How to download from FTP server - visual-studio

So I'm trying to make a "launcher" in visual basic. This launcher contains login forms (username/password). I have a Filezilla server up and 2 accounts. I'd like to connect with the server and download files in the background as not to disrupt work. I'm not much of a coder, but I tried to tie this up with "winSCP", what I did was only launch and connect to the server, but the user still has to enter username and password, which was entered before (with the login form).
Also how would I change the "USER" part, like with batch files when you can use "%username%" instead of actual username?
If ComboBox1.Text = "Server EU #1" Then
Process.Start("C:\Users\USER\Desktop\winscp573\WinSCP.exe", "ftp:[server IP]")
End If
If at all possible I'd like to avoid using other programs and keep it as simple as possible.
Login with visual studio to filezilla server (FTP), not using other programs
upload files from main computer to the user (automatically starts uploading CERTAIN files/folders, everything running in the background as not to disrupt work, aka nothing popping up)
Change [USER] part of code so that it is always the correct user (like batch files use "%username%")
maybe I could use windows build it FTP to connect and download?


Script to Log into several user accounts

We manage several laptops that are used for emergency situations and thus are rarely used (knock on wood).
When we start up these laptops periodically to run windows updates, we also sign in with several user accounts for each laptop in order to keep the profile up to date.
Is there a way to automate the logging in of each account with a script?
For example, I could log in as administrator, run the script and the laptop would do the following:
Log out my administrator account,
sign in with useraccount 1, log out
sign in with useraccount 2, log out
sign in with useraccount 3, log out
I havent had much luck in googling this type of thing and was hoping someone here might have an idea.
I simply cant find a script that logs in with a user account.
The closest I can find is recommending auto signin but that only applies to one account and not what I need for this task.
Globally, you can't do that: it would break security if you were allowed to interact, programmatically, with the login screen.
IF it's possible, I would look to a way to do the login to remote machine through either Telnet (not recommended! but can be done with standard Windows tools) or SSH (will need a SSH server). If you can do the upgrade this way, then you're saved, in particular with SSH because you can avoid passwords' sharing through key exchange - probably won't work with domain accounts, however, but local accounts will be fine.
Otherwise, if you require to really open a Windows session, best you can do, IF your configuration allows it AND if it works (regarding the profile's update) is to connect through RDP (Remote Desktop) to each laptop, with each login.
You'll need to establish a RDP connection to each laptop from a "pilot" PC, save each connexion individually within a .rdp file, saving password inside the connection file.
Then, you can launch the connection with the command mstsc <machine+account>.rdp to establish a connection. A bit later, you can kill the connection (with either taskkill or through a pilot process / tool, I would use AutoIt for this preferably).
If password saving is an issue, then each employee should have its own set of RDP files. Through something like Autoit, in particular, you can input the password once, and fill automatically each password prompt.
The tricky part would be to know when it's time to close the remote desktop. I would try to automatically execute a command to distant computer that would reboot it once done, so your remote desktop would close automatically.
Anyway, it will be a real gas plant to implement all this in a smooth process...

Running .exe on a XAMPP Server

I am wondering if it is possible to run a program on a xampp server? I am making a game and need to run the controller program on the server to receive info from the client programs. Is this possible? I do know that you can start a program on a server remotely, but it opens the program on the server pc, not what I am wanting.
Also, I would like to know if it is possible to click and link on a index.php page and that opens the client.exe on your pc. So far, it only launches it on the server pc. I am using the echo exec('') command to launch the program.
On server side you can try either PHP/CGI and stores the data in a file or a MySQL database.
On client side you can try either JAVA/Flash or you can force the download of file on user computer using content disposition in header.

Need to FTP windows server without user access

I am able to access the server ftp:// in browser where my reports are present. I am able to right click and download them.
However I want to automate the FTP of these report files. So I tried to FTP through CMD prompt, this is asking me for the user/pass which I do not have.
Is there any work around for this?
Your browser probably supplies the FTP server with the default anonymous account credentials, without you knowing it.
Try to login from your cmd with username anonymous and no password, or use your e-mail address as your password.

