Unable to run Profile management Tool for Websphere 7.0 from within RAD 7.5 - websphere

I am using Rational Application Developer version 7.5.4 on 64-bit Windows OS (i5). I would like to create custom profiles for development. We hav been using RAD 7.5.4 on Windows XP before. On Windows 7 (64 bit) machines the "Run Profile Management Tool" button is disabled.Any help on how to get the PMT to run on 64 bit machine is much appreciated.

Maybe it is too late but you need to do right-click and select "Run as Administrator". You have to do it even if you are already logged in as Administrator.

After a two day struggle I have hit a solution to get the PMT to run on Windows 7 (64 bit). Download the manageProfilesInteractive batch file and run to create and manage profile.

Try running RAD as Administrator.

I guess that since you're on 64-bit platform, WebSphere AS (that RAD comes with) is also 64-bit, and no PMT is available. That's why I think the Run PMT button is disabled.
Quoting Creating application server profiles:
Supported configurations: You cannot use the Profile Management Tool
to create profiles for WebSphere Application Server installations on
64-bit architectures except on the Linux for zSeries platform.
However, you can use the Profile Management Tool on other 64–bit
architectures if you use a WebSphere Application Server 32–bit
I can't find a relevant information from Rational Application Developer's Information Center.

In my case, I installed the Liberty servers on a new installation of RAD 9.1 and apparently they do not come with the "manageprofiles.sh" which disables the Run Profile Management button. To fix this, I installed the non-Liberty servers and then I was able to use the profile management tool.


How can i run software created for windows ce into window tab?

Hi I have developed on software using visual basic for windows CE, now i want to run the same software on windows TAB. how can i do that....pls help
I tried directly running software into my windows based tab. it shows some error.
If TAB means tablet and it runs any version of Windows (8,10 etc.) that is not CE then your application will not run as it is.
Posting the error message you get would help.
But if the app has been designed for the .NET Compact Framework, at least you need to take the source code and rebuild it for the full .NET Framework. Some things may not compatible and you may need to fix or change parts of your code. Estimating this is not simple and depends on the features used by your application.
Well you may not like this solution, but you could run a windows mobile or windows CE emulator inside of full blown windows (windows 7, 8.1 or 10). Then install and run your application on the emulator.

Windows server 2012 data center - Determine If it is a core version

I have a windows server 2012 data center server where I configured a web application. I can't tell whether it is a core version or not as I want to install other application which are not compatible with core versions.
The server is fully GUI enables but from google I found that core versions doesn't have GUI. And according to the following link, I went to the regedit and found out that it is a core version but my server is fully GUI and all applications like explorer are there.
Is there a way a core version may have a GUI or I am missing something? How do I tell if is a core version?
As you can see in this link : https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd184075.aspx?f=255&MSPPError=-2147217396
The core version "GUI" is only a command line interface.
There are a few GUI programs you can run, the complete table is provided on the link above.
You won't be able to open any window explorer whatsoever on a core version.
Another way to test if Server Core is running is to check the registry under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion for the value of InstallationType. If it is set to "Server Core", then the Server Core installation option is installed.
I supposed this is what you tried to do.
To make it simple, if you have a start menu bar and other windows than the command line interface as you log in to your server, this is no server core =)

websphere application server 5.1 on win 7

I have installed RAD 7.0 on win 7 64 bit, with WebSphere v5.1 Test Environment, sometimes its start but most of the times hit 'Server WebSphere v5.1 Test Environment Test Environment # localhost failed to start', how can check this, anyone can guide for this,
My experience only goes back to WAS v6 but assuming 5.1 is the same there will be a log folder for your server, as a subfolder wherever your WAS 5.1 profile is located. RAD should be able to show you where those folders are, and maybe even be able to open the main log file for you.
WAS v7 was released in 2008 and v5.1 would be far older. I would strongly encourage you to upgrade to v8.5 if at all possible.
WAS 5.1 is old and is not supported on windows 7. It is highly recommended to upgrade to v7.0 or higher. But if you still want to troubleshoot the logs should be under WAS_HOME/logs//

Microsoft Windows Embedded Studio download

I have a Win XP Embedded machine (WES2009), that does not have preinstalled "Microsoft Windows Embedded Studio" (MSWES).
I need MSWES as a preposition for development (RTX by IntervalZero).
All I found on MS site related to this product is docs: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms838630(v=WinEmbedded.5).aspx
Anyone with a clue:
Can I simply install MSWES product on my WES2009 machine ?
Where can I download it simply ? (Preferably without using MS account.)
You don't run Embedded Studio on XP Embedded; you run it on your development host, and use it to create an XP Embedded OS image for your target application.
You need a development license, and ultimately deployment licenses.
You can simply and officialy download the WES2009 here:
This should be a trial version, or you apply your bought licence to this.

Is Enterprise Library 4.1 supported for Windows 7?

I was trying to run an application locally with Enterprise Library 4.1 and do logging to the event viewer. I didn't see Windows 7 under the supported operating systems. Does anyone know of a workaround or if this will not work at all? Also does anyone know if any other logging such as email or DB through Enterprise Library is available on Windows 7?
Thanks in advance.
Yes the enterprise library should work fine as its part of the .NET framework not the OS. Your problem is down to permissions issues.
You need admin rights to 'create' a new source in the event log. You could create a console app to do this (run it under elevated permissions) or set it up directly in the registry.
Once the source is set up you should be able to write your logs away.
P.S - You can use any of the (formatters are they called?!) in the enterprise logging block. (Database, email, text file, etc)
Its setup in the config file. you can use the tool that comes with EL to do this)
Since it works with Windows Vista, it will work with Windows 7.
Under the hood, both operating systems are version 6 and both run the .NET framework.
Enterprise library is built on top of .net so there should be problem.
Enterprise library 4.1 was released before Windows 7, that's why it does not apper listed. However it should work in Windows 7 since it works in Windows Vista.
