Running .exe on a XAMPP Server - xampp

I am wondering if it is possible to run a program on a xampp server? I am making a game and need to run the controller program on the server to receive info from the client programs. Is this possible? I do know that you can start a program on a server remotely, but it opens the program on the server pc, not what I am wanting.
Also, I would like to know if it is possible to click and link on a index.php page and that opens the client.exe on your pc. So far, it only launches it on the server pc. I am using the echo exec('') command to launch the program.

On server side you can try either PHP/CGI and stores the data in a file or a MySQL database.
On client side you can try either JAVA/Flash or you can force the download of file on user computer using content disposition in header.


FileZilla: My FileZilla does not have two panel layout and says "Warning: FTP over TLS is not enabled users cannot securely login"

I am brand new to using an FTP server. I just downloaded FileZilla and did nothing different, just kept hitting continue through the insallation and then opened it with the server and the default port.
Now I get this:
Also when I see other people putting their files on the server they have a different looking application than I do. It is split and has two different sides in which they load the files to the server. I do not see how they got to that. I watch a beginners tutorial, but it did not really explain how to get to that part.
You have installed FileZilla server.
While you probably wanted FileZilla client.

How to download from FTP server

So I'm trying to make a "launcher" in visual basic. This launcher contains login forms (username/password). I have a Filezilla server up and 2 accounts. I'd like to connect with the server and download files in the background as not to disrupt work. I'm not much of a coder, but I tried to tie this up with "winSCP", what I did was only launch and connect to the server, but the user still has to enter username and password, which was entered before (with the login form).
Also how would I change the "USER" part, like with batch files when you can use "%username%" instead of actual username?
If ComboBox1.Text = "Server EU #1" Then
Process.Start("C:\Users\USER\Desktop\winscp573\WinSCP.exe", "ftp:[server IP]")
End If
If at all possible I'd like to avoid using other programs and keep it as simple as possible.
Login with visual studio to filezilla server (FTP), not using other programs
upload files from main computer to the user (automatically starts uploading CERTAIN files/folders, everything running in the background as not to disrupt work, aka nothing popping up)
Change [USER] part of code so that it is always the correct user (like batch files use "%username%")
maybe I could use windows build it FTP to connect and download?

How to add Terminal Object in your Website?

Website like koding , codeschool ,cloud9 and many others have the ability to access their server via terminal.
Is it really terminal application in sandbox?
How did they do that?
Read this
The terminal access can be provided by having a client server mechanism.
Here a server is running at the linux machine and client is browser.
server executes command on behalf of client.
Take a look at ajaxterm

Does anyone know how to issue a SUBMIT command to OpenVMS over an FTP session?

I am currently using windows telnet to submit files to the OpenVMS queue via a series of sendkeys/application waits through VBA. It works, up until the end-user shifts focus away from the telnet window. I would prefer to issue the SUBMITs using an FTP session, where I can script the commands into a batch file and shoot it across FTP. I was able to do something similar with IBM mainframes - through the quote site FTP command - setting the filetype=jes, followed by a JCL file that would be dropped into the work queue for immediate execution. I can't seem to find anything on the internet related to FTP, openVMS, and submit. I have tried using Quote submit/que=... but it does not recognize the command. (Submit works fine under telnet).
Maybe you can use Remote Shell Protocol (RSH) to execute a command in a remote node
You would need a rsh client on windows:
And also enable RSH service on VMS via TCPIP$CONFIG
(See OpenVMS documentation
This works best with a VMS username dedicated to processing inbound FTP files. If you put in the LOGIN.COM for that username to detect it's a network connection and submit a batch job to look for the expected file, get exclusive access to it with retries (the FTP is done), and then process the file - That has worked for me.
The other option is to put a security ACL on the directory and make an audit listener - it will get file creates via a mailbox message. Then it can do similar: get exclusive access to the file being created and then process it.

How to get and send files from an application to another machine or Windows Explorer but not another application?

Sorry if my question is confusing but what I am looking to do is this. I am creating an application that is supposed to send and receive files directly to another machine without having to connect to any other application but the windows explorer on another machine. I know you can write a client and server much like a FTP program, but that's not what I am looking for. An application simply connects to Windows or windows explorer on another machine for sending or receiving files.
I have looked or researched for information online, but not much to look at.
Is there a way to do this? If so, how.
I want to be able to start my application on a machine and send and receive files automatically from or to another local machine without establishing any direct connection very much like what Microsoft Window does. You open your windows explorer and drag and drop files from or to another machine. Only that I want to do that programmatically within my application. I start my application and simply request or send for specific file at a specific location. The way I have it written now you have to run two different copies of the same program on different machines - one as a server and the other as a client.
Maybe what I am looking for is a way to get access to the filesystem of another local machine without socket to socket connection.
Thanks in advance.
Windows Explorer is not an application that foreign programs can "connect" to. You need to connect to something that will actually be listening for connections. The most direct way would probably be to set up a network share on the server and then use WNetAddConnection2 to connect to that share on the client.
