How to change Magento product default attribute label - magento

I have a task here to add extra information in the existing attributes' label as screenshot displays.
The attributes I am going to modify are Name, Status, Visibility, Price and Special Price. So first of all, I would like to know if this is doable?
If yes, I would like to know a bit more about how to do it. I tried to search on Google and SO but can't find anything related.
I've done some extensions and some of them are adding custom attributes to product using install script. But I have no idea how to just add extra html to existing attributes' label.

Go to Catalog > Manage Attributes > Select the Attribute , you can edit exisitng Attribute label as below image


How to show custom attributes in desciption tab

I have two tabs in product details page 1.description 2. additional information.
I want to remove additional information tab and move its attributes to description tab.
I am using magento 1.8.
By default the the Additional information tab it's because of the attributes configuration (show on products page must be marked as no if you don't want they to appear).
As for changing the tab is more complicated because it depends on you theme, if you have a public url we might be able to help with the rest.
You need to manage your attributes,
Go to catalog->attribute->manage Attribute Sets
Then you will get the all attribute sets grid,
Where choose your attributes set which contains the additional information attributes,
then you will get the edit attribute set window. where you can manage your attribute sets, By drag and drop option
Hope This works.

Allow to add configurable product without selecting attribute

I have set up a few config products with the options to change the colour. At the moment I have a table which shows all the options so you can add more than one option at once but It is also showing colour swatchs which are shown by the attribute.
The problem is that if a colour swatch is not clicked then you can't add to cart, so I need some way of making Magento allow users to add to cart without selecting the attribute.
I have changed the attribute colour to Values Required: No but this hasn't fixed the issue?
If you are trying to pre-select an attribute option as #slayer-birden suggested, there is an extension which allow us to select a default option when we configure the associated products - set preconfigured values on product edit page
I didn't personaly tried it yet, but looks like it will do the trick.

product customization with extra price in magento

I am using Magento for my online store. Now i need to add a extra feature, throught which, customer can choose a custom text that needs to be engraved on the product. This feature must be available for only few products, so i have added a yes/no dropdown custom attribute in the "manage product" section. If yes is chosen for a product, i need to show a text box in that product details page in the store frontend.
The customer can enter the custom text in the text box, which needs to be saved and shown in the order invoice. And a extra fixed charge needs to be added to the product price, when this feature is used by the customer.
Does any community module available for this feature in magento or Do i need to create a custom module to do this, if so please guide me in carrying this out.
Thanks in Advance.
This feature is already available.
Create a new product!
Open the Custom Options Tab
Add a custom option
Give your new option a title and select field as input type
Now the attributes for this new options get displayed
Add a fixed or percent price to it
Also you need a SKU for every new option so that the options are displayed in the order process (invoice etc)
So if a customer fill in this field the additional price is added automatically.
I hope this helps further.
No need to add a yes/no box, just add an text field option to those specific products. Did i miss something obvious here?

Magento - Text Input on Grouped Product

I am trying to create a grouped product in Magento where the customer must choose the product and fill out a text field before adding the item to the cart. I know I can do this by simply creating one product and adding custom options, but the problem with that is that I need to be able to control the stock of each product configuration. I read that I can just use the custom options field for every individual item in the grouped product and as long as it isn't a required field it will work, but that does not work for me. Anyone have any ideas?
Thanks in advance!
I have been searching for this also, and the quickest solution appears to be this 3rd party module:
the module author provides background on how they did it here:

add attribute in product information -> Inventory tab

Hey, I just realise how easy is to add attributes to the form products in ADMIN, and its working perfectly.
So similarly to setting attributes for General, Prices, Meta Information, Images, Recurring Profiles, Design and More Information, how can I add an attribute to Inventory form?
Thanks in advance for any help.
Unfortunately, the Inventory form is not dynamic like others, and you can't just add an attribute to this form.
If you are good with Magento programming, than you can play with it's block:
and with it's template:
For me (in Magento v creating attributes the usual way (Catalog>Attributes>Manage Attributes) didn’t work in this case, as the value for that attribute didn’t get saved. In order to be able to save it I had to create this attribute in database table ”cataloginventory_stock_item”.
Only then the value is saved for each product.
