Magento Product Attribute - Multiple Fields - magento

We are making a new website with Magento and in that case I needed to create an attribute set which should contain multiple text fields. Problem is, when creating the attribute, I'm only allowed to insert 1 text field?
For us, in this situation, it would be perfect to have a button like 'Add text field' and it would add another row to echo out on our frontend.
The content of those text fields varies from product to product.
I've been searching, but can't seem to find anything.
Someone have an idea of what I should be searching for or start doing?


How to change Magento product default attribute label

I have a task here to add extra information in the existing attributes' label as screenshot displays.
The attributes I am going to modify are Name, Status, Visibility, Price and Special Price. So first of all, I would like to know if this is doable?
If yes, I would like to know a bit more about how to do it. I tried to search on Google and SO but can't find anything related.
I've done some extensions and some of them are adding custom attributes to product using install script. But I have no idea how to just add extra html to existing attributes' label.
Go to Catalog > Manage Attributes > Select the Attribute , you can edit exisitng Attribute label as below image

Magento: How Search Box Results Are Generated

I am a newbie in Magento and I have a question regarding the way the search box works.
If I understand correctly, the searchbox uses the catalogsearch_query table which is populated with the search terms the customers have entered in the input box. As a result these make up suggested results when someone types in a word.
The thing is, some of the customers may have entered something completely irrelevant to the store products (store that sells shirt dresses) e.g. black car with white stripes and it will show up as a result if the next customer types in the word 'black'.
Is there a way I can avoid something like that by manually modifying the code? If yes, what files would I have to change to achieve the required result?
Thank you for your time and your help!
What you can do is go to catalog in the admin and go to the catalog search tab, you can change the "search type" from "like" to "full text" and it will search exact string, however for this to be accurate attributes and titles have to be setup appropriately to your type of product. I wish I had a direct answer but messing around changing the settings of attributes being searchable and changing the configuration of the search method are good areas to start.

How to add attribute default value to pre existing products?

How to add attribute default value to pre existing products?
I created a Global Text area attribute and i added a default value into the text field. The problem that im running into is that the default value that i added is not showing up in the products that i created before i created this attribute.
The text field shows up in the previously created listings, but the default information is not showing up..
YES, this attribute has been added into a attribute set.
I have cleared all the cache
Unique Value No
Values Required yes
Input Validation for Store Owner none
Apply To all products
Use in Quick Search no
Use in Advanced Search no
Comparable on Front-end no
Use In Layered Navigation no
Use In Search Results Layered Navigation no
Use for Promo Rule Conditions no
Position 0
Enable WYSIWYG yes
Visible on Product View Page on Front-end yes
Used in Product Listing no
Used for Sorting in Product Listing no
Any suggestions?
Like i said at the beginning, i have already added the attribute set. Anyways, i found a solution to the problem..
Inside manage products, there is a action called “Update Attributes”. Select all the products that you want to update and then select Update Attributes and add all the new information in.

Joomla!: how to add custom field to category?

I want to create a pictured menu of articles categories, but I can't figure out how to add image field to categories.
What I need is:
custom file field for category
ability to handle (change size, add some text, etc...)
easily get in view to display
remove it with category
Any ideas how to do that?
There's an image field already available in standard the category edit form. Look in the options slider.

Magento - Text Input on Grouped Product

I am trying to create a grouped product in Magento where the customer must choose the product and fill out a text field before adding the item to the cart. I know I can do this by simply creating one product and adding custom options, but the problem with that is that I need to be able to control the stock of each product configuration. I read that I can just use the custom options field for every individual item in the grouped product and as long as it isn't a required field it will work, but that does not work for me. Anyone have any ideas?
Thanks in advance!
I have been searching for this also, and the quickest solution appears to be this 3rd party module:
the module author provides background on how they did it here:
