Need to FTP windows server without user access - windows

I am able to access the server ftp:// in browser where my reports are present. I am able to right click and download them.
However I want to automate the FTP of these report files. So I tried to FTP through CMD prompt, this is asking me for the user/pass which I do not have.
Is there any work around for this?

Your browser probably supplies the FTP server with the default anonymous account credentials, without you knowing it.
Try to login from your cmd with username anonymous and no password, or use your e-mail address as your password.


"Remote machine is AAD" but "The logon attempt failed"

I setup Remote Desktop Connection and the computer says: AzureAD\username already has access:
Very good, let's try to connect using AzureAD\username:
Unfortunately it says:
Your credential did not work. Remote machine is AAD joined. If you are
signing in to your work account, try using your work email address.
Of course it didn't work. Any idea?
To successfully connect to an AzureAD joined computer using Remote Desktop, you will need to first save your connection settings to a .rdp file.
To do this, open the Remote Desktop Connection program, enter the IP Address or computer name, then click the "Save As" button at the bottom of the screen. Save it someplace convenient, since we'll need to edit this file by hand.
Next, Right-Click the saved .rdp file and open with Notepad.
Go to the very bottom of the file, add the following lines:
authentication level:i:2
Save the file and close.
Now, try double clicking the modified .rdp file and login using the format:
Screenshots, original information and credit go to
As an updated answer, the solution is to simply open up the options for the connection, go to the Advanced tab, and check "Use a web account to sign in to the remote computer".
As long as RDP is enabled on the remote machine and the user you are trying to logon is with authorized, it should work.
The Azure Active Directory username is not exactly clear though.
Joined computer via '', an Azure Active Directory domain account.
Computer shows 'AzureAD\FirstNameLastName' as authorized for RDP since it's an administrator account.
Must use 'AzureAD\' for RDP username.
No other settings changes needed, no manual editing of RDP file just had to get the username right.
from your window, it doesn't seem like you logged in with an azuread account, try with as a username?
as per here:
When you connect to the remote PC, enter your account name in this
format: AzureAD UPN. The local PC must either be domain-joined or
Azure AD-joined. The local PC and remote PC must be in the same Azure
AD tenant.
For some reason the old remote desktop connection application was throwing the same error. I tried connecting through new remote desktop application( included in windows 10 ), it connected without any problem.
The issue is related to the password, which we have set at the time of the creation of VM.
That password doesn't meet the complexity criteria that we didn't get informed about while setting the username & password firstly. Therefore we need to reset the password.
1). click on created VM --> choose reset Password from the side menu.
2). This time they will tell us about constraints for setting the password.
3). Choose the appropriate password.
4). Now login via this format as below:
username : <publicIpOfVM>/<username>
password: newPassword

How to download from FTP server

So I'm trying to make a "launcher" in visual basic. This launcher contains login forms (username/password). I have a Filezilla server up and 2 accounts. I'd like to connect with the server and download files in the background as not to disrupt work. I'm not much of a coder, but I tried to tie this up with "winSCP", what I did was only launch and connect to the server, but the user still has to enter username and password, which was entered before (with the login form).
Also how would I change the "USER" part, like with batch files when you can use "%username%" instead of actual username?
If ComboBox1.Text = "Server EU #1" Then
Process.Start("C:\Users\USER\Desktop\winscp573\WinSCP.exe", "ftp:[server IP]")
End If
If at all possible I'd like to avoid using other programs and keep it as simple as possible.
Login with visual studio to filezilla server (FTP), not using other programs
upload files from main computer to the user (automatically starts uploading CERTAIN files/folders, everything running in the background as not to disrupt work, aka nothing popping up)
Change [USER] part of code so that it is always the correct user (like batch files use "%username%")
maybe I could use windows build it FTP to connect and download?

FTP server Windows 8.1 error: 530 Login or password incorrect

I follow this video steps by steps to create a local FTP Server on Windows 8.1. They use IIS to make FTP sites and add a Windows local user to login. But at the end, when I go to the server's IP address and login (using FireFox), I got this error: 530 Login or password incorrect!.
Can anyone help me?
Try it:
Select your FTP Site from IIS dashboard. than select FTP Authentications. Inside the FTP Authentications set the Basic Authentications Enabled.
I'm not too familiar with IIS but have used other FTP servers. Couple of things to check:
Are you logging in from the same machine / remote machine?
If you are on the same machine, do you need the DOMAIN/Computer Name in there
Does the user you are trying to login as set up in IIS as being able to access the FTP Server?
Try checking the following,
User exists
User can access the FTP site
User you are entering into the FTP client has the right username and password.

Require a login and password for writing in the FileZilla server, but not in the reading

I'm working on a android application that writes, in some parts, in a FileZilla server. In my code, I provide the login and password for the FileZilla so that the client could send some pictures and videos to it.
The client later on needs to read the FTP content (Display it), but for that purpose, he needs to enter the login and password, which I can't provide him otherwise he could write whatever he wants in my server.
Is there any way to require a login and password for writing in the FTP server, but not in the reading ??
You can setup two accounts on the server. One with read-only access, and one with write access. Provide the client with password to read-only account. Or you can allow even anonymous read-only access to the server.
EDIT: Also, be aware that it would not be a problem for a hacker to retrieve the hard-coded password from your Android application binary. Make sure you restrict the area, where the account can write to, ideally to a single folder only. You should also set disk quota for the account, so that the hacker cannot fill your server's disk. And you should definitelly monitor the writable folder for an unusual activity.

windows batch file to call remote executable with username and password

Hi I am trying to get a batch file to call an executable from the server and login. I have a monitoring program that allows me send and execute the script. OK here goes....
//x3400/NTE_test/test.exe /USER:student password
Now this doesn't work. The path is right because when I type it in at the run menu in xp it works. Then I manually login and the script runs. How can I get this to login and run that exe I need it to?
Part 2:
Some of the machines have already logged in with the password saved (done manually). Should I have a command to first clear that password then login?
Thanks for any replies, I appreciate the help
(note: this question probably belongs on or
If the login that needs to happen is the login for the network share, you can have your script do that using the net use command:
net use //x3400/NTE_test /USER:student password
If the login is something specific to the ``test.exe` program, then you'll have to find out from its documentation how to pass credentials on the command line.
In either case, you need to consider the security implications of having a user's password in a script. If the user is has an account with the same name and password on the x3400 server as on the machine he's running on (or if the x3400 machine is in the same domain as his machine), there should be no need for him to provide credentials. This might be a better way to handle the password.
