 applications to run in Windows 10 and so they probably will. The same is probably true of most old application frameworks: Microsoft works hard to maintain compatibility. The IDE runs on Windows 7 (not sure about 8 or 10).
However, just because Microsoft says VB6 will run it doesn't mean your particular application will work, particularly if you use third party components. You should at least be thinking about migrating to another development environment.
From what I heard, VB6 applications still work on Windows 10 technical preview. I've seen no official statement yet, but it would seem that VB6 will stay supported for at least a few years.
Microsoft have just stated for VB6 programming on Windows 10:-
"Windows is committed to compatibility. The Windows compatibility team
has been looking at user telemetry and reacting to feedback from
Windows Insiders to ensure that existing apps work well with Windows
10. Windows 10 is designed to run Windows 8.1 and Windows Phone 8.1 software programs. And yes, everyone’s favorite VB6 Runtime will
continue to work, too. In the near future, the compat team will go
more in-depth on this topic on Blogging Windows."
Everyone's favorite VB6 programming on Windows 10
So VB6 programming will work on Windows 10, as does VBA programming.
They also state that 'Project Centennial' Universal Windows Platform Bridge will work with VB6 code.
Instructions for installing the VB6 IDE are available here...
In my personal experience if you build a dll in VB6 and add it as a component to COM Plus in Server 2016 it just won't add. You will get an error such as the following, even for a 'Hello World' component.
A registry value was changed while installing the following component
into a COM+ Application. If you are experiencing activation problems
with this component then please check the registry value for the
following key.
Component: C:\temp\Project1.dll
Registry Key:
Process Name: RunDll32.exe Comsvcs.dll file version: not loaded
There is a project to provide a new language "RADBasic" which is intended to be compatible with the VB6 programming language.
New language compatible with VB6 programming
Looks like Microsoft just extended VB6 runtime support out to Windows 11 and Server 2022. No such luck for the IDE though.
Read more from Microsoft here:

Unable to run Profile management Tool for Websphere 7.0 from within RAD 7.5

I am using Rational Application Developer version 7.5.4 on 64-bit Windows OS (i5). I would like to create custom profiles for development. We hav been using RAD 7.5.4 on Windows XP before. On Windows 7 (64 bit) machines the "Run Profile Management Tool" button is disabled.Any help on how to get the PMT to run on 64 bit machine is much appreciated.
Maybe it is too late but you need to do right-click and select "Run as Administrator". You have to do it even if you are already logged in as Administrator.
After a two day struggle I have hit a solution to get the PMT to run on Windows 7 (64 bit). Download the manageProfilesInteractive batch file and run to create and manage profile.
Try running RAD as Administrator.
I guess that since you're on 64-bit platform, WebSphere AS (that RAD comes with) is also 64-bit, and no PMT is available. That's why I think the Run PMT button is disabled.
Quoting Creating application server profiles:
Supported configurations: You cannot use the Profile Management Tool
to create profiles for WebSphere Application Server installations on
64-bit architectures except on the Linux for zSeries platform.
However, you can use the Profile Management Tool on other 64–bit
architectures if you use a WebSphere Application Server 32–bit
I can't find a relevant information from Rational Application Developer's Information Center.
In my case, I installed the Liberty servers on a new installation of RAD 9.1 and apparently they do not come with the "" which disables the Run Profile Management button. To fix this, I installed the non-Liberty servers and then I was able to use the profile management tool.

Which Windows versions have preinstalled MSINET.OCX control

I have an old VB6 application that depends on MSINET.OCX. I'd like to know if I can distribute this application without registering MSINET OCX component. My target OSes are XP, Vista and Windows 7. Do all of them have this component preinstalled?
See if this information from technet helps you. The short of it seems to be that it does not come preinstalled, it is installed when you install an application that uses it. You will need to include it in your installation.
It's not shipping with the OS. It is however delivered with Visual Basic. You must include it within your application setup. For details on Vista and Win7 support see: Support Statement for Visual Basic 6.0 on Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008 and Windows 7

Windows 7 Credential Provider Sample

I'm trying to create a custom login for Windows 7 using Credential Provider. I use Windows 7 Professional, Windows SDK 7.0 and Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate. After i build the solution for SampleCredentialProvider from
the sample folder in SDK 7.0 my dll file is created, i copy the dll file into my Windows\System32 folder and i run the Register.reg but nothing is happening at login. According to the documentation in the login screen i should be able to see new users(Administrator and Guest). What have i done wrong? Is there a trick or something?
Thank you.
Are you on Windows 7 64-bit? If so, check to see whether you are building the Win32 version instead. Use the Build > Configuration Manager and make sure Active solution platform is x64, and the Active solution configuration is Release.
Windows SDK for Windows 7 have good Credential Provider samples
