Magento: How Search Box Results Are Generated - magento

I am a newbie in Magento and I have a question regarding the way the search box works.
If I understand correctly, the searchbox uses the catalogsearch_query table which is populated with the search terms the customers have entered in the input box. As a result these make up suggested results when someone types in a word.
The thing is, some of the customers may have entered something completely irrelevant to the store products (store that sells shirt dresses) e.g. black car with white stripes and it will show up as a result if the next customer types in the word 'black'.
Is there a way I can avoid something like that by manually modifying the code? If yes, what files would I have to change to achieve the required result?
Thank you for your time and your help!

What you can do is go to catalog in the admin and go to the catalog search tab, you can change the "search type" from "like" to "full text" and it will search exact string, however for this to be accurate attributes and titles have to be setup appropriately to your type of product. I wish I had a direct answer but messing around changing the settings of attributes being searchable and changing the configuration of the search method are good areas to start.


Magento Product Attribute - Multiple Fields

We are making a new website with Magento and in that case I needed to create an attribute set which should contain multiple text fields. Problem is, when creating the attribute, I'm only allowed to insert 1 text field?
For us, in this situation, it would be perfect to have a button like 'Add text field' and it would add another row to echo out on our frontend.
The content of those text fields varies from product to product.
I've been searching, but can't seem to find anything.
Someone have an idea of what I should be searching for or start doing?

Translate Magento Shop Categories

I want to translate categories in magento but I didn't found any way but only to add products multiple times and set different store view but that is really very time consuming if I have lots of categories and lots of site views.
Any short way to translate categories?
Yeah, that one is one of these things that can be done without extensions but are not intuitive. I had to check a video from youtube to get to the solution, which is:
Go to Catalog->Manage categories.
Select the category you want to translate. I am assuming that this category applies to the whole store, all store views included.
Then at the top left box select the store view that you want to display the category in a different language, i.e. "English".
Now the general information tab of the category shows checkboxes with the option "Use default value". Uncheck the checkbox for the field "Name" and change the name for the translated text.
Save category.
In case you find difficult to follow my instructions check this video:

Magento custome option product in search result

I am uploading an product and product has different size available, Now if customer- who want to buy this, they have to select size then after they can buy. How to do this. I knew custom option is available in magento. But i want to allow customer to search product by size also, so what should i do to perform this type of things?. please help
You shouldn't use custom options for different sizes. This is why you have configurable products.
You make a configurable product and then link it to simple products which represent its sizes.
Then for the simple product you select visibility: search (to show it on search).
Custom product options are NOT used in search and there is nothing you can do to use them in search (apart from building a very complex module).
Another solution would be to put the values from the custom options inside an attribute which has Use in Advanced Search and Use in Quick Search to yes.
First of all for using the type you can use any(both configurable or custom options) but should know which is more suitable.If you have large variety of options than Configurable product is a good option but if there is less variety than you can also use custom option as your wish.
Now another part of the question you want to make it searchable according to size right? In your sense searching means filtering in layered navigation or what? For both searching or filtering doesnot have relation on the product type. If you want filtering of the product according to size than you have to create an attribute size.This could help.
Hope this will help.

Magento: Different sizes and colors under one simple product?

I’m setting up an online clothing store and have come across a huge problem:
When I make at product (a t-shirt for example), I want to be able to add the available sizes and colors, without having to create a product for every single option.
When I add a color or size, I need to be able to enter a SKU for each product, so I can tell which option the customer chose in the store. First I tried making 2 sets of attributes: “Color” and “Size”, so I could multi-select when adding a product. But the attributes didn’t show up as options in the store, as I had hoped.
I did a lot of searching, and found that some people used the “Costom Option” tab, to make fields for the available sizes, colors etc. - but I don’t want add those options every time I add a product. The multi-select feature I accomplished with the attributes, would have been perfect.
Also I found that someone was forced to pay for an extension to accomplish this - but as I am running on a very tight budget, so I really don’t want to pay anything to achieve this.
You can achieve this programmatically, observing the product save and generate all simple products of a configurable product. Unfortunately, you will have to manage stock for those items separately.
You can do this by creating a configurable products. For more information on how to create configurable products please refer to You can refer to for an example.

Magento Custom Field Defines Product

I am running a Magento store where someone can buy a personalized item with their name on it. Under the product, you see "Name:" with an input box where they can fill out their name. They click "Add to Cart", it ads it, I fill the order and everyone's happy.
But, in order to purchase another product with a different name, they have to go from the cart back to the product. Its a mess.
I'd like there to be a button under the "Name" field that says "Add Another". Upon click, it pulls down another field for "Name:". Now we see two name fields, I add "John" and "Joe" in the first and second fields, then click "Add to Cart".
In my cart, I now see two products added. One with Johns Name, and one with Joes.
Any and all help is greatly appreciated. I'm a Wordpress guy trying to figure out Magento!
This is not really a simple addition, but basically you'll need to modify app/code/core/Checkout/controllers/CartController.php to call addProduct for each of the items in the form. This isn't really a trivial change, as you'll have to rip apart that method to make it load the products in sequence.
Another approach would be to use an event (such as checkout_cart_product_add_after) to keep track of when an item is added and see if extra parameters were passed, adding more items as necessary.
Alternatively, you may be able to use related products to accomplish this (since they are added to the cart as well). I haven't looked at how to approach that one, but it may be worth a look.
Hope that helps!