Using Visual Studio Load Testing, and monitoring machines not in my domain

I'm wishing to use Visual Studio Load Tests to perform some load testing.
I was hoping to be able to use the counter monitoring that the Load Test provide in order to collect performance statistics from the web server I'm loading.
However there only seems to be support for connecting to machines you wish to monitor via your domain credentials. From, section "To specify computers to monitor with counter sets during load test run"
On each server that you monitor, you must have sufficient user permissions to run performance monitors. Otherwise, errors are generated.
There seems to be no way to provide specific credentials to use to connect to machines you wish to monitor. As the web server I wish to monitor does not belong to a domain, I don't see any way to monitor it using VS Load Tests.
Is there some way to monitor it using VS Load Tests that I've missed?
There seems to be no way to provide specific credentials to use to connect to machines you wish to monitor
There is a way to do this. On Windows 7 it is called Credential Manager and you can access it either by searching for Manage Network Passwords on your Start Menu or via Control Panel > User Accounts. On older versions it was called Stored User Names and Passwords, also accessible via Control Panel > User Accounts.
In a nutshell, it allows you to specify alternative credentials for remote systems. Once you have set up credentials, it works completely invisibly and automatically for remote connection attempts from any application applications that support it, including Visual Studio collecting remote Perfmon data.
NOTE that you have to set up the credentials on the account that actually runs your load tests. If you are only running local load tests with no Controller then that's your own account. However if you run a Controller/Agent rig, the Controller may be configured to run under a service account (i.e. check the account running "Visual Studio Test Controller" service or QTController.exe). You have to login as that account and add the credentials.
I've found the following which is working for me. I'm just running the net use commands by hand because I don't want the user name and password in source control.
To get this working you will need to manually open an IPC channel to
the SQL and IIS machines with an account that has permissions in that
domain. This allows the account running the load tests to "piggyback"
across that IPC channel.
i have found this site to be a great help getting this going myself.
what you can do is create a small bat file and set it up to run in the
.testrunconfig file as a setup script.
net use \\SQLSERVER\IPC$ password1 /user:DOMAIN1\USER /persistent:yes
net use \\IISSERVER\IPC$ password2 /user:DOMAIN2\USER /persistent:yes

How to remote debug when user accounts do not match?

How can I configure Visual Studio remote debugging when:
My developer machine is a member of an AD domain, and my username is "DevelopersName".
The "remote" machine is on the same Ethernet segment, but is not part of the domain.
The "remote" machine must run software under "RemoteUserName".
Most documentation I can find suggests that you need have both machines in the same domain and with identical usernames. That's not possible here.
I could possibly add my username to "remote", but the software still needs to run under "RemoteUserName.
If it helps, I could add 2nd network card to my developer machine and directly connect the "remote" machine.
Using VS2008, but will be moving soon to VS2010.
Thank you.
Sorry, but I've just spent the last 10 hours trying to debug your exact problem. My findings are not good.
You need to get your accounts synced, especially if you are using your remote app to connect to other systems in your SOA environment, ie: Sharepoint, AD.
You can to some extent get remote debugging to work, if you create an account on your local machine with the same name as that of your remote machine (lets do it like this rather rather than working with the domain account).
You then need to make sure the remote service is running under this account, and its a member of the administrators group. And by this I mean hold down control, and right click run as - with the remote debugger, and select the user (not required if remote server is logged in as the required user).
Run the wizard it will open the required ports, use Authentication, because non authentication won't debug managed code. Breakpoints are never met, and there is nothing you can do about this.
On your local dev machine, log off your domain account, and log onto the local account with matching name as the account on server thats running the remote service.
Now you stand a change of remote debugging. If you can't do any of the above, sorry there is no workaround, its entirely dependent on the user account and having the right permissions.
If you don't want to create a local account, try starting our debugger via command prompt using the following command:
runas /user:[user#machinename] /netonly [debugger.exe]
runas /user:john#mypc123 /netonly devenv.exe
I assume it's managed debugging you're talking about (for native debugging there's a remote debugging solution with no authentication). In this case, I would suggest that you use a local user to launch the debugger on your machine. If this local user's name and password match "RemoteUserName"'s name and password, it should work.
(Note that this does not preclude you from using the AD account to log in to your workstation, you just need to set up another account and use runas to launch Visual Studio.)
